mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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June 11, 2013

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When I decided to start the process of applying for MBA programs, I knew that I wanted to work with an admissions consultant that would encourage me, push me and be honest with me every step of the way. I have a “non-traditional” background, and so I also knew that I needed to put my strongest foot forward in my essays; I had to communicate my story convincingly and passionately, in a way that would make it hard for the Adcom to ding me. I spent a long time evaluating different admissions consulting services. There are so many consulting services out there, but as soon as I spoke with Angela Guido at mbaMission, I knew I’d found what I was looking for.

From the start, Angela struck the balance between providing an honest assessment of my chances at my target schools and enthusiastically motivating me to stretch for my dreams. Together, we carefully assessed which schools that would be the best fit. Then the real work started! Angela was awesome to work with during the initial brainstorming…she quickly got to the root of my best stories and experiences and together we decided on the most effective approach to highlight my best strengths in each essay.

When I finished drafting my first “failure” essay for one of my target schools and got feedback from Angela, I quickly realized that she would be a major asset throughout the process. She immediately could sense that I was holding something back in my essay…that I perhaps hadn’t fully owned up to my failure. It came as a surprise to me that working with Angela to perfect my failure essay actually made me realize there were aspects of the story that I hadn’t even faced up to after all this time!

Angela is without question a perfectionist, and she pushed me to be simultaneously economical with my words, and eloquent with my ideas. We went through so many drafts of my essays that I was practically dreaming the words in my sleep! But that’s what it takes to get into a top school today…its intensely competitive and working with Angela gave me the edge I needed to tell my story convincingly and passionately.

She worked me hard, and never settled for an average essay! There were so many times where I felt like I’d never get my ideas right, but she stayed positive and enthusiastic, especially in those moments! At the end of the process when I hit the submit button, I had no doubt that I’d been honest with myself and the adcom, and had done the very best possible job.

If you are thinking about starting the process for applying for an MBA at a top school, I strongly recommend mbaMission, and specifically Angela. In my personal opinion, the competition for spots at top MBA programs has become incredibly fierce, and the talent pool is global, and it was awesome having someone in my corner throughout the process. I have no doubt that working with Angela and having her challenge my ideas, push me in my writing, bringing the best out of each paragraph, sentence and word is what got me in the door with my target schools. I recently got the news that I have been accepted at Chicago Booth, and I know that Angela was a huge part of helping me find success in this very challenging process!

Thanks for everything Angela!

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June 01, 2013

Joined: Jun 01, 2013

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The school package Katharine provided offered everything I needed from start to finish for my business school applications. The brainstorming session she held with me extracted my best qualities and experiences valued by business schools. She guided me through the processes and made sure my essays and short answer questions are free of any arrogant and application-killing words. However late and wherever she was, she would respond to my questions right away. And her answers are always helpful, insightful and to the point. She also made sure I am fully prepared for every stage of my interview.

Katharine is the one who goes the extra miles to help me. She would check in all the time to make sure I was on the right track and perform mock interviews with me however many times until I was ready. She is not only a superb consultant, editor and guide, but also a caring friend, career mentor and life counselor.

I highly recommend her!

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May 31, 2013

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I worked with Katharine Lewis of mbamission to apply to business school.

Services used: hour overall consultation (complementary through manhattan gmat) & hourly package (3 hours)

Overall Consultation: KLewis listened assertively to my story and was able to provide incredible advice on short term and long term ways I could improve my candidacy for business school. She provided insightful strategic advice for my overall plan, as well as tangible tactical things I could implement into my day to day.

Examples of the tactical advice: community service organizations I could join that aligned with my interests, advice on my professional direction (staying in my current career path/what sort of role I would move jobs for etc), and courses I could take at continuing study programs to complement/plug in weaknesses in my application.

Hourly Package:
- KLewis provided all the initial DIY materials that could allow me to hone in on exactly what to work on with her in our hourly sessions so that I could gain the most out of them. I opted for focused help on: resume and essay.

- Generally, her communication and responsiveness throughout the process was fantastic. I was consistently able to rely on her to respond to my questions throughout the process as well as trouble shoot queries and provide insightful helpful advice throughout. In addition, she researched the school and provided helpful advice on what they were looking for in a candidate.

- Essay, she provided incredible hands on advice on how to shape the essay so it aligned with my message as well as key edits to make it concise. Her understanding of my goals and what the bschool was looking for in a candidate made her advice incredibly valuable.

- Resume, This was where KLewis made the most impact for me. She was able to provide guidance that improved my resume substantially, making it have a clear tight message (getting it down to 1 page and culling any erroneous information) as well as changing the tone of the language to be focused much more on meaningful outcomes in my career as opposed to a task list as well as removing redundancy in messaging btw community svc to career to education entirely.

KLewis is a fantastic advisor.

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May 29, 2013

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I first met mbaMission and Angela Guido through a free thirty-minute consultation referral from Kaplan. I was skeptical of using a consultant for two reasons – I was unsure how helpful a consultant could actually be and hiring a consultant is expensive. Well, after the first thirty minutes Angela had revamped my entire resume, helped articulate my goals, and revised my list of target schools to include much tougher programs, all during the free consultation. In the end, I was accepted to both of the Top-10 programs that I applied to. It was the best money I’ve ever spent for all of the reasons below.

• To me, there was nothing particularly impressive about my background when I began the application process. I assumed I had mediocre “paper stats” including a 3.2 GPA from a relatively unknown undergrad business school and a 700 GMAT score. I also had six years of experience in a field that wasn’t particularly sexy to an adcom. Brainstorming with Angela helped me realize that I have an extremely unique set of experiences that make me a much more competitive applicant than I originally thought.

• Angela helped me utilize my personal and professional experiences in my application. Without Angela’s assistance, I would have completely overlooked my leadership experience with several volunteer organizations and personal experiences that helped mold my passions. Brainstorming with her allowed me to uncover valuable stories outside of just my professional experience.

• While some consultants may push applicants to apply to safer programs to boost their acceptance stats, Angela did just the opposite. I thought I had a very small chance of getting into a Top-10 program. I was going to apply to Kellogg as my stretch school with other target schools in the 10-25 ranking. She encouraged me to apply to Booth and Kellogg in R1 and to save the other schools for R2 if I need them. As a Chicago native, getting into local schools would be that much more challenging.

• No one in my personal network has gone to business school. My personal resources were limited when it came to application knowledge and advice. It was emotionally rewarding to have someone to call and ask all of the minor questions and encourage me throughout the process. Angela was incredibly vested in my process and application. She genuinely wanted to see me succeed. She was my first phone call when I got invited to interview and when I was accepted.

• Angela has mastered the art of storytelling. Applying to MBA programs is a unique process in which you have to show the adcom all of your impressive accomplishments without sounding like a braggart. This is incredibly challenging and quite easy to get wrong. Angela helped mold my story using my own voice. Some schools have cut back on word counts to where you now only have one main essay with others less than 200 words or even a PowerPoint presentation. It’s quite hard to communicate an entire story in less than 200 words.

• Each of my essays went through at least five drafts before being complete. One essay in particular went through about seven drafts and neither Angela nor I loved it because it was a bit dry and lacked my personality. We eventually scrapped it and started over from scratch using a completely different story. It turned out to be my favorite essay. It’s important to note that consultants do not do any of the work for you. They ask insightful questions to pull stories from your own experiences and edit the essay as many times as it needs, but it’s still your own stories and work in the application.

• Even after several drafts of each of the essays, Angela helped me to review the entire application as a whole to ensure a solid theme was communicated. After applying to several programs, it’s easy to overlook something that needs to be included with each application.

• It was also incredibly useful to have someone keep me on schedule to submit multiple applications in Round 1. Angela responded well before the allotted timeframe and helped to lay out an efficient timeline including all areas of the applications.

• Angela also helped me to formulate my long-term goals. When I began the application process, I knew that I wanted to do management consulting immediately after graduation, but I couldn’t articulate why or what I wanted to do afterwards. Based on my experience and interests, she helped me discover a realistic career path that has now become my elevator pitch for b-school. She gave me the confidence that my long-term dream is not only attainable, but I am already on a successful path to achieve it.

• Thanks to Angela, next fall I will be attending my dream school, Booth, which I wouldn’t have even applied to without her help or encouragement.

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May 28, 2013

Posts: 11

Kudos: 9

I strongly recommend Katy Lewis at mbaMission. From big picture brainstorming down to nitty gritty essay edits, Katy was always prompt and helpful in our interactions. I bought the 1-school package and only applied to two schools in their 2nd rounds. Though she didn't have direct experience with either of the two schools I applied to, her experience with a top ad com helped tremendously in creating an effective application.

I decided on working with Katy directly after my free consulting session with mbaMission because she made me feel like I had a workable story. In another session with another agency, the consultant oversold the service and didn't shy away from being slightly condescending in an effort to show how she could be useful.

I appreciated that Katy was candid in her feedback about which ideas or experiences I should use in my application. This is probably because she has plenty of experience reading applications and we had a mutual interest in creating a successful application. I liked the brainstorming process at the beginning because a) I got my experiences and goals on paper b) it gave Katy a solid perspective on how I view myself and the foundation of my story and c) we constantly referenced my brainstorming document when answering essay questions. I think she is in high demand because of her credentials, but I took the liberty of asking any questions I had about the application process when I had them. She was very responsive even in the thick of application season in the fall.

I've already referred my girlfriend who is currently a client. mbaMission is cheaper than many of its competitors in a market where they can mercilessly price gouge. Don't take my word for it. Scan Jeremy Shinewald's book to get an idea of how systematic their approach is.

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May 24, 2013

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Angela is inarguably the best. I had talked to 7 different consultants before making the decision, and only Angela pointed out the concerns that I had - since I've been working in various industries for 5 years and already got a graduate degree, my biggest challenge is to select the best materials for my application. Plus going to business school is an ad hoc decision, so we did four applications in less than a month. Were it not for her, I wouldn't have been able to do it at all, not to mention in a timely and effectively fashion.

Angela is very good at spotting your strengths and weaknesses during the brainstorming. A few times I even had this feeling that she has known me for a long time and to some extent, she knows me better than I know myself - at least she gave me some awesome essays ideas that never came to me. She is also very good at pushing you to think hard until you figure out something that both of you are happy with. Trust me that she has high standards and will never let it pass unless she truly feels comfortable with the products. For one essay, after writing two different versions of 12 drafts, I decided to give in, but she told me that I could do better. Brainstorming that essay was a rewarding experience. Eventually, by putting my whole life in it, I managed to finalize the 17th draft. Due to the time pressure, Angela dropped almost everything to help me edit that essay until everything is in place for submission. Even though I didn't end up going to that school, working with Angela on that essay has been my favorite application experience - it helps me obtain a better knowledge about myself.

Angela has also been helpful in many other ways. After the application, I emailed her a couple of times for advice on books, b-school life, etc, she is super responsible and resourceful. She even put me in touch with another client in HK, since both of us would be going to the same school. Guess what, we quickly bonded and decided to be roomies!

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May 22, 2013

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I am convinced that without Angela, I would not have seen even close to the same level of success in the business school application process.

I had a 3.6 GPA from a Top 15 undergrad institution, and a 690 on the GMAT. I applied to business school along with my fiance. We applied to 7 schools together: HBS, Stanford, Haas, Sloan, Tuck, Kellogg, and Booth. I also applied to Ross, but he didn't. I ended up getting into Tuck (both admitted), Booth (both), Kellogg (both), Ross and waitlisted at Sloan (both). After a long deliberation, we ended up selecting Kellogg.

Angela's guidance was amazing. She structured a process that forced me to be very disciplined and efficient in my work, but still confident and proud of the applications that I submitted. Furthermore, I felt like my essays were authentic representations of who I am; they felt very much mine. Angela helped me to achieve this by probing my thinking and helping me down what ultimately became an emotional journey. The best of example of this was my Stanford essay. While I did not get into Stanford, the process of writing the, "what matters most to you and why" essay helped me to process important people and events in my life in a way that made all of the subsequent essays that I wrote so much better. I guess you could say that there were my before Stanford essays and my post Stanford essays. My first few drafts felt disconnected and were a strange mix of intensity and saccharin. Angela suggested that I talk with friends and family and ask them what they think matters most to me and why. This resulted in a tearful conversation with my sister that gave me the "aha" moment that made my Stanford essay one of the most important things I have written in my lifetime.

In short, I felt Angela not only invested in my application process but also that she was invested in me as a person. I trusted her completely as a thought-partner -- she managed to be objective and straightforward in her feedback, while also offering insights that I would not have identified on my own.

I still feel that I have not done Angela justice for how amazing she is. I will always be thankful for her guidance, not only because of the business school that I will be attending, but also because of the growth I experienced while working with her. Suffice it to say that I would absolutely recommend Angela as an admissions consultant!

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May 22, 2013

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When I made the decision to apply to business school, I knew I was not the ideal candidate. I had only two years of work experience and my GMAT quant score was not high enough for top MBA programs. To offset the weaknesses in my application I decided to use an MBA consultant. After three fit calls with various consultants at mbaMission, I chose to work with Monica. Monica is smart, passionate, and motivating. Most importantly, she brought out my best characteristics in my essays, short answers, and resume.

Monica first aided me in selecting my target business schools. We then worked on brainstorming essay topics. While I fleshed out my essays, she helped me develop my “story”. After going through 15-20 revisions on each essay, my essays were unique and truly showed who I was as a person. Monica helped me with my tone, eloquence, and bringing individuality to essays that have been answered by thousands of other applicants.

Because I purchased a three-school package, Monica worked with me on every step of the admissions process. Another part of the package I found particularly critical was the interview coaching. I was offered an interview at every school I applied to except HBS. I was nervous about the interviews, but Monica went over commonly asked questions with me. We molded answers together, and she encouraged me to research the programs extensively. As a result, I was admitted to every school I interviewed at.

I would recommend mbaMission and Monica to every person applying to MBA programs. Monica made me really think about what I wanted to tell admissions committees and how to tell my story effectively. Applying to business school was no longer a scary process- in fact, I can honestly say I had fun drafting essays and talking on the phone with Monica. mbaMission has greatly exceeded my expectations, and I will be attending my top-choice MBA program in the fall with a half scholarship.

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May 15, 2013

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I first came to mbaMission after applying to, and getting dinged from, 3 top 15 schools in 2011/2012. After surveying the damage and doing a lot of soul searching, I decided really late in 2012/2013 application season to give it another try and aim a little lower on schools, but to get some help this time.

I shopped around and spoke to a few consulting services and was impressed with the free consultation with Jeremy. He asked a lot of questions about my particular situation/story, and genuinely answered all of my questions. Most importantly, he didn't just speak about his experience applying to Harvard, or his time working as an adcom like a few other consultants I spoke with.

So I decided to test mbaMission using their ding review to see if I would like to use their services on full school packages. I was assigned to Susan Kaplan after speaking with Jeremy about what I wanted in a consultant (honest, constructive, but tough feedback on my story and chances of getting into different schools). Susan definitely ticked all of the boxes! After spending an hour or so on the phone with her going over my application to Ross, she picked apart most of my application (which is what I wanted) and got me thinking a lot more critically about how uniform my story sounded to the adcom.

So I decided to work with Susan on 2 new schools I had targeted. Long story short, the brainstorming process, outlining, drafting, and pulling together all of the other little things that make up an application, was a lot easier and less painful with Susan. I actually learned a great deal about myself and my goals by going through the process.

The most important thing I got out of the whole experience was understanding how my story sounded to an outsider who didn't know me at all - or in other adcom. Working with Susan made me understand exactly where my weaknesses were and how to address them properly. It also helped me understand my strengths, how to talk about them through simple but effective stories, and how to demonstrate how my strengths added value to the particular school I was applying to.

I was very happy with the services mbaMission offered and I would recommend them to a friend or anyone who needs guidance navigating the very vague waters of MBA admissions.

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May 13, 2013

Joined: Apr 07, 2012

Posts: 10

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Self-reported Score:
690 Q50 V31

When I first started my graduate applications, I was so aimless, and panicked that I won't pull off those essays. I referred to mbaMission complete guide to start off, and consulted Mrs. Monica Okrah, who helped me to find my strengths and highlights of my application. We brainstormed together and Monica was extremely knowledgeable in inspiring me about my career goals. Subsequently, she offered insights to streamline the essays and finally polished the style and language to make my essays flow. At the end, I received the multiple offers from Syracuse, University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins. I would recommend mbaMission to everyone I know, you just can't go wrong with them.

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