May 10, 2014

Joined: Nov 29, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I signed up for the Verbal Live Prep program from eGmat and was immediately bowled over by the fantastic videos which cover every topic which is tested on the GMAT for Verbal.
I started with a VA score of 29 a month ago and have now reached 36, and this increase in score I completely attribute to Egmat videos and live sessions. I have not referred to any books but completely rely only on egmat for Verbal.
I have a low attention span and have suffered a lot due to this throughout my school and college studies. Egmat is awesome for people like me who get bored with studying from a traditional text book. Add to this that, now I am a working professional who has to put in close to 14-15 hours in a stressful IT job everyday, the very thought of books and getting back to grammer fundamentals is enough to make me miserable.
I am devoting an hour everyday after work in reviewing the Egmat lessons and I like the fact that this single prep course takes care of all my Verbal needs of RC, SC and CR along with IR too.
The video lessons are available on every concept and I like that it gives me a diagnostic test and then works on the concept with examples and then finally gives me a test at the end of the lesson, which actually tells me how much I have actually understood and can apply to a question. I work on questions from OG 13 after completing a concept and I am thrilled to say that SC , CR and RC is finally starting to make sense.
Thank you eGMAT for launching the Verbal course for natives like me who had earlier relied on just whether a sentence sounded correct to answer SC questions.

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