April 26, 2012

Joined: Apr 19, 2012

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Self-reported Score:
620 Q46 V29

It's what you make of it


Improvement N/A

Course Manhattan Prep MGMAT GMAT On Demand

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All the material is there but I didn't use it to the full potential. I do think MGMAT should look to design a specific course for students that are looking to break a 700. I didn't notice a lot of the advanced material until very late. I was unsatisfied with my score but I will be retaking the exam and will use MGMAT again as I think they are the best.

I felt the class recordings were somewhat remedial but I did find the labs to add great value. They teach you tricks on strategy and how to think through a problem. Having access to 6 CAT exams was great and they give very thorough details and explanations, however I did notice some of the questions being repeated which inflated my score.

All in all, I think MGMAT has everything you need as long as you stay committed and focused- especially if you take the self study route!

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