Manhattan Prep GMAT Course Reviews

Manhattan Prep Powered by Kaplan prepares students to excel on the GMAT and in business school. All of our teachers have scored in the 99th percentile on the GMAT and have a median of 8 years of experience teaching the GMAT. We don't just teach you the skills and strategies essential to achieving a high score on the test. We also teach you how to study, think logically and critically, make effective short, we give you all the tools you need so that you're well equipped to succeed on the GMAT and in grad school.
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Manhattan Prep GMAT Course Reviews

Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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Manhattan Prep MGMAT Interact
 $999  $899
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Manhattan Prep Live Online
 $1599  $1599
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Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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Manhattan Prep NOLIMITS Unlimited Prep for Aspiring MBAs
 $4999  $4999
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Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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Most Reviewed Manhattan Prep GMAT Instructors

Jamie Nelson
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Mark Sullivan
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Jonathan Schneider
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Keith Blume
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Avi Gutman
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715 Reviews
4.8 Average
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June 11, 2012

Joined: Jun 11, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Excellent course.


Improvement N/A

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Tim Sanders

Location Online

The course was nothing short of excellent. I found the analytic approach to tracking your progress really helpful. The one-on-one office hour sessions were also really very helpful to understand concepts that I was not understanding completely.

The biggest thing that I valued was the post-course assessment one-on-one session with an instructor to develop a strategy for internalizing everything and preparing for my test. After my course, I was getting a 630 score on the practice tests, but following the advice from this post-course assessment helped me raise my scores tremendously. When I took the test I ended up getting a 710.

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May 23, 2012

Joined: May 22, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
640 Q39 V38
750 Q47 V46

Great tool to keep you on track


I found the 9 session GMAT prep course very helpful for a few reasons. The primary reason was to motivate me to stay on track with weekly assignments and a structured review plan. I think that some people would be fine to buy the books and work through them on his/her own and at his/her own pace. With my busy work and social schedule, I found the structure to be incredibly helpful.

Another reason that I thought the class was helpful was for the little tricks of the trade that the instructor provided. At some points I felt the classes were a waste of time, but every once in a while we would learn something that could save me 20 seconds on a quant problem and would make it all worth while.

I did not find the verbal review to be very helpful. On the actual test I ended up using only 1-2 things that I learned in the classes. My improvements in verbal came really as a result of simply doing a lot of practice problems.

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May 17, 2012

Joined: May 12, 2012

Posts: 83

Kudos: 22

Self-reported Score:
730 Q48 V42

Thanks manhattan gmat


Improvement 170 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Daniel Patinkin

Location Online

I REALLY feel like I got my moneys worth out of this class offered by Manhattan GMAT. When I took my first practice test (Manhattan CAT) I was stunned when I received a 560, how could this be, I'm an intelligent person. After the initial shock I realized that this is not an intelligence test, but a standardized test.

Manhattan taught me everything about the test and more. I felt more and more confident as my scores climbed from a dismal 560, to a 640, to a 700, and finally a 730 on my actual test day. I am proof that the material on the GMAT can be taught and that Manhattan offers the best prep program around.

Although $1000 may seem expensive, most would invest that in a heartbeat if they new they could boost their score up to a 730. Although I did invest 100 hours into studying, it was made much more tolerable through this course and the amazing instruction - highly recommended!

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May 15, 2012

Joined: Feb 21, 2012

Posts: 70

Kudos: 10

Self-reported Score:
730 Q49 V40

Manhattan GMAT Prep (plus your effort) is all you need.


I am very satisfied with Manhattan GMAT prep. I did the online class that meets every Saturdays for 3 hours. My instructor was Jonathan Winamer who explained the concepts very well.

My first CAT score was 620 without any prep, and on the real exam I scored a 730. The strategy guides are very effective and you definitely learn a lot just by reading through the guides. Only drawback to the online classes was that the usefulness of the class depends on your classmates. If another classmate asks a question to which you already know the answer, you are missing out on those 5 minutes. But since this is true for any type of class, I guess it is inevitable. However, the instructor was very helpful and if a student asked a question that most people knew the answer to, he would stay after class to explain that question to the student and save the actual "class time" for something that can benefit the majority of the class.

In summary, if you purchase Manhattan GMAT prep course and materials and work extremely hard, you will definitely score 700+. I definitely recommend Manhattan GMAT to anyone who wants to score high on the GMAT.

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May 14, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Manhattan GMAT is great


In researching GMAT courses to take, I read many reviews and talked to a few people. Most people said Manhattan GMAT was the best, and the reviews were certainly excellent. I signed up, hoping it was worth the price.

It was. MGMAT's 9-week live course isn't cheap, but it is excellent. I highly recommend it if you are serious about getting a top score (I got a 740). The written strategy guides are good, the OG Archer is a must-have resource (the other online resources are pretty good, too), and my instructor was excellent. He was funny, enthusiastic, very smart, and very able to break down complex problems into bite sized chunks.

Ultimately, your score really depends on the work you put into studying for the test. With discipline, focus, and a few months of your life dedicated to studying, you can do very well on the GMAT. But having a top notch instructor and a solid curriculum really help too. If you're serious about getting an excellent score, I highly recommend Manhattan GMAT.

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August 28, 2015

Verbal 47, one heck of a score !! Congratulations. I am finding MGMAT maths to be way too tough in the CATs. Could you please share your MGMAT CAT scores?

October 26, 2015

i used the Manhattan course as well, but scored 420 on test day, and about 550 4 of the practice tests leading up to that, what else did you find helpful?

May 03, 2012

Joined: Jan 16, 2012

Posts: 17

Kudos: 14

Self-reported Score:
730 Q48 V42

Live Online Course


Improvement 70 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Mark Sullivan

Location Online

The Live Online course was very solid, especially for consultants who never know where they'll be or when they'll be there until.

Pros: Provides an excellent framework for how to approach studying. Breaks it down into manageable weekly segments that require a lot of work, but are thought out and doable if you put in the time. The syllabus and the books are the most invaluable part of this course.

On that note, I cannot recommend the MGMAT books enough. They are the best material out there, especially for those of us who struggle with concepts like number properties. The CAT's are also the best non-Official tests you can take, and give a very accurate representation of your score. I would estimate that the Quant on MGMAT CAT's is more difficult and time consuming than on the real thing, but that prepares you well for time management.

The instructors were very good, especially the lead instructor for our course. Cold calling was definitely appreciated, since it motivates you to do your work.

Also, the best part of Manhattan is that they are a no fluff company. I read a lot of tricks and secrets and other things from certain providers, but Manhattan emphasizes hard work and learning the underlying concepts, which in my opinion, are the key to doing well on the test.

Cons: I thought the class moved a bit too slowly. If you're a higher level test taker and really putting in hours to study, you will probably rise above the course material and find class a little slow. That being said, it was still a good review of things and a good confidence builder.

Overall: Solid 9/10. I would recommend it to anyone, especially if you need the spark to study like I did, and the weekly check points to make sure you do your work. You also get free office hours that I wish I had used, and would have been really valuable for certain sticky areas. The CAT's and the books are an easy 10/10. I was happy with my score.

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May 01, 2012

Joined: Apr 15, 2011

Posts: 56

Kudos: 99

Manhattan GMAT and Ron Purewal - Simply THE best!


Improvement 60 Points

Course Manhattan Prep MGMAT Self-Study Toolkit

Location Online

If you want to score a 700+, look no further. Going through the well explained Manhattan GMAT guides and watching Thursdays with Ron alone will help you score that 700+.

The Manhattan GMAT guides are detailed and explained in a way that is understandable to any beginner with rusty quant or verbal.

The Manhattan GMAT test analysis has the detailed level of analysis that no other test prep company offers. I also loved their OG tracker, which helped me pin point my weak areas and practice OG questions by topic.

Thursdays with Ron is a hidden gem that is absolutely free. Watch these sessions and you will no longer think about quant or verbal in the same way.

MGMAT and Ron Purewal are awesome! My score improved from 650 to a 710 just because of MGMAT and Ron.

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April 26, 2012

Joined: Apr 19, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
620 Q46 V29

It's what you make of it


Improvement N/A

Course Manhattan Prep MGMAT Interact

Location Online

All the material is there but I didn't use it to the full potential. I do think MGMAT should look to design a specific course for students that are looking to break a 700. I didn't notice a lot of the advanced material until very late. I was unsatisfied with my score but I will be retaking the exam and will use MGMAT again as I think they are the best.

I felt the class recordings were somewhat remedial but I did find the labs to add great value. They teach you tricks on strategy and how to think through a problem. Having access to 6 CAT exams was great and they give very thorough details and explanations, however I did notice some of the questions being repeated which inflated my score.

All in all, I think MGMAT has everything you need as long as you stay committed and focused- especially if you take the self study route!

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April 22, 2012

Joined: Apr 06, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Methodical Cirriculmn + Excellent Teaching = Results


I decided to sign up for MGMAT because I wanted to score in the 700+ range. Studying on my own was not yeilding the results I wanted, because I noticed that I was getting the same types of problems incorrect, without being able to truly analyze my weaknesses and create a systematic approach to improve. I was still able to recollect my basic quantitative and verbal skills, but MGMAT instruction and cirriculmn helped me improve my test taking strategy and timing for each problem. The MGMAT curriculum accurately categorizes the types of of quantitative problems into several topics, and by studying thoroughly each topic through the GMAT books, and the syllabus recommended problems, I was able to recognize the types of quant. problems immediately during the exam. This allowed me to quickly devise a strategy thus saving time spent on setting up the solution approach for each problem. The in class instruction was especially helpful for the more difficult problems because our instructor was able to extrapolate a simpler problem into a 700+ problem and explain the similarities and differences. This helped me understand how more challenging problems are phrased, and how to translate these problems into math. One particular example is for combinations/permutations & probability. I was never able to fundamentally grasp this topic until our MGMAT instructor gave us a hands - on example during class. After that, any such problem was easy!

I highly recommend MGMAT to those who are serious about their GMAT scores. There is a lot of homework during the course, and additional study time required prior to the exam, but I saw the results and was able to monitor how my score increased with each subsequent practice exam.

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April 19, 2012

Joined: Nov 04, 2006

Posts: 80

Kudos: 220

Checks all the boxes!


Improvement 40 Points

Course Manhattan Prep MGMAT Self-Study Toolkit

Location Online

I agree with the general belief prevalent among GMAT community members that Manhattan is a very good material for GMAT preparation.

I bought 12 book set from Manhattan GMAT about a year back and was amazed by the level of detail in both the verbal and quant segment. The level of detailed analysis presented and the comprehensive explanation is great. Even the quant supplementary material which has a fantastic set of advanced quant questions. This is supplemented with easy to use tips and strategies.

I found the tests that were offered by Manhattan GMAT to be a good indicator of scores. The MGMAT tests are pretty close to what the actual tests were.

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