mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

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Jessica Shklar
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November 08, 2013

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While I looked into numerous elite MBA-consultancy firms, I was immediately drawn to MBA Mission due to its team of highly qualified consultants, substantial track record of success and commitment to personalized help. I was lucky enough to work with Pamela Jaffe throughout my business school application process, and she was an invaluable resource. First and foremost, Pamela actually cares! She took the time to help me explore my personal history and future aspirations, and to craft a story that properly highlighted my strengths. She helped me to understand myself in a more profound and accurate way. Pamela is also an exceptional writer and technically gifted - she continuously provided tangible help in reworking oftentimes disjointed components of my application.

While all consultants at MBA Mission adhere to an exceptional sense of professionalism, Pamela exhibited a particularly high level of punctuality and expediency, always on or ahead of time. I'd also like to highlight that Pamela provides holistic advice - from brainstorming, to essay writing, to the final interview.

But above all, Pamela possesses something that I think is the most important quality in any prospective consultant - trustworthiness. I completely trust Pamela's advice because she was not afraid to be honest, even if we disagreed on certain topics. I could always rely on Pamela to provide genuine feedback, and she helped to re-direct me to the proper path.

In the end, Pamela guided me to be successfully admitted to Columbia Business School, my top choice. I couldn't have done it without her.

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November 01, 2013

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I just thought I would take a minute and review my experience using MBA Mission. From the beginning, my consultant was very patient with me and took the time to understand my background, my reasons for applying to business school and gave me honest positive feedback along the way.
I would love to say that I don't procrastinate but that is not always true. When you are working 80 hour weeks, studying for the GMAT and writing applications, sometimes you end up waiting till the last minute. My consultant was very understanding of my commitments and she was prompt about replying back to me within a couple of hours.
My work background is very different from your typical business school applicant and she helped me overcome that barrier very easily. She was also kind enough to guide me through the interview process and getting in touch with the alumni.
I truly feel that hiring a good admissions consultant is key in getting through the tough admissions process and I would not have made it without her.
Thanks a lot KL

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October 27, 2013

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
730 Q47 V42

I wanted to briefly share my experience working with Katy on the forum. As a male applicant from an overrepresented career demographic, I first got in touch with Katy so I could better craft my story. I had heard good things about MBA Mission, however my expectations were low. I primarily was looking for a consultant to sanity check my work and ease my anxiety as I entered the application process. What I received was far more than I ever could have anticipated. Katy immediately immersed herself in my experience to date and on our first brainstorming call already seemed to possess a crystal clear vision for my story. Her genuine care for me as an applicant was apparent in her frequent, thoughtful feedback. By the time I pressed submit, I was totally confident in all facets of my application, a true testament to Katy's expertise and attention to detail.

In the end, I was accepted to my top choice school, Columbia, early decision. I would highly recommend Katy to anyone considering applying to business school. Her advice was invaluable and her experience in the elite business school admissions space is definitely a differentiator.

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September 15, 2013

Joined: Jul 20, 2013

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Working with Angela helped me tremendously to build good stories and a stronger resume. Her comments were deeply constructed to address my strengths in the essays and resume in a smart way. Working with Angela enabled me to get a better sense of who I am, my accomplishments, and my future vision. Her feedback was very precise, direct, and constructive. Angela’s feedback helped me to shape the details of my big picture. In addition, her feedback was a great guidance for me because it was easy to follow and build on it in my essays and resume. Angela’s critical feedback made me craft my stories to flow and be solid.
Working with Angela helped improve my efficiency and confidence by unleashing my hidden strength from my past – getting more done faster and with more confidence in the outcome. She is very cooperative, supportive, and flexible and because of that the application process was less stressful with her.
I can say confidently that Angela is willing to help students genuinely. She is a great adviser and I enjoy working with her. I strongly recommend working with Angela.

In general, mbaMission is very professional in terms of addressing student’s objectives.

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September 14, 2013

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I researched a lot of admission consulting companies and decided to go with mbaMission. I was initially attracted by their professional website and exceptional online school guides. I did some more exploring and discovered that all of their consultants went to top notch schools themselves, have years of experience, and do consulting full time. This makes them fully vested in your success and not distracted by other priorities (it's amazing how many other "consultants" just do MBA admission consulting work part time to make some extra money). I called them up for a free phone consultation and was very impressed by their process and strategies for getting me into a top school. After the call, I knew mbaMission was the company for me.

mbaMission lets you decide which consultant you want to work with, which I found to be a difficult decision, as they are all very qualified. I eventually chose Monica Okrah. She went to HBS and has successfully helped many students get admitted into their dream schools, but what really made her stand out was her aura of positivity and genuine enthusiasm about helping me achieve my goal.

Choosing Monica ended up being a great decision. I cannot stress enough how extremely pleasant she is to work with and I'm convinced that my essays were 3x better because of her. She did a great job helping me choose topics (which is trickier than you may think, she saved me from making some huge mistakes) and patiently helped me work through as many as 9 drafts per essay, even though she was paid a flat rate. She really cared about my success and wasn't going to give an essay the thumbs up until she thought it was 110% good to go. In the end, I was accepted to a fantastic school, but almost more importantly she help me develop a crucial life skill. She taught me how to craft my story and market myself extremely well. I've since applied many of the things she taught me to my LinkedIn profile and have been contacted by at least one recruiter per week, which is a dramatic increase for me. It's amazing what a difference telling your story in just the right way can make.

If you're considering applying to a top business school I highly recommend that you work with mbaMission and Monica Okrah. Remember that you are competing with extremely qualified candidates and that the smallest details can make the difference between being accepted and being dinged. mbaMission and Monica Okrah will ensure that you nail all of those details and ensure that you shine!

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September 12, 2013

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I definitely would recommend Dan as a consultant in the MBA application process. I applied to two schools in Round 1 and wanted the advice of a consultant because I had no idea where to start on my essays or how to differentiate myself. After just an initial conversation, I felt that Dan really understood my story and was on my side to help craft a standout application. We went over my life story in our brainstorming session and he helped crystalize the highlights of my experiences into meaningful and interesting essays. He was always prompt with replies and thoughtful in his responses regardless of the triviality of my questions. Working with Dan has been a pleasurable and calming experience in this otherwise hectic process. I'm still waiting on the verdict from Round 1 schools.

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September 10, 2013

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I am so glad I have taken the mbaMission Application Boot Camp! It was an intimate class with only 5 students in it. During the allocated 9 hours our instructor, Angela, efficiently taught us how to re-structure our resumes and write compelling essays. We brainstormed and organized our ideas for the stories to use in the essays. I came in struggling with my essay writing skills, especially when it came to the creative "express yourself" essay to NYU. And I left this Application Boot Camp with unique ideas to incorporate in my NYU application and 4 friends that I am still in touch with. This was a great value for the money spent - 9 hours of face-to-face interaction with the instructor, 1 professionally critiqued essay and a 30-minute feedback session. I definitely recommend it.

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August 31, 2013

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I still go back to my 1st draft and compare with my 9th draft. It make me laugh and I thank Susan again and again for drastically making my stories come to life. 'Do you really need to put that point across?', 'Write one point and delve deeper into that'... many such words of wisdom echo in my ears still. Susan you are awesome! It was just not a process of application but self-reflection. I will carry the experience throughout my life. As an applicant I appreciate Susan's turnaround time. I was pretty late in the process but Susan paced me up and bought me back right in the game. She strived to get my essays before 2 business days. As an applicant I was okay with my essays sometimes but Susan was not. So you imagine the level of perfection she demands. Her comments really pushed me to think deep and enhance my style of writing. I learned to write EFFECTIVELY.
Susan is the best! You will never go wrong in your decision.

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August 27, 2013

Posts: 1

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I’ve worked with Jessica Shklar on applying to five top business schools this year and I’m extremely happy with results of our work. I got interview invites from every school and got admitted to MIT Sloan (my top choice). I honestly don't think I could have achieved this on my own - Jessica went beyond the terms of her contract in every possible way.

Immediately after I sent my initial brainstorming document, I noticed how thorough she was in learning my story and personality. With every email and phone conversation, Jessica was capturing more and more about my background up to the point that she knew me better than even my closest friends. By knowing my story, Jessica was able to suggest how to approach every essay. She not only analyzed what the schools wanted me to write for a given essay (something that you can find on every major admission consulting company website anyway), but also recalled specific stories from my background to create a strong and well-balanced application. Describing my whole life in 500 words was not an easy task, but after our brainstorming sessions I was never stuck in front of an essay prompt trying to write the first sentence. After every round of editing I was seeing how clear, concise and strong my essays were becoming, motivating and pushing me to keep improving even further.

Jessica was extremely helpful even with things that were out of my direct control. While working with my recommenders, Jessica was very professional and polite, but at the same time ensured that the recommendations were on topic and on time.

Most importantly Jessica made me feel that I was never alone and helped me to get through this stressful and anxious process. With Jessica on my side, I always felt certain that my application would make me a strong candidate and that I would finish everything on time. She gave me confidence that I had a shot at the top schools and this motivated me to apply harder work and produce the strongest application I could.

Besides being extremely grateful for Jessica being a true supporter in this process, I'm really impressed with her talent, vision, industry knowledge, and work ethic. Jessica never tried to alter my story or make me look like someone who I’m not. Instead, almost immediately after we started our work together, she provided me with suggestions on how to structure and present my own story in a way that even impressed me. Later, during my interview at MIT, I was pleasantly surprised how well Jessica was able to predict the aspects of my story that would be appealing to the admission committee.

Just a year ago, as I was reading all of these great reviews for Jessica, still wondered if hiring a consultant was the right thing to do. “Were these success stories coming from applicants that had a sure shot of getting in anyway?” I thought. “Given my background, do I even fit the profile of a strong candidate and thus, is hiring a consultant a right decision for me?”
After working with Jessica closely on applying to my top five schools, getting positive results and being admitted to my number-one choice program at MIT Sloan, I can clearly say that working with Jessica was not only the right decision, it was absolutely the best decision during my application process.

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August 20, 2013

Posts: 4

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V40

The road to getting admitted to a top B school is very challenging and competitive and in the myriad of things to consider, prepare for and balance during the whole application process, its easy to feel completely buried and make wrong decisions. The best decision which I took during my MBA application was to take the services of MBA mission during my application process, even though I did not realize it when I took it. Like many students , I had full faith in my capabilities and with a 700 plus GRE score, I was not sure if I needed to take this service initially – but I am glad I did. At the end of it you will realize that the money you spend upfront was totally worth it and more.
I chose Angela Guido as my consultant and I consider myself very lucky to have worked with her and I am sure all her clients do. Angela is extremely professional, capable and creative with an outstanding professional profile. However, what is exceptional about Angela is that she truly connects with her clients and despite being extremely professional, you know that she truly cares about the quality of your work. However, one should only decide to work with Angela if they are ready to give in their best – because she settles for nothing but the best. Angela has a knack for bringing out the best in you through your stories. She is frank and will accurately point out the strengths and weaknesses of your candidacy. I am happy to say that I got into my target school, one of the top B schools in the country, thanks to having worked with Angela - working with her helped me think and express my stories in a way I would not have thought of otherwise. Like all good consultants out there she will not write any part of the essay for you – but will give you enough guidance to make you think in the right direction and deliver your best. Also, despite being a perfectionist, she will boost your confidence enough at the time you need the most. She is definitely one of the best admission consultants out there and I very much recommend her if you are serious about getting into your target schools!

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