Rajat Sadana Reviews

Company: e-GMAT

Rajat mastered the skill of taking standardized tests at an early age by scoring better than 99 percentile on most exams including the CET (Indian equivalent of SAT), GATE (Indian equivalent of GRE including technical GRE), and the GMAT. Rajat stands out as one of the two students in the country who were selected by Nokia Research (NRC) Germany for a fully funded Master’s degree at IIT Delhi and subsequent internship at NRC Germany.

Post MBA (from Babson where he received full fellowship), Rajat was hired by Honeywell as a Marketing and Business Development Manager to grow its wireless business. During his 4 years at Honeywell, he helped grow the business from $2M to $25M. In August 2010, Rajat founded e-GMAT with Payal Tandon to fulfill his dream to democratize Test Prep education by leveraging technology to provide high quality, personalized, and effective education at affordable prices.


4.8 /5 Average Rating
Based on 187 reviews
April 12, 2013

Joined: Sep 23, 2012

Posts: 6

Kudos: 1

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Dear Friends,

E-Gmat is a game changer in the field of GMAT verbal preparation by its innovative ideas and scientific approaches. I have followed several books and took other online courses for my GMAT exam. But I was not satisfied with my results. E-Gmat approach to solve Sentence correction is truly a rewarding experience.

E-Gmat always stresses on understanding the meaning and the structure of the sentence rather than learning the English grammar by rote. This step by step approach helped me to eliminate the wrong answer choices.

Anyone who is preparing for GMAT should definitely take the free courses available at E-Gmat website. It will help you to understand the E-Gmat approach to solve verbal question.

Above all Rajat and Payal are very much approachable and help you to solve different question. The E-Gmat has a forum to address the doubts of the students. I found this forum activity very useful for my preparation.

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October 15, 2012

Joined: Mar 25, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

E-gmat is an amazing course for non natives. Since i have joined this course, I can already see a verbal score improvement of 100 points . Before joining E-gmat my verbal score was around 28 points. Since i have gone through the SC course and CR course, my ability to quickly arrive at the correct answer shot up.

In my last most recent GMAT prep tests, I got a verbal live score varying from 40 to 45 points.
And in 2 MGMAT tests , I got V40 and V42 scores.
I am touched with the concept of pre-thinking explained in the CR section. Verbal live classes are very good and they reinforce the concept in your mind. Core thing is to follow their application process and then try out those types of questions from official guides . Then you are bound to increase your scores :)

SC Course is quite amazing as well. SC can be completed in under a minute's time. Their unique approach of dividing the long sentences into shorter ones, verb-ing usage, meaning based aproach are all that make a true difference in your accuracy.

I am half way through their RC course, and really enjoyed the tips and techniques of reading an RC passage. The live approach of how to read and comprehend a paragraph is truly amazing.

Finally they offer a GMAT strategy live class session , and that is too good let me confess. There all general questions, such as - how to analyze your mock test scores and how to make a future game plan to overcome your weak areas - are discussed. I liked it very much .

Their customer service is great as well . I always got a reply for whatever technical problems i found in the course ( like i was not able to connect to their live classes using adobe acrobat software ) . I was contacted back within 24 hours of mailing them, and my problems were resolved to my satisfaction.

I can say this prep company is not after only making money, as is visible form their course prices and responses. They are here to seriously help out non natives and improve upon the approach to solve gmat questions.

All in all , i will rate this course 5 / 5 .

My gmat exam is in 3 weeks time now and i hope i will repeat my verbal success soon.
Thank you Payal and Rajat for creating this wonderful curriculum.

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October 14, 2012

Posts: 6

Kudos: 40

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

For people studying for the verbal part of the GMAT, especially those struggling in sentence correction.

I just want to provide some insight into the e-gmat course that I have been taking. So far, I’ve done a good portion of the Sentence Correction course. Sentence Correction just takes a while to learn, especially if you’re like me who is starting out in the 20’s. If you are using MGMAT SC, I would at least recommend when studying instead of doing one chapter and then the OG corresponding questions that you learn other chapters as well before doing OG questions. I was struggling a lot in the beginning with OG questions, especially with timing. My theory when you are starting out you can’t break down the sentence very well because you don’t know a whole lot. So I ended up missing a huge amount of questions as a lot of them still had errors that involved other topics. For this reason is why I prefer the format of e-gmat. It gives you a good bulk of lessons from Subject-verb agreement to verb tenses with lots of practice sentences before it sends you straight to doing official guide questions.

If you do decide to order the e-gmat course I would recommend getting the verbal live prep with it. Verbal live prep is a set of additional sessions that cover a deeper analysis of each section. This provides a more finishing touch on your knowledge gained from just running through the basic course, which still covers everything.

Overall, the gold is in the free articles and the live sessions. Those articles are amazing! Read every one of them. Once you go through these things it really helps a lot with your understanding. So, if you are still struggling with SC, e-gmat should help you out. Even after you have gone through e-gmat I’m sure you could be able to easily tackle MGMAT SC if you still desire.

Lastly, for weaknesses, there were some slides that had some errors in the sentence, but mostly they were spotted easily or someone in the forum brought it to their attention. I was able to get all my questions answered. So I'm happy.

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March 16, 2012

Joined: Jul 22, 2011

Posts: 18

Kudos: 17

Self-reported Score:
710 Q49 V37

Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I can not emphasize more about this course and the instructors: Payal and Rajat are awesome! After joining this live course, my SC accuracy increased from 70% to 90%. E-gmat strategy for pre-thinking is equally good (Pre think at least one assumption before jumping on to the answer choices). CR accuracy increased from 65% to 80%. This course streamlined my process of answering SC/CR questions; I started emphasizing on the meaning of the sentence for SC and on the argument structure/pre thinking after joining the verbal live course. Verbal live course is on the tougher side and emphasizes more on the harder questions; I used to go through these questions again and again and this process bolstered my confidence and helped me in gaining 4-5 points in verbal.
All in all, I would recommend this course

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March 14, 2012

Joined: Mar 14, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I didn't know anything about the e-gmat course before I signed up with them, disappointed with my previous attempt. I had tried manhattan gmat before but found that while they tell you what's the right usage,you don't really know the reason for why the correct answer is
correct. In the e-GMAT SC course, the e-gmat team really takes the trouble of explaining what in the sentence is incorrect or correct. Also, the verbal-live addon sessions are a bonus since you get some live interaction with the faculty to get your questions answered as the session continues.

After taking the e-gmat course, I improved 5 points in verbal overall within a month. To me this was a big deal, because I started believing in myself. The SC course not only helps with SC, but also with CR and RC because the e-gmat course really breaks down the sentence and explains how you're supposed to read a complex gmat-like sentence. If you want to see your score improve without wasting much time, go with e-gmat. I wish I had done this earlier.

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February 11, 2012

Joined: Dec 13, 2011

Posts: 8

Kudos: 17

Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I could not improve my Verbal Score beyond 32 using MGMAT and Powerscore. It was clear to me in October that I needed a change. I thought of taking a prep course but was not sure if it was worth it. I tried a small company that was highly recommended on this forum but that did not help either. Finally, in December, I tried e-GMAT. I started with their sentence correction course. I had thought that I knew all there was to know in SC, but after doing a few concepts, I realized that I was mistaken. I knew the concepts all right but I still had not learned how to apply them. For example, I had not realized the ways in which Verb-ing modifiers could be used till I went through the concept in the course. I then looked into MGMAT and I could find that the same thing was covered in MGMAT as well but somehow I did not understand it the same way. I felt the same as I went through Verb tenses and parallel structures etc. I felt that the eGMAT course was a lot easier to comprehend than MGMAT SC. 10 days later I upgraded to the Verbal Live Complete. I found the CR course to be equally good. The Prethinking approach is just awesome – makes CR questions very enjoyable. Their coverage on evaluate (I did get a few questions) is probably the most comprehensive that I have found in any book. The live sessions were excellent but they cover only the more challenging problems. One other thing that I liked about their live sessions was that the community is quite interactive. In addition to learning from the instructors, you also learn from their community members. Overall, I would attribute my improvement from 32 to 41 to egmat.

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January 24, 2012

Joined: Aug 09, 2011

Posts: 3

Kudos: 8

Self-reported Score:
700 Q49 V36

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I wrote my GMAT exam on 10th Nov 2011 and got 700 (Q-49 & V-36). I would like to thank each and every one of you who shared their GMAT experiences on this forum and helped people like me to achieve the dream score. This forum was very useful to me during my GMAT preparation and its even useful now in my applications. I would also like to thank Payal and Rajat of E-gmat team for helping me improve my verbal score from 27 to 36. The e-gmat course proved to be very effective in improving my verbal score.

Just 2 weeks before the test, i found few people recommending e-gmat for verbal on beatthegmat and gmatclub forums. I registered for SC course of E-GMAT. I completed the concepts in 5 days time and then worked on advanced questions and UGE files. The advantage in E-GMAT is that the course starts with basic level and moves to advanced level once you gain proficiency in the basic level. The topics are classified accordingly to the level of difficulty. Another major advantage that i found useful was that audio visual files in the e-gmat course give you a clear picture of the concept and the concept directly sits in your mind whereas in MGMAT strategy guides, all the areas are on the same level and the concepts are not supported by enough examples as most of the examples seem to be pretty easy and not actual GMAT like questions. I strictly followed the e-gmat process for getting maximum results out of the course.

Use the following method to gain effective results:
1. Review a concept
2. Practice few OG questions related to the concept
3. Review your mistakes and make a error log (Preparing an error log is a time taking activity but its worth the effort)
4. Review the concept in which you made mistakes
5. Practice more problems in the areas that you made mistakes in
6. Once you are confident, move on to the next concept
7. Repeat steps 2 to 5

Within 3 days, i was able to observe a drastic change in my way of approach to SC questions. As GMAT SC questions now deal with meaning issues, we have to get a clear idea on what the sentence conveys before approaching the problem and the e-gmat approach for solving SC problems does just this.
1. Understand the meaning of the sentence
2. Identify the errors in the original sentence
3. Eliminate answer choices

Using this approach, i was able to solve most of the SC questions within a minute. I used the excess time for solving CR and RC passages. For CR, i referred powerscore CR bible but it was not that useful though. i referred to few concepts in CR bible, few in MGMAT CR strategy guide and i also enrolled for e-gmat CR course. Though i could not review all the concept files in e-gmat CR course, it helped me a lot in eliminating wrong answer choices and identifying the correct answers.

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January 21, 2012

Joined: Apr 03, 2011

Posts: 11

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
620 Q48 V27

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

After giving GMAT twice, I was stumbled and down. After 3 months from my 2nd attempt, I decided that I will write GMAT one more time.
In both of my attempts, verbal score screwed me big time (22, 27) while my Quant score was pretty decent. Therefore, I knew that I was lacking somewhere in the concepts only. So I did some research and found out that e-GMAT will be the right option for me being the non-native speaker.
After giving one month of my time with the concepts and the application files of SC & CR as prescribed by the e-GMAT instructors, I see that there is improvement.
Today, I'm able to figure out the subtle differences in the answer choices and rule out the wrong answer with the approach given by e-GMAT.
But this is just the beginning of my learning with e-GMAT and hopefully with time I will be able to grasp the variety of concepts and apply them successfully.
One more thing: e-GMAT gives you the option of flexibility. Since the live sessions are held every month, it gives us an option to attend these sessions as per our convenience.

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