April 08, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 1

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Background : B.Tech with 10 years of experience in IT Industry.

First Attempt : I took my first attempt at GMAT in the month of October 2013 and I was primarily preparing off Official guide and GMAT Club daily questions. My preparation took 6 months and my mocks were not improving. But I crossed my fingers and took the exam hoping for a miracle and guess what I got a score of 590 (Q50 & V29). I was shocked, as my lowest score in the mocks was 670. So I knew something is terribly wrong with my preparation.

Second Attempt : I went back to the drawing board to select the best material that can help improve my current score level which was not improving beyond a point. After quite a few reviews I decided to go with e-gmat and am satisfied that my preparation is going on the right track. The material is top notch and you can can get a free demo to get a feel of it. Tutors are very patient and clarify all the doubts of the class even though the class stretches beyond the scheduled hours. Thumbs up to Payal & Rajat for their teaching style.
I will be taking the GMAT shortly and hopefully post a successful score and update this review with more details that can help the candidates in making up their mind on the right material to choose.

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