Rajat Sadana Reviews

Company: e-GMAT

Rajat mastered the skill of taking standardized tests at an early age by scoring better than 99 percentile on most exams including the CET (Indian equivalent of SAT), GATE (Indian equivalent of GRE including technical GRE), and the GMAT. Rajat stands out as one of the two students in the country who were selected by Nokia Research (NRC) Germany for a fully funded Master’s degree at IIT Delhi and subsequent internship at NRC Germany.

Post MBA (from Babson where he received full fellowship), Rajat was hired by Honeywell as a Marketing and Business Development Manager to grow its wireless business. During his 4 years at Honeywell, he helped grow the business from $2M to $25M. In August 2010, Rajat founded e-GMAT with Payal Tandon to fulfill his dream to democratize Test Prep education by leveraging technology to provide high quality, personalized, and effective education at affordable prices.


4.8 /5 Average Rating
Based on 187 reviews
June 20, 2014

Joined: Sep 07, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Before I started joined the course , my verbal score was stuck between 30 and 31 and I dreaded the sentence correction section.On December last year, I joined the verbal live prep based on reviews .Initially i was skeptical to the extend the course would help me but after two week into my preparation with help of the course content and session I began to see the changes in approach and my accuracy in sentence correction was boosted from 50% correct to around 90%.As I continued in the course my approach to verbal section change completely it was like i was a new person.

After one and half months into the course. I started getting 36-38 in my verbal score and sentence correction was my strength.The one take away from the course I learnt is the e-gmat process for SC,RC and CR which when perfected will give a better score in the exam.Overall I would highly recommended this course to those who are getting score that is stuck .

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June 19, 2014

Joined: Apr 15, 2014

Posts: 9

Kudos: 5

Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online


I would like to thank E-gmat for providing such an excellent course. This is undoubtedly the best course available in the market for all non native speakers as well as native speakers. No other course provides you such detailed explanation.
The core focus of this course is building the concepts. The three steps approach to solve sentence correction, critical reasoning and reading comprehension passages is very scientific and mathematical.
Apart from all this, I really improved my accuracy in CR questions from 30 percent to almost 90 percent in just 35 days.
Sentence correction is taught in a manner which is very different from all other providers in the market. Lot of effort is stressed on understanding the meaning of the sentence and then eliminate the grammatical incorrect options. E-gmat sentence correction course has given me confidence of solving any sentence corrections within a time span of 45 seconds.
The reading comprehension approach is very unique. The reading approach keeps readers focused on the passage and the tricks which are taught are the best.

I am very happy with my improvement and would like to thank the entire E-gmat team for helping all the GMAT aspirants to get their dream score.

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June 15, 2014

Posts: 17

Kudos: 78

Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online


I enrolled in e-gmat course of Verbal Live Prep on one of my friend's advice and trust me that's one of the best things that happened to me.
Like regular Indian students, I have good Quant background and even on my first attempt of Gmat Prep mock exam , i got a quant of 49. Now the only thing that was haunting me was Verbal. Its been long that I read the Sentence Correction and grammatical rules and picking any book from market was also not a good idea since GMAT has laid some special rules in some scenarios which only major Course companies like E-Gmat can tell. The course is very beautifully divided into small sections and every section is a video recording . So it gives a complete feeling of studying and taking lessons in class room.
The approach they take for every question is consistent and makes you believe that the approach can be used to solve any question. The support system for answering the questions is pretty quick too. The live sessions are one of their most interesting thing.
Currently i have gone through SC and CR sections and I am very much satisfied with course and the investment is worth it. I would definitely recommend it to anyone aiming a good Verbal score above or around 40.


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June 05, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Hello Everyone.. .I started preparing for GMAT on my own with the help of books that were available in the market. I revised grammatical
concepts and thought it would be enough as I believed I had good Verbal skills . But after receiving my mock score i realized
that i had lot to improve. I was confused from where to start and which books to refer. And after few days i got to know about egmat from
my friends. At the beginning i attended free session and found that i am comfortable with the sessions. i planned to associate with verbal
live prep which have deep explanation for every topic and provided in-detail explanation to all the doubts. I started with levels and live
sessions which improved my understanding towards the concept in sc and cr. I was fully satisfied and could properly follow their steps to
solve questions .The best part is that all this can be done from home and could save my time. I want to thank the complete E-GMAT team
for making gmat verbal learning easy and interesting. I will soon be taking GMAT and hope to post a successful score.

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May 18, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I’d like to thank Rajat for creating this course, especially tailored for non-natives. Although it has just been a couple of months since I registered for the course I have started seeing improvements already. I’m planning to take the GMAT in a month, and I have high hopes of scoring well on it. I would suggest taking both Verbal Live Prep (VPL) and Verbal Online course. Both these courses addresses all key points needed to improve GMAT score. It's Verbal made easy, I hope they come up with a complete GMAT package. E-gmat introduced me to powerful tools such as “Meaning Approach” and “Pre-thinking”. These concepts made solving SC and CR questions easy and fun activity.
I hope everyone, me included, finds success in GMAT with E-gmat.

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May 10, 2014

Joined: Nov 29, 2013

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I signed up for the Verbal Live Prep program from eGmat and was immediately bowled over by the fantastic videos which cover every topic which is tested on the GMAT for Verbal.
I started with a VA score of 29 a month ago and have now reached 36, and this increase in score I completely attribute to Egmat videos and live sessions. I have not referred to any books but completely rely only on egmat for Verbal.
I have a low attention span and have suffered a lot due to this throughout my school and college studies. Egmat is awesome for people like me who get bored with studying from a traditional text book. Add to this that, now I am a working professional who has to put in close to 14-15 hours in a stressful IT job everyday, the very thought of books and getting back to grammer fundamentals is enough to make me miserable.
I am devoting an hour everyday after work in reviewing the Egmat lessons and I like the fact that this single prep course takes care of all my Verbal needs of RC, SC and CR along with IR too.
The video lessons are available on every concept and I like that it gives me a diagnostic test and then works on the concept with examples and then finally gives me a test at the end of the lesson, which actually tells me how much I have actually understood and can apply to a question. I work on questions from OG 13 after completing a concept and I am thrilled to say that SC , CR and RC is finally starting to make sense.
Thank you eGMAT for launching the Verbal course for natives like me who had earlier relied on just whether a sentence sounded correct to answer SC questions.

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May 03, 2014

Joined: Feb 07, 2013

Posts: 6

Kudos: 102

Self-reported Score:
650 Q48 V32
730 Q49 V41

Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Hey guys. I took my GMAT again last week and scored a 730 (Q49,V41). A neat improvement compared to my dismal first attempt 650 (Q48,V32)

Unlike the 2 month or 2 week success stories, mine spanned across 1 full year. I started prep last February, and took GMAT 1 in August. I took a break for a couple of months and started preparing again from November to December.

I signed up for MGMAT class for my first attempt and signed up for e-GMAT for my second. E-GMAT was a crucial factor that helped me to V41. The beautiful SC course and its meaning based approach, helped me master SC and cut down overall time taken to answer the questions. I went through the SC course quite a few times before the process became ingrained.

Critical reasoning (pre-thinking) also helped a lot although I did not attend more than two session (too many distractions in the class), but their online course is nice.

some pointers:
e-GMAT works for non-natives. I was quite doubtful seeing so many good reviews, but now that I have experienced it I would say go for it if verbal is pulling you down.

Some feedback for the e-GMAT team : I found the online sessions were long and way too many distractions in-terms of questions that were asked. With limited prep time for folks, you might want to focus on content delivery as a separate class and a followup tutorial to address questions. That said, the online prep material is perfect and effective.

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April 28, 2014

Joined: Sep 28, 2013

Posts: 60

Kudos: 45

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

After getting a 570 in my first attempt, I started looking for a comprehensive course which would help me crack the GMAT verbal, which was my weakest part. I was recommended to join eGMAT's VLP course by my friend who was also struggling with Verbal. I went through all the free links provided by eGMAT and decided to go with it.

eGMAT's verbal live prep is the best course for non-natives. I am glad I took this course. While answering sentence-correction questions I never used to be confident . After applying the 'Meaning' based approach, I got the right answers very quickly. More importantly I need not think about the previous answers while answering the new questions. Such
is the confidence given by this approach.

In CR questions I never heard of a concept called 'Pre-Thinking'. eGMAT is the first company to introduce this. Using this concept one can pre-think the correct answer choice without even looking at answer choices. After arriving at an answer choice one needs to only look for that choice in the given 5 choices. This reduces the time consumed by CR questions.

The RC course helped me to master the most challenging passages. It helped me to keep focus and discussed all types of question types involved. Once the process is followed, everything seems easy.

Initially it takes some time to develop an expertise in these approaches. But once these approaches are mastered, answering the questions will be a cake-walk. I found tremendous improvements in both my accuracy and time-management using this.

It also has Live sessions, which helped me to solidify the concepts and clarify any doubts. Sessions are conducted every week and the instructors make the concepts crystal clear. I liked Rajat, Payal, Shraddha, Chiranjeev and Krishna.
These sessions are also recorded, one can view them any time.

I forgot to mention that VLP has workshops too. These workshops ared designed to take the preparation to upper levels. They help to maximize the score. It also gives access to EDVENTO and's mocks. IR is also taken care by this course.

As I said earlier, VLP is the most comprehensive course available. I have scheduled my exam in July and I am confident I'll get to a great score this time.

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April 21, 2014

Joined: Apr 09, 2013

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improvement 10 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I have been associated with e-GMAT from last november wherein I got to attend one of their free webinars. I had taken my GMAT back in 2008 without much or research or coaching and had ended up with a mere 650. As my work ex grew , I landed up in a job where it was imperative to go to a B-school to grow careerwise. I understood the importance of an MBA degreee. So my quest began and I wanted to retake my GMAT by July 2014. As such I got enrolled with their free webinar and was quite surprised to grasp what they taught at the very first session. This lead me to make a quick decision to invest in this course, which gave me freedom to study and prepare for the GMAT alongside my work with no hassles of leaves, moving to classrooms etc. On top of that, e-GMAT had structured the course in such a manner that you have workshops every week, where you can discuss your doubts with an informed group and brilliant instructors. This helped me to really grasp the basic concepts and generated confidince in acing the GMAT exam. Now as I have been working my way with e-GMAT verbal live prep, have host of materials and questions to refer to anytime anywhere basis. I can view recordings for the sessions I have missed. I am sure I am on a journney of making my GMAT story a success. I am looking forward to July 2014 to make it to the B schools list. Kudos to Rajat and his team for providng us this platform and specially a boon to non natives


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April 08, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 1

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Background : B.Tech with 10 years of experience in IT Industry.

First Attempt : I took my first attempt at GMAT in the month of October 2013 and I was primarily preparing off Official guide and GMAT Club daily questions. My preparation took 6 months and my mocks were not improving. But I crossed my fingers and took the exam hoping for a miracle and guess what I got a score of 590 (Q50 & V29). I was shocked, as my lowest score in the mocks was 670. So I knew something is terribly wrong with my preparation.

Second Attempt : I went back to the drawing board to select the best material that can help improve my current score level which was not improving beyond a point. After quite a few reviews I decided to go with e-gmat and am satisfied that my preparation is going on the right track. The material is top notch and you can can get a free demo to get a feel of it. Tutors are very patient and clarify all the doubts of the class even though the class stretches beyond the scheduled hours. Thumbs up to Payal & Rajat for their teaching style.
I will be taking the GMAT shortly and hopefully post a successful score and update this review with more details that can help the candidates in making up their mind on the right material to choose.

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