mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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February 07, 2012

Joined: Feb 07, 2012

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My experience with mbaMission consultant was a great one. Starting with the brainstorming document, I was able to get great stories to tell on my applications and bring out the best part of my personal experience. Once I decided on the schools that I wanted to apply to, I was able to go through the essay questions with my consultant and determine the best stories to tell in each one. Although the process was stressful at times, getting help from the consultant allowed me to time my application process, and not wait until the last minute.

I was recommended this company when I started the process, and would I definitely recommend mbaMission to anyone considering having a consultant help them in the admissions process.

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February 06, 2012

Joined: Feb 06, 2012

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I signed up for the Application Boot Camp in August 2011, primarily to kick myself into gear for the application essay-writing process. Boot camp definitely got me started brainstorming ideas for essays, but, more importantly, the class provided me with a clear framework for developing a strong application narrative. Angela led the class with enthusiasm and a great sense of humor; she's super smart and "with it," and I found her really helpful in guiding my thinking about which stories to choose for the schools I applied to. I also left the class with a fully revised, ready-to-go resume, which was great to have on hand, ready to go during application time.

Overall, this class was a great way to start the process, and you get bang for your buck. I feel like I got the personalized benefits of one-on-one consulting in a collaborative, group setting. I also enjoyed the other people in the class, and I found their feedback on my work useful. One person in the class even set up an e-mail list for ongoing feedback and collaboration, which I thought was great. (Although I must admit I didn't use this forum because I felt on such solid ground after the class.)

- The extent to which the class enabled you to get a better sense of who you are, your accomplishments, and your future

- The usefulness of having 1:1 feedback on your work from a consultant

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February 06, 2012

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I didn't expect to be such an active participant in mbaMission's MBA Application Boot Camp. It was surprisingly interactive with a lot of great exercises that showed you effective story telling techniques for your essays and how to build an outstanding resume. I learned what the admissions committees look for as well as what my strengths and weaknesses are in my application.

Angela is an exemplary consultant. She is upbeat, open, honest and extremely knowledgeable in this field. I was impressed with her ability to connect with all of the students in the course and respond to all of our questions thoughtfully and adequately. She always provided us individual constructive feedback especially in the end during our final one-on-one meeting. With her help, I left the course knowing precisely what more I needed to work on and with greater confidence.

Even though I don't plan to apply until Fall 2012, I feel got a solid start on the overwhelming process. This course truly exceeded my expectations. It was money definitely well spent. I would highly recommend this course to all MBA applicants.

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February 04, 2012

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Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
690 Q47 V38
700 Q45 V40

I took the GMAT in early December 2011, and got a good enough score that I decided I would try to do one application for the Round 2 deadlines. I signed up for a 30-minute free consultation with MBA Mission, where I got some good feedback, and decided that I would sign up for the boot camp.

The boot camp is a great way to get started with your first b-school applications, particularly for those who are brand-new to the process and haven't been planning to go to b-school for the last five years. The instructor, in this case Angela Guido, answered basic questions like what are admissions committees looking for, how to shape your essays, and what to put on your resume.

This class is not going to magically transform you into a brilliant writer, but it may improve your storytelling abilities and it may help you find the right subject/event to share with the admissions committee.

The best value by far from the class is the essay review that the instructor provides, which included line edits as well as a 20-minute private conversation on the phone. Angela gave me very insightful comments, and helped me find the right direction for my essay. I ended up scrapping the essay that I shared with the class entirely, but am confident it was the right decision.

Angela gave excellent advice and direction, and she really helped make the class a comfortable, interactive one. I was nervous about the online format of the class, but she pulled all of us onto the microphone and got us to talk. It felt very close to a live class and I appreciated that.

Having attended some of mbaMission's free seminars, I noticed there was some overlap in content given in the class, which is understandable--most of the other students likely hadn't seen mbaMission's presentations before.

Overall, I would say this is a great deal for a great price. Once I finished the class, I approached the rest of the application process with much more confidence. It was a great way for me to begin my applications.

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January 31, 2012

Posts: 43

Kudos: 12

Self-reported Score:
730 Q49 V41

I took the online bootcamp in Dec 2011. The program is designed for working professionals with a 8-11PM EST schedule for 4 sessions. Although there is an onsite version in certain cities, I felt that the online format had its own advantages in perhaps letting us share freely with each other, which was very helpful for some of the exercises and exchanging feedback. The software/website used for the class is like a more fun version of Webex.

For the first three sessions, we covered:
-Overall application process, what schools are looking for. There were only 6 students in my bootcamp so we had plenty of opportunities to ask individual questions. I think we all overlapped on some schools anyway.
-Essays: the meat of the course. Types of essays, brainstorming and organization, storytelling methods, do's and don'ts, critiques and samples.
Exercises accompanied the topics. For example, we would think of memorable life experiences to share to demonstrate story elements. We also spent a few minutes here and there to write sample excerpts, beginnings, endings, and resume elements.
I might have left out some topics but these were the ones I focused on.

The fourth session was scheduled a week after the third and was slotted for 1:1 private essay critiques with each of us. We sent Angela our essays along with some other homework before the last session.

The instructor Angela really shed some light on the essays for me. Toward the end, she let us bring up any non-traditional essay questions that stumped us and we explored it together with the class under her guidance. These exercises sewed the seeds for what would develop in my head over the next few days. Without them, I would likely have written many throw-away drafts before achieving any similar coherence and depth.

Angela was an energetic and fun instructor who knew how to respond individually to each of our styles to bring out our stories. She offered to hang around after every class for extra questions at after 11PM her time. Her enjoyment of teaching and helping came through every session. I didn't know about this beforehand but you can sign up for a 30min free consultation with MBAmission and request Angela if you'd like to chat with her first and ask about the program.

Overall Value:
In addition to the course, we got the MBAmission application guide book and our choice of one detailed school report. Combined with 9 hours of class time and a 1:1 essay review, the total value for the price of roughly two application fees was an easy choice for me. I recommend it without hesitation, especially with Angela, whether you're just starting the application process or are only weeks from deadlines like I was.

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January 31, 2012

Joined: Jan 30, 2012

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The mbaMission Boot Camp came at just the right time in the process for me. Deadlines were about a month away, and I was beginning to worry about being behind in my preparation. The class was structured so that no matter where an applicant was in the process, it would be beneficial. The time the class required me to dedicate to the process was the perfect motivation for advancing my applications. Compared to simple essay reviews or reading books on my own, the class allowed me to progress my essays a tremendous amount for the time and price.

Angela taught the class in a very cooperative and interactive way, and this allowed me to both test out essay ideas and also learn from critiquing those in my class. She taught me how to craft my message into enjoyable stories with vivid details and a captivating structure. The most impactful lesson I learned was how to show the reader who I was and my accomplishments through examples rather simply telling about achievements and events.

This was a great class that jump started my applications and resulted in a great final product.

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January 29, 2012

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After completing the MBA Application Boot Camp with mbaMission I was incredibly inspired and actually excited to continue with my business school applications. As someone looking for a career transition, I had many uncertainties about even applying. The course is a huge self exploration process and I left with a better sense of who I was, what I wanted, and where I stood as an applicant. As a result, I gained the strength and confidence I was lacking in order to persevere with the application process.

Consultant Angela Guido is absolutely fantastic! She has you do various exercises that pull out the qualities about yourself that you either forgot or didn’t realize existed, and helps you articulate these qualities effectively in the essay writing. She beats you over the head (with love) with the “show don’t tell” method of writing and once you get it, the essays instantly become easier and actually enjoyable to write as well as much more exciting! Angela has a wonderful “can do” attitude and is extremely knowledgeable, enthusiastic and supportive while still providing realistic expectations.

This has to be one of the best values out there in terms of MBA application consulting. You will see a huge improvement in such a short amount of time and will feel much more comfortable with continuing the process on your own if you are not able to afford additional consulting. You also get the benefit of hearing your classmates’ stories and goals which helps for your own essay ideas and defining your own goals while still getting a significant amount of personal feedback. The best of both worlds!

I highly recommend this workshop. It was a truly great experience that made all the difference.

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January 25, 2012

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I was fortunate enough to take mbaMission's first ever "Constructing a Standout Application Boot Camp" this summer in Chicago.

To say it is money extremely well spent is an understatement. There are probably people out there that may not need this class to get them over "the hump," but for all of us mortals that have aspects of their applications to be worried about, this is THE CLASS to take. Get your GMAT score out of the way a good six months before your applications are due, and then focus on the application by taking this class.

My instructor was Angela Guido. Angela is a former Admissions Committee member at Chicago Booth that has made assisting MBA admissions candidates her life's work. She is EXTREMELY passionate about what she does, and there was not one point in the class where I thought, "I wonder if she really knows what she's talking about?" There is no question that you are getting exceptional advice from her. She manages to make the class fun, and even thought-provoking, which I did not expect. Applying to b-school forces you to put all your cards on the table, and I learned a lot about my strengths and shortcomings in so doing. Angela leads the way, but you also learn a lot from your peers in the class.

Here's what you get:

1. What admissions committees are looking for
2. Pitfalls that you must avoid
3. What about your and your experiences will standout to admissions departments
4. How to tell your "story," and make the admissions committees understand why they should give you a chance

The experience was invaluable, and in my opinion, it is every bit as important as taking a GMAT prep class.

5-stars. Bite the bullet, pony up the cash, and don't look back.

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January 24, 2012

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I was a little nervous in singing up for mba missions start to finish package. Most reviews I had read were from those seeking entrance to top tier institutions, whereas I was just hoping to find somewhere that would accept me and needed help in everything from school selection to navigating the entire process. With the aid of my consultant, I was able to find a school that was a perfect fit for mend get accepted, which is no small feat given my prior record in academics. Emails were always promptly returned no matter the time. I couldn't be more pleased and believe it was a wonderful investment for person's in my position as well as those trying to get into an ivy league school.

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