February 04, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
690 Q47 V38
700 Q45 V40

I took the GMAT in early December 2011, and got a good enough score that I decided I would try to do one application for the Round 2 deadlines. I signed up for a 30-minute free consultation with MBA Mission, where I got some good feedback, and decided that I would sign up for the boot camp.

The boot camp is a great way to get started with your first b-school applications, particularly for those who are brand-new to the process and haven't been planning to go to b-school for the last five years. The instructor, in this case Angela Guido, answered basic questions like what are admissions committees looking for, how to shape your essays, and what to put on your resume.

This class is not going to magically transform you into a brilliant writer, but it may improve your storytelling abilities and it may help you find the right subject/event to share with the admissions committee.

The best value by far from the class is the essay review that the instructor provides, which included line edits as well as a 20-minute private conversation on the phone. Angela gave me very insightful comments, and helped me find the right direction for my essay. I ended up scrapping the essay that I shared with the class entirely, but am confident it was the right decision.

Angela gave excellent advice and direction, and she really helped make the class a comfortable, interactive one. I was nervous about the online format of the class, but she pulled all of us onto the microphone and got us to talk. It felt very close to a live class and I appreciated that.

Having attended some of mbaMission's free seminars, I noticed there was some overlap in content given in the class, which is understandable--most of the other students likely hadn't seen mbaMission's presentations before.

Overall, I would say this is a great deal for a great price. Once I finished the class, I approached the rest of the application process with much more confidence. It was a great way for me to begin my applications.

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