May 31, 2013

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I worked with Katharine Lewis of mbamission to apply to business school.

Services used: hour overall consultation (complementary through manhattan gmat) & hourly package (3 hours)

Overall Consultation: KLewis listened assertively to my story and was able to provide incredible advice on short term and long term ways I could improve my candidacy for business school. She provided insightful strategic advice for my overall plan, as well as tangible tactical things I could implement into my day to day.

Examples of the tactical advice: community service organizations I could join that aligned with my interests, advice on my professional direction (staying in my current career path/what sort of role I would move jobs for etc), and courses I could take at continuing study programs to complement/plug in weaknesses in my application.

Hourly Package:
- KLewis provided all the initial DIY materials that could allow me to hone in on exactly what to work on with her in our hourly sessions so that I could gain the most out of them. I opted for focused help on: resume and essay.

- Generally, her communication and responsiveness throughout the process was fantastic. I was consistently able to rely on her to respond to my questions throughout the process as well as trouble shoot queries and provide insightful helpful advice throughout. In addition, she researched the school and provided helpful advice on what they were looking for in a candidate.

- Essay, she provided incredible hands on advice on how to shape the essay so it aligned with my message as well as key edits to make it concise. Her understanding of my goals and what the bschool was looking for in a candidate made her advice incredibly valuable.

- Resume, This was where KLewis made the most impact for me. She was able to provide guidance that improved my resume substantially, making it have a clear tight message (getting it down to 1 page and culling any erroneous information) as well as changing the tone of the language to be focused much more on meaningful outcomes in my career as opposed to a task list as well as removing redundancy in messaging btw community svc to career to education entirely.

KLewis is a fantastic advisor.

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