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18.2 years
Score: Plan to take the GMAT
GPA: 3.15
Pre-MBA industry: Telecommunications
Post-MBA industry: Tech
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4 hours ago
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4 hours ago
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2.9 years
Score: Plan to take the GMAT
Pre-MBA industry: Other
Post-MBA industry: Finance
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
6 hours ago
IIM (All Schools)
IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
6 hours ago
IIM Bangalore
6 hours ago
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3.1 years
Score: 735 GMAT Focus
GPA: 7.24
Pre-MBA industry: Retail Banking
Post-MBA industry: Tech
HEC Paris
September Intake
September Intake
Round 2
AppliedSep 16, 24
14 hours ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 11, 24
14 hours ago
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Full Time MBA
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AppliedSep 6, 24
14 hours ago
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AppliedSep 10, 24
14 hours ago
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1.5 years
Score: 800 GMAT Classic
GPA: 9.25
Pre-MBA industry: Retail
Post-MBA industry: Tech
HEC Paris
1 day ago
January Intake
January Intake
Round 1
1 day ago
Booth MiM
Booth MiM
1 day ago
MS in Product Management
MS in Product Management
1 day ago
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17 Sep 2024 12:09
Please review my profile:

I am Yash Kachhadiya, 23 years old, with a diploma in Textile Manufacturing Engineering, scoring 8.9, and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, specializing in AI and ML, with a score of 9.2. I have a GMAT score of 750 and an IELTS band score of 7. I have two years of experience running my own startup, which I left due to low profit margins. I am passionate about interacting with people, traveling, problem-solving, marketing, and building new things. I have a deep interest in startups and am considering pursuing a Master's in Management (MiM). My current goal is to work in the tech or consulting industry, and in the long term, I aim to become an entrepreneur after gaining a few years of experience. My ultimate ambition is to achieve financial success and entrepreneurial growth.
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16 Sep 2024, 20:16
Would you mind sharing your GMAT percentile per section?
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17 Sep 2024, 00:01
Hi Yash kachhadiya,

Vashi here from LilacBuds.

Your profile will be very helpful when applying to prestigious MiM programs because of your good academic and professional experience. Your great GPA of 9.25 suggests strong academic performance, and your GMAT score demonstrates that you did well in all sections.
Your goal of moving tech/ consulting is consistent with the career paths taken by many alumni from these programs, thus making a clear sense of what you intend to achieve. Write essays describing unique experiences and aspirations that allow adcoms to see how your background will be useful in consulting.
Showcase your extracurriculars to ensure that you are a strong candidate for all the B-schools in your list. The content of your essays will be critical and will help you crack the top admits.

We at LilacBuds would love to assist you and would therefore request more details about your profile. You can connect with our team for a detailed profile analysis at or drop a message on +91 84483 35484.

You can also mail your CV at for a detailed profile evaluation.

Hoping to hear from you.
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8 years
Viet Nam
Score: 655 GMAT Focus
Pre-MBA industry: Tech
Post-MBA industry: Tech
Judge Cambridge
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
Invited to interviewSep 16, 24
19 hours ago
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6 years
United States
Score: 735 GMAT Focus
GPA: 3.1
Pre-MBA industry: Tech
Post-MBA industry: Consulting
Ross (Michigan)
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 9, 24
1 day ago
16 Sep 2024 07:09
1 year in software consulting followed by 5 more years as a software engineer in a late-stage marketing startup. I was promoted to senior software engineer, then later given the role of team lead over 5-8 software engineers (senior software engineer is still my title). Hoping to start a business after graduation in tech or tech consulting, but would be open to typical tech/consulting positions if I liked the domain/culture/etc. I'm also applying exclusively to Ross in R1 and hope to stay in Southeast Michigan after graduation.

I have solid professional accomplishments, a good LOR from a University of Michigan alumni (not Ross affiliated), and high quality essays. Significant extra-curricular activities and accomplishments, but none involving direct leadership such as serving on boards, etc.
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16 Sep 2024, 17:11
Wow. You have a fantastic GMAT score for a domestic applicant. Your application looks solid. I am not sure if you covered your GPA in an optional essay - that could be something to touch on (my big value add here). However, even if you did not, your GMAT should cover that up and the concerns, but the usually recommended path is to give them a good excuse for the sub 3.3 GPA or 3.4 in Ross's case.

Applying exclusively to Ross is fine but there are trade offs you are making by not applying to other programs. There is value in applying to multiple programs. E.g. what if Broad gives you full ride? What if Fuqua does? or Kellogg admits you? Are those attractive potentially? I do think chances of you making through the process are good. I would not worry too much about the interview - that's not a deciding factor but if you are looking at Consulting as your target industry you want to come off polished in the interview and prep and practice.
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16 Sep 2024, 19:38
Thank you for the feedback!!

I wasn't sure if my GPA was low enough to justify mentioning it in the optional essay, but I decided to mention it anyway. Your feedback makes me glad that I mentioned it!

I go back and forth on whether or not to apply to other programs. I already live in Ann Arbor and really want to stay here, and I also liked the Ross program significantly more than other programs I've researched (even higher ranked programs feel less appealing to me). At the same time, it would be a tough choice between paying full/most tuition at Ross vs. full ride at Fuqua, etc. The rational part of my brain agrees with you and says I should try to apply to 2-3 more schools in R1, but the emotional side of my brain kind of wants to put all my eggs in Ross's basket. I think I'm leaning towards just Ross in R1 and then possibly applying to other programs in R2 if Ross doesn't work out, but I'm aware that's a very emotional action plan to take. It's a conundrum!

Thanks again!
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16 Sep 2024, 19:48
It does not hurt to mention it. They would see it anyway. It has impact on their average, so they would have to contend with that (it has an impact on the rankings).

Totally hear you about Ross. Hope you were able to communicate that to the AdCom as well in the essays. I mean I also applied to 1 school (I tell people it was a mistake though :lol:) but it worked out with 1 egg in 1 basket.

Another play/argument for multiple apps could be to get a scholarship match but Ross is not known for matching or negotiating scholarships unfortunately. With other programs If you get an admit with $$ at Fuqua, you could try to match or at least ask something but Ross is pretty tight after they release decisions and scholarships and usually have no spare funds to spread.

So, I think 1 application is fine though definitely unconventional.
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6.3 years
Score: 680 GMAT Classic
GPA: 3
Pre-MBA industry: Tech
Post-MBA industry: Tech
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 11, 24
Invited to interviewSep 14, 24
3 days ago
Full Time 1 Year MBA
Full Time 1 Year MBA
AppliedSep 11, 24
3 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedFeb 15, 24
DeniedFeb 27, 24
2 months ago
SDA Bocconi
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
AppliedMar 1, 24
InterviewedMar 15, 24
DeniedJul 1, 24
2 months ago
HEC Paris
January Intake
January Intake
Round 1
AppliedMar 11, 24
DeniedMar 29, 24
5 months ago
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16 Sep 2024 06:09
I got 680 on the GMAT classic though I’m retaking the focus edition in a few weeks.

I’m aiming for top schools which have 1 yr mba programs, including INSEAD, HEC, IMD, and more. Since I am late to sep 2024 intake, I’d like to apply for Jan 2025 intake. Happy to get more recommendations.

I have 6 yrs of experience in tech product management and marketing. I intend to continue working in tech products.

Happy to receive advice.

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03 Jan 2024, 11:04
Hi @SeekingResult - a few q's before sharing some feedback:

1. How has your professional arc been i.e. have you worked for big brands, been promoted, etc.?

2. Is your MBA motivation primarily to shift geographies, or are you looking to shift function/ sector/ brand?

3. Any ExtraCurriculars worth highlighting?

The current GMAT score is a bit on the lower side though, particularly for INSEAD: planning a retake is good.

Founder, admitStreet | HEC Paris MBA alum
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03 Jan 2024, 11:15
Thank you for replying.

I have mostly worked with startups but yes, promoted within startups. I transitioned from a software engineering role to product management.

I want to pursue mba because I want to learn more about leadership and move to senior management roles or work in global firms.

I have some extracurricular such as a blog on personal development and a youtube channel with a handful of videos.

I’m aiming a good score in focus edition.
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03 Jan 2024, 11:56
Interesting profile overall, given your promotions, transition to PM role and ECs.

Would suggest having a strong narrative highlighting the skillsets you've gained thro' your roles, why/ how MBA can help fill in the gaps, and your post MBA goals i.e. target sector/ function/ geography and also companies (ideally ones that recruit from your target schools).

All the best for your GMAT Focus! Feel free to reach out if you'd need support on your applications.

Founder, admitStreet | HEC Paris MBA alum
W: | LinkedIn | E:
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03 Jan 2024, 20:07
Thank you, @admitStreet for your input
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03 Jan 2024, 12:33
If you are looking at Europe only, perhaps Judge would be another contender. It is a 12-month program.
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03 Jan 2024, 20:07
Thanks, @bb for the suggestion
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16 Sep 2024, 09:03
Congrats! Did not realize Goizueta started releasing the invites... you got an invite for this year? 😲
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16 Sep 2024, 09:04
Hi @bb, yes, got the interview invite for 1 yr mba program
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16 Sep 2024, 11:10
Amazing! Congrats!!!
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16 Sep 2024, 18:57
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2.9 years
Score: 655 GMAT Focus
GPA: 3.05
Pre-MBA industry: Computer Hardware
Post-MBA industry: Consulting
Ross (Michigan)
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
1 day ago
16 Sep 2024 06:09
I have three years of work experience at Lenovo HQ as a financial analyst, where I led a financial dashboard project used by the entire finance organization for key financial reviews.
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16 Sep 2024, 13:41
Hi Samyak1929
I am Priyanka, Client Manager at ARINGO. Speaking about your chances, your GMAT score is slightly below the average for Ross, (average-719) while your GPA is pretty low (average- 3.43), now you will need to compensate for your GPA, is there a chance for a retake since you are targeting R2? or are there any additional certifications that you can use to establish your academic potential.
With just about 3 years of work experience, will you able to highlight leadership skills and impact generated from your end? Adcoms at Ross greatly value leadership skills, collaborative nature and able to generate and demonstrate impact.

Click here to connect.
You can also email me your CV at:
Good Luck!
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16 Sep 2024, 18:40
Hi. Is that 3.05 a wester GPA or your translation? If that's a conversion - how does it compare to the rest of the folks?
655 and 3.05 (if US-based) is a tough call. You would need around 695 if applying as India/Asia tech male.
P.S. Having a strong brand on the resume is good however
PPS. 3 years of work experience is a bit below average as well, so you want to show some seniority or maturity as that will be a question.
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Score: 625 GMAT Focus
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Early Round
Invited to interviewSep 16, 24
1 day ago
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12.3 years
Score: Plan to take the GMAT
GPA: 6.5
Pre-MBA industry: Finance
Post-MBA industry: Finance
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
1 day ago
IIM (All Schools)
IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
1 day ago
After working for 12 years in government sector I am looking forward for shifting to Private Sector considering the future stagnation expected in promotions for my post and also monetary wise it is not very lucrative.
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7.5 years
Korea, Republic of
Pre-MBA industry: Retail
Post-MBA industry: Other
January Intake
January Intake
Round 4
AppliedApr 24, 24
InterviewedSep 11, 24
15 hours ago
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3 years
Score: 650 GMAT Classic
GPA: 3.57
Pre-MBA industry: Consulting
Post-MBA industry: Finance
HEC Montreal
Full-time MBA
Full-time MBA
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1 day ago
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7.1 years
Score: 665 GMAT Focus
Pre-MBA industry: Other
Post-MBA industry: Other
August Intake
August Intake
Round 2
1 day ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 15, 24
1 day ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
1 day ago
Judge Cambridge
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Round 2
1 day ago
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Round 2
1 day ago
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GPA: 8.8
Pre-MBA industry: Finance
Post-MBA industry: Investment Banking
January Intake
January Intake
Round 1
1 day ago
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5 years
655 GMAT Focus
690 GMAT Classic
GPA: 8.2
Pre-MBA industry: Consulting
Post-MBA industry: Finance
Ross (Michigan)
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
3 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
3 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
3 days ago
Johnson (Cornell)
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3 days ago
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15 Sep 2024 10:09
Bachelor's in technology (B.Tech) from a Tier-1 Indian institute.

5+ years of consulting experience at a Big 4 firm, demonstrating strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Received two promotions within the company. My recommenders are partners and directors of the firm.

Extensive experience working with international clients across Asia and Europe, and government clients in India, Qatar, and Kazakhstan

Transitioning to a career in finance/financial consulting post-MBA.

Other involvements: Led multiple clubs in the university, have extensive volunteering experience with NGOs and the United Nations Online Volunteering Program and currently I am a member of the firm's DE&I team.

Kindly suggest other schools I can consider for this admission season.
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14 Sep 2024, 00:54
Hi qbb
I am Priyanka, Client Manager at ARINGO. Speaking about your profile, Your GMAT score is decent for the schools you are targeting. Average GMAT score for the schools you are targeting are Stern- 722, Kellogg 731, Ross 719 and Cornell 710. Your FE score stands around 710 on the classic version. Your GPA is also kind of decent for these programs. Are there any other certifications which could help you in demonstrating your academic performance to the adcoms. Also, since you are applying mostly in R2, can you manage a retake and boost your score to about 685-695?

Your 5+ years of extensive work experience should be the major highlight of your application. Your international exposure and Big $ experience are a big plus. The promotions you’ve earned reflect your leadership potential and your diverse experience with international and government clients adds depth to your skill set. You should highlight your involvement in DE&I and volunteer work, which will bring unique diversity to your profile. These experiences will also demonstrate your commitment to inclusion and social impact, qualities that adcoms look for in applicants.
Some schools which you can add to your list are-

Safe: Kelly, Mccomb, Kenan flagler, Goizueta.
Target: Duke, Tepper, McDonough, Marshal, Darden.

I’d love to learn more about your journey. FEEL FREE TO CONNECT TO FOR A FREE DETAILED PROFILE ANALYSIS.
Click here to connect.
You can also email me your CV at:
Good Luck!
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15 Sep 2024, 22:13
Hey qbb,

Vashi here from LilacBuds.

Considering your profile, you have a good GPA but considering your 1st choice programs you can try working on the GMAT score a bit. Seeing that you are applying for R2, try giving GMAT another shot and keep 675+ as your minimum target. This will definitely boost your chances. Being a female applicant has its own advantages that is why this score will work.

You also need to make sure that your application essays reflect your strong professional + leadership experience as well highlight all the international experience you bring to the table. Clarity of post-MBA goals are a must & they need to clearly depicted in your essays and how each specific school will be critical in helping you achieve the same. Your extra-curriculars & volunteering work + DE&I involvement will give you brownie points.
Interact with alumni of these schools and having strong recommendations will be a big plus for your admit chances.

We at LilacBuds would love to assist you by connecting you to alums/ mentors of top B-schools and would therefore request more details about your profile. You can connect with our team for a detailed profile analysis at ... mpaign=GCV or leave a message on +91-84483 35484 for a direct reachout.
You can also share your CV on .

Hoping to hear from you.
PS- Are you considering EU/ UK schools also? They can be some good Finance choices.
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7 years
United States
755 GMAT Focus
710 GMAT Classic
Pre-MBA industry: Military & Defense
Post-MBA industry: Law
Stanford GSB
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedAug 1, 24
1 day ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedAug 1, 24
1 day ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedAug 1, 24
1 day ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
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AppliedAug 1, 24
1 day ago
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Invited to interviewSep 13, 24
1 day ago
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5.8 years
Score: 705 GMAT Focus
GPA: 8.18
Pre-MBA industry: Tech
Post-MBA industry: Tech
Full Time MBA
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AppliedSep 12, 24
2 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
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2 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
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AppliedSep 15, 24
2 days ago
Sloan MIT
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2 days ago
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9 years
United States
Score: 805 GMAT Focus
GPA: 3.5
Pre-MBA industry: Retail Banking
Post-MBA industry: Finance
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 15, 24
2 days ago
Full Time MBA
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AppliedSep 5, 24
2 days ago
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Full Time MBA
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AppliedSep 1, 24
2 days ago
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3.6 years
United States
Score: 327 GRE
GPA: 3.4
Pre-MBA industry: Consulting
Post-MBA industry: Tech
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
InterviewedFeb 13, 24
WaitlistedMar 27, 24
9 days ago
Stanford GSB
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
InterviewedFeb 11, 24
AcceptedMar 26, 24
9 days ago
Sloan MIT
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
InterviewedFeb 29, 24
AcceptedApr 4, 24
9 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
InterviewedFeb 19, 24
AcceptedMar 26, 24
9 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
InterviewedFeb 9, 24
AcceptedMar 26, 24
5 months ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
InterviewedFeb 12, 24
WaitlistedMar 20, 24
5 months ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 2
DeniedJan 31, 24
6 months ago
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15 Sep 2024 12:09
URM, T2 liberal arts college, will have 4 years' work experience by the time of enrollment in PE consulting. I am hoping to pivot into product management then entrepreneurship after b-school
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15 Sep 2024, 12:01
Hello. Please can you advise on what you highlighted in your application? I’m currently applying to similar schools in R1 and R2 for the 2025 admit
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5.1 years
Score: 655 GMAT Focus
GPA: 8.2
Pre-MBA industry: Manufacturing
Post-MBA industry: Consulting
IIM Ahmedabad
Round 1
Invited to interviewSep 3, 24
2 days ago
Full Time MBA
Full Time MBA
Round 1
AppliedSep 15, 24
2 days ago
IIM (All Schools)
IIM Kozikode PGPBL
IIM Kozikode PGPBL
AppliedAug 31, 24
2 days ago
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