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Owen Vanderbilt Full Time MBA
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Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 13, 2023
Sep 17, 2024 12:09
"It’s basic *Go through resume and background *Why mba *Why Vanderbilt *St goals *Lt goals *How you contribute to Vanderbilt and society *Which schools applied"
Goizueta Full Time MBA
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Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 28, 2024
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Sep 17, 2024 12:09
"Hi folks, I had my interview with Diana Fleming last night. She was really nice and the whole interview felt very conversational. She'd occasionally interrupt, in a good way, to add her comments or ask questions as you go through your resume/background. Some major takeaways: - She intently followed the 30-minute time limit; the last 5 minutes left for questions - The standard questions I got: Tell me about yourself/walk me through your resume, why MBA now, why Goizueta.) - At least half of my questions/time was spent on follow-up questions based on my background, which I think happens very often in Goizueta's interviews. So I'd suggest future interviewees be prepared for that. (Questions like, tell me a little more about this particular experience, what you've learned in this experience, etc.) I got caught off guard a bit when she asked me those "unexpected" follow-up questions, but I think I did ok overall. Hope for the best!"
Goizueta Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 24, 2024
Sep 17, 2024 11:09
"Interviewed w Emma Tillman. She’s super chill and the interview was conversational. Time - 40 mins 1. Take 3 mins and tell me about your background 2. Why mba/STLT goals 3. Why Goizueta ? 4. How many direct reports do you have ? How do u manage them? 5. TMAT you worked in a team (not as a leader) 6. On a free weekend what will you do? Extended convo on some books I mentioned. 7. What does your Typical workday look like 8. Talk about 1 Extra curricular work 9. Questions for adcom"
Goizueta Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 22, 2024
Sep 17, 2024 11:09
"Start of Interview: - They stated at the start all they have is my resume and nothing else. - Told me it will be straight forward with no tricks. - They'll be pausing to take notes. - Decision will be released on decision date. Questions asked in order (From what I remeber) 1. Walk me through your resume, current roles and responsibilities (Most recent 1-2 jobs). I jumped around a bit and touched upon 4-5 since they had some overlapping skills I wanted to talk/bring up. 2. Why an MBA - Talked about why a one-year MBA was my choice and what I'll get out of the MBA 3. Short and Long term career goals - I discussed both as well as highlighting my target industries 4. What is a strength you bring to your team/classmates 5. What is a weakness of yours that you will bring to your team/classmates 6. Tell me about your undergrade or education? 7. What clubs are you interested in or would like to join? 8. What are your hobbies outside of work? 9. Do you have any questions for me/Ad-Com?"
Goizueta Full Time MBA
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Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 1, 2024
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United States
Sep 17, 2024 11:09
"­I interviewed with Diana a few weeks ago. The interview was very conversational and fairly straightforward. She started off by talking about her background, her role at Emory, and then we jumped right into the "Tell me about yourself" questions. I spoke about my background and why I want an MBA now, why Goizueta, short/long-term goals, and then she asked me some curveball questions about my experience. I think I had a really great response to them even though I hadn't prepared for them, but the curveball questions were: 1) Can you name a company you really admire how they operate 2) If you were brought on as a strategy consultant for the military (prior military and consulting background), what would be the first thing you'd change? After that I had about 5 minutes to ask her some questions. Hope that helps and best of luck!­"
Goizueta Full Time MBA
Status: On Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 1, 2024
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United States
Sep 17, 2024 11:09
"I interviewed with Kate yesterday and I would say it was the hardest of all. Be very well versed in your CV she asked be details about 2 specific lines about one of my roles. She asks short questions. My usual question range in other interviews was around 7-8 but yesterday I am sure she asked more than 15 small questions. even questions like why mba and why goizeutta were asked in a short way and I was supposed to answer in a 1 min or so . She seems nice but is firm she will cut you off if you speak too long. Definitely an old school type of interview. I enjoyed it."
Goizueta Full Time MBA
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Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 26, 2024
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Viet Nam
Sep 17, 2024 11:09
"I was just interviewed with Kate. She was generally nice and encouraged me to talk about my experience. The interview was precisely 30 minutes, was in-depth, but not pushy. I generally enjoyed it. The questions are: 1/ Why & how I moved in ever job 2/ LT-ST goals 3/ Why Emory 4/ How these people would describe you: Your direct reports? Your managers? Your family? 5/ Your leadership style 6/ What was the thing you most regretted about your career Good luck to all of you with the interviews! Now I’m moving to the next phase of constant worries & panicks"
Goizueta Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 17, 2024
Sep 17, 2024 11:09
"Interview was quite conversational, with general question. Mine focussed more on the ’Why’ around things rather than talking through experiences. 1. Walk me through why how you received various roles in your resume, and why you chose those roles 2. Time you had to face a challenge, and why it was difficult for you 3. Why did you pick your extra curriculars, what did you learn from them 4. 3 biggest strengths and why you are proud of them 5. What do you bring to the class 6. What is your proudest accomplishments/why 7. Anything you want to add But I was asked to keep answers extremely short, and the interviewer had multiple follow up questions for each based on my answers - pretty basic stuff to understand more about your motivation/learning/experience and how you can use that in the future My Interviewer was Kate Piasecki if that helps"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 3, 2023
Sep 16, 2024 10:09
"Interview flow of patterns 1. They asked about my passion of tennis to begin with - Took this from my essay answers - So commenced with something to begin with. Very interesting start to know a candidate 2. Why did I study Business Administration in my undergrad - Why Loyola - How was the experience - Did you have any major in your undergrad 3. Did you always know you wanted to pursue the world of business ? Whats the source of trigger on this 4. Why MBA ? - While answering this , i also indicated why i wanted to study at UNC 5. Explain what makes you a good leader - How would you deliver negative feedback to your team ? 6. Walk me through your professional career till date In the middle candidly spoke about my career aspirations (ST and LT) - So the question of whats my ST and LT was covered automatically. These were the questions - Very engaging interview"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Oct 31, 2023
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Sep 16, 2024 08:09
"Hello everyone, Done with my interview. Was a UNC undergrad alum. Pretty conversational. Questions were as follows: Why did you choose your university? Why an MBA now? Why UNC? What are your long- and short-term goals? TMAT when you had to face a challenging situation as a leader in your team? What questions do you have for me?"
Marshall (USC) Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 24, 2022
Sep 16, 2024 03:09
"1. Indicators for selecting a B-School. 2. Tell me about yourself. 3. How do you approach a problem. 4. What inspires you. 5. What motivates you. 6. What is the definition of success as per you. 7. How USC can help achieve you those goals. 8. Long term plan. 9. Example of constructive feedback I’ve received"
Marshall (USC) Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 18, 2022
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United States
Sep 16, 2024 03:09
"I had my interview with Nick Lopez, pretty chill guy. He asked same questions from the debrief 1. How did you find the USC program, indicators for selecting a B-School. 2. Tell me about yourself. 3. How do you approach a problem. 4. What inspires you. 5. What motivates you. 6. What is the definition of success as per you. 7. Why MBA and how USC can help achieve you those goals. 8. Short term plan and long term plan. 9. TMAT when you had a conflict in the team and how did you go on about solving that. 10. Difficult decision that you made and how."
Marshall (USC) Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 16, 2022
Sep 16, 2024 03:09
"1. Talk me through your resume. 2. Tell me more about your experience in your career -> What is your favorite/least favorite part about your job? 3. What is an achievement you are most proud of? 4. Why MBA? 5. Why USC? 6. Do you have any questions for me?"
Marshall (USC) Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 11, 2022
Sep 16, 2024 03:09
"Marshall Interview Exp Laura from Adcom What I felt was I could have done better....though i answered all questions to the best of my ability at the moment Questions asked are as below - 1)Walk Me through Resume 2)Follow u questions on the parts related to my journey 3)What was the project that was related to diversity and how i achieved wht i had said. 3)she asked me about my international exp in CV(she has the cv , not the entire app- i believe, pls do not quote me) 4) Why MBA and Why now 5)Follow up questions- st and lt goals 6)some more examples of my leadership and team leading exp 7)how would i describe myself 8)how would others describe me 9)What is my leadership style 10)Any questions for me ? Yes forgot to mention Why Marshall?? Overall a decent exp not the best though. She (laura) i believe has a set of questions and she is asking them to all ... Internet connection failure in between the interview, so make sure everything is good at your end(though the issue was from her side) All n all a decent avg exp..not bad not great either Cheers ...all the best"
Marshall (USC) Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 9, 2022
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Sep 16, 2024 03:09
"Walk me through your resume? Goals? What is it that compels you to do an MBA at this stage? Why Marshall program? What do you expect from the Marshall program? Describe a leadership experience where you faced difficulties? Challenging project/situation and how you deal with it? What did you learn? Your experiences with disparity of opinions in cultural diversity? What will you bring to the Marshall community? Any questions you wish to ask?"
Marshall (USC) Full Time MBA
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Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 25, 2023
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Sep 16, 2024 02:09
"Mine went really quick and more like a chitchat with adcom. Please note that It is a blind interview, which means the interviewer will have no information about you prior the interview. Here are the questions that I got 1. Your introduction 2. Why MBA? 3. Why Marshall? 4. Strengths and weaknesses 5. Story about accomplishment 6. Question to ask back the interviewer They took around 3-4 weeks to return the result. Hope it helps, Good luck with your interview"
Marshall (USC) USC IBEAR (1 Year) MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 16, 2024
Sep 16, 2024 01:09
"The interviewer was Kim Grace. The interview was very conversational. Here are the questions - tell me about yourself - why IBEAR - leadership style - short term and long term goal - some questions about my projects from the resume"
Marshall (USC) USC IBEAR (1 Year) MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 7, 2024
Sep 16, 2024 01:09
"I appeared for the interview yesterday. Here are the questions: - What kind of a leader are you? - Tell me about yourself? - What other colleges have you applied for and why USC specifically? - What electives would you choose and why? - What's your long and short term goal? It was a more of a discussion than an interview. Make yourself comfortable and you'll sail through. Stay honest! Good Luck!"
Anderson Full Time MBA
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Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 2, 2023
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Sep 16, 2024 01:09
"Had my interview just now. Interviewer was quite friendly and questions were as some had shared. Lasted around 20 minutes. 1) Walk me through your resume 2) ST and LT goals + plan B 3) Why MBA? Why now? 4) Why are you a good fit for UCLA? 5) Experience working in a diverse team 6) How would you use your strengths to contribute to study groups? 7) How would you contribute to UCLA? Any extracurricular activity you’re interested in joining?"
Anderson Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 22, 2024
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Sep 16, 2024 12:09
"Just finished my interview. very chill and engaging conversation. exactly 30 mins. 1. tell me about yourself 2. why mba 3. why anderson 4. what clubs you wanna join 5. a time you were challenged at work 6. your strengths and weaknesses 7. questions for the interviewer (13 mins left)"