Rajat Sadana Reviews

Company: e-GMAT

Rajat mastered the skill of taking standardized tests at an early age by scoring better than 99 percentile on most exams including the CET (Indian equivalent of SAT), GATE (Indian equivalent of GRE including technical GRE), and the GMAT. Rajat stands out as one of the two students in the country who were selected by Nokia Research (NRC) Germany for a fully funded Master’s degree at IIT Delhi and subsequent internship at NRC Germany.

Post MBA (from Babson where he received full fellowship), Rajat was hired by Honeywell as a Marketing and Business Development Manager to grow its wireless business. During his 4 years at Honeywell, he helped grow the business from $2M to $25M. In August 2010, Rajat founded e-GMAT with Payal Tandon to fulfill his dream to democratize Test Prep education by leveraging technology to provide high quality, personalized, and effective education at affordable prices.


4.8 /5 Average Rating
Based on 187 reviews
March 30, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

In my preparation for GMAT, I was struggling on Verbal. I had even taken classroom courses from leading India coaching institute, even though I did not seem to get the verbal fear out of my mind. My score tends to be around 25.
This is when I came across e-GMAT. I did take a few free tutorials from them and found this to be interesting.
I first purchased the verbal online from them and instantly hit off of with SC session. Now the concepts which I have been trying to understand for last 3 months started to make sense.
The first strategy session from Rajat was very good and helped build up a study plan. The emphasis on focusing on your strength was a very good reminder of the common mistakes most engineers do. Thinking that Qunat is easy for them, they ignore it and I was doing the same.
Soon I upgraded to Verbal Live prep. The live sessions are very helpful. They further help in cementing the concepts and few tricks which are covered there help build the necessary skills to effectively tackle the GMAT like questions.
Intially, I had difficulty following the process and used to think of the e-GMAT process as lengthy and time consuming. But as I started to do more and more practice, the process started to help solving even tricky questions and that too within stipulated time.

Practicing e-GMAT’s process more helped me in improving my hit rate. The number of correct answers increased as I started using their concepts and methods. Their stress on giving importance to meaning of the sentence in SC questions, breaking the argument in CR questions, pre-thinking, forming a logical structure etc really helped in the process of elimination.

The way e-GMAT has divided the whole SC and CR into small concepts is very good for structured learning. It helps you to find out your weak areas and improve on it before moving to the next concept. The video / audio is very good. Audio worked wonders for me. I used to re-listen to all the concepts which helped in strengthening the concept more.

The IR Section is very comprehensive too.

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March 14, 2014

Posts: 4

Kudos: 0

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Hi friends,

Just wanted to share my views on e-gmat's Verbal Live program. I had been doing verbal prep from the most known resources in the GMAT prep. market when a friend introduced me to the Verbal Live prep. It was only when I subscribed to the course I realized how deep GMAT Verbal preparation is supposed to be, i.e. the program not only covers the basics but also teaches in a structured manner the application bit, especially from the non-natives' point of view.

Most of us who are going to take the GMAT have been out of touch of English grammar since our school days, E-GMAT takes that in consideration before deep diving into the application of the concepts and hence the learning is even more effective.

Wish you good luck!

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March 09, 2014

Joined: Apr 21, 2013

Posts: 16

Kudos: 9

Self-reported Score:
640 Q45 V34
730 Q49 V40

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I am a Non native speaker and verbal has been my weak area ever since I started with my preparations. I read all excellent reviews about E-Gmat and started with the free trail. After going through the course material and attending free sessions by Rajat and Payal I had no doubts about joining the course.

After completing the lessons and the online sessions I have noticed a great improvement in my approach towards the Verbal questions (SC, CR and RC). My accuracy has improved a great deal because I am confident about the answers I mark as I know the right reason for choosing the correct option and able to discard the incorrect choices.

The workshops are a real plus as they help you evaluate your relative performance under strict time conditions and show how you performed as compared with rest of the people from your batch. They also hep you formulate you strategy going forward and expose the weak areas you need to work on.

In a nutshell it is a perfect course for non natives who are looking to improve their verbal score.

Wish me luck as I am taking my GMAT in April and will post my experiences in an another detailed review.

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March 02, 2014

Joined: May 11, 2013

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Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I took the GMAT on April 12, 2013. My score was a 580. eGMAT Verbal Live Prep helped me improve 100 points till now. The instructors Shraddha,Payal, Rajat are awesome. It's difficult to keep someone captivated for three hours online, but they do. They really emphasize getting rid of silly mistakes, thinking critically, and engaging their students one on one through chat.

The methodology adopted is completely different here. Here, I learned the actual way to crack the questions, i.e. CR questions through Prethinking. Prethinking is a very useful tool,adopting makes the answer jumping out.

The eGMAT 3 steps process which they teach is working wonderful while cracking questions.
I have one more month for my D-day and strictly following Rajat’s strategy session 2 on how to fine tune your preparation in the last 1 month before GMAT.
My present improvement in score 26V to 34V & hoping to reach upto 40V.

I highly recommend e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep. and I highly recommend taking the course.

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February 20, 2014

Joined: Feb 12, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I am in the middle of my GMAT prep and assure you that the verbal live prep course offers some of the best resources for GMAT verbal section. The course is designed to provide a good mix of conceptual understanding coupled with GMAT-level practice questions. The teaching methodology involves self study of basic concepts and regular practice throughout the week followed by live classes over the weekends to strengthen all concepts and applications. Even though there are various students attending the online class from different parts of the world, none of the questions asked remain unanswered. The team also provides a daily timetable that help you track progress and in case of an absence there are multiple ways to make up.

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November 04, 2013

Joined: Jun 09, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

During my preparation, I was planning to join a course for GMAT verbal. e-GMAT focused on the verbal part and is highly effective because of the teaching methodology. I joined the course in June and started with the SC part. The course content covers the important topics and the illustrated examples on various concepts are instrumental in scaling up the knowledge of SC.
CR tutorials train to analyze the argument meticulously and consider various possible assumptions, thereby minimizing the chances of errors. The RC passages could be more rich in content with more difficult questions like the ones in Manhattan GMAT tests. Nevertheless they are a good source of practice.
The discussions in online sessions were helpful in clearing most of the common doubts. I especially remember the CR session on Boldface questions where some of the most challenging problems were discussed and it helped significantly improve my approach to solve such questions.
But I would like to point out that the voice in some part of the tutorials is not very clear and the time management in some of the online sessions would have helped us learn more.
Overall, I found the course to be really useful.

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August 06, 2013

Joined: Sep 01, 2012

Posts: 39

Kudos: 123

Self-reported Score:
530 Q50 V14
630 Q48 V29

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Dear Friends,

I have recently joined Verbal Live Prep in May 2013 after subscribing to Verbal Online. My experience was great as this is the real application of the verbal concepts that you have learned from Verbal Online.

In Verbal Live Prep, the way we solve and further discuss on each and every question at length opens up many other concepts and you find that this is a Laboratory of your Verbal Concepts.

The e-GMAT team tries to answer each and every query raised by the participants and when you hear them answering those questions, your own concepts get polished.

Further, before each session there is pre-assessment and then the post assessment too. Recently e-GMAT has launched SC Workshop and Verbal Workshop where all the E-GMAT experts joined together take the session after solving the questions. This is something very unique and I salute the e-GMAT team for designing such a workshop. They have really put a lot of effort in designing the workshop and it has really come out great where lot of participants have benefitted from.

I strongly urge all the participants who have taken Verbal Online should also register to Verbal Live Prep.

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July 24, 2013

Joined: Jan 22, 2013

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Kudos: 0

Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

e-gmat verbal live prep is really a wonderful course for GMAT verbal preparation. This course has helped me a lot in improving my verbal skills, especially sentence correction. The e-gmat methodology to teach SC is quite unique, breaking a sentence into different clauses and phrases. Moreover the application file and UGE are good for practice and learning. With e-gmat verbal prep one also gets a one-year subscibtion of Grockit, which has a very large question bank.
e-gmat also provides Integrated reasoning course, for integrated reasoning practice I don't find any other resource with such vast question bank.
Overall a thumbs up for e-gmat verbal live prep from my side.

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June 20, 2013

Posts: 9

Kudos: 1

Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I re-took GMAT and saw a 10-point improvement in my verbal score - V25 to V35
I must thank the e-gmat team for its elaborate and strategic study materials that have greatly helped me improve my verbal score.

I found the course to be very scientifically constructed because the verbal concepts become very clear.

The strategies taught are very helpful and, if followed diligently, will surely improve verbal scores.

Shraddha , Payal and Rajat are very helpful and approachable. One can always reach out to them for questions, help and tips.

I suggest e-gmat to all students who are struggling with verbal .

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May 22, 2013

Joined: Sep 10, 2012

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Kudos: 0

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I came across E-GMAT when I was reviewing various courses. It appeared to me that E-GMAt is the best option for non-natives. Before I signed up, I attended a couple of free sessions by Payal and Rajat. After attending these sessions and knowing their course fee, I was 100% sure to enroll for E-GMAT.

I have started learning various concepts of SC and found that it is much better than Manhattan SC in terms of clarification and description. After each lesson, you have to go through a quiz session to review your learning. It provides you rules but focus more on application of these rules. These aspects were very useful to me.

The course structure for SC is very practical and provides an opportunity to judge your level of learning. The course can be used at your own pace, I was traveling a lot early this year therefore unable to attend online sessions, however, recordings were available and the team was very helpful in answering any question I had. I have seen a drastic improvement in my verbal accuracy. I am hoping to have my exam in the next few weeks and my target is to reach 750.

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