April 22, 2012

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Methodical Cirriculmn + Excellent Teaching = Results


I decided to sign up for MGMAT because I wanted to score in the 700+ range. Studying on my own was not yeilding the results I wanted, because I noticed that I was getting the same types of problems incorrect, without being able to truly analyze my weaknesses and create a systematic approach to improve. I was still able to recollect my basic quantitative and verbal skills, but MGMAT instruction and cirriculmn helped me improve my test taking strategy and timing for each problem. The MGMAT curriculum accurately categorizes the types of of quantitative problems into several topics, and by studying thoroughly each topic through the GMAT books, and the syllabus recommended problems, I was able to recognize the types of quant. problems immediately during the exam. This allowed me to quickly devise a strategy thus saving time spent on setting up the solution approach for each problem. The in class instruction was especially helpful for the more difficult problems because our instructor was able to extrapolate a simpler problem into a 700+ problem and explain the similarities and differences. This helped me understand how more challenging problems are phrased, and how to translate these problems into math. One particular example is for combinations/permutations & probability. I was never able to fundamentally grasp this topic until our MGMAT instructor gave us a hands - on example during class. After that, any such problem was easy!

I highly recommend MGMAT to those who are serious about their GMAT scores. There is a lot of homework during the course, and additional study time required prior to the exam, but I saw the results and was able to monitor how my score increased with each subsequent practice exam.

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