January 31, 2012

Joined: Jan 30, 2012

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The mbaMission Boot Camp came at just the right time in the process for me. Deadlines were about a month away, and I was beginning to worry about being behind in my preparation. The class was structured so that no matter where an applicant was in the process, it would be beneficial. The time the class required me to dedicate to the process was the perfect motivation for advancing my applications. Compared to simple essay reviews or reading books on my own, the class allowed me to progress my essays a tremendous amount for the time and price.

Angela taught the class in a very cooperative and interactive way, and this allowed me to both test out essay ideas and also learn from critiquing those in my class. She taught me how to craft my message into enjoyable stories with vivid details and a captivating structure. The most impactful lesson I learned was how to show the reader who I was and my accomplishments through examples rather simply telling about achievements and events.

This was a great class that jump started my applications and resulted in a great final product.

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