November 04, 2013

Joined: Jun 09, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

During my preparation, I was planning to join a course for GMAT verbal. e-GMAT focused on the verbal part and is highly effective because of the teaching methodology. I joined the course in June and started with the SC part. The course content covers the important topics and the illustrated examples on various concepts are instrumental in scaling up the knowledge of SC.
CR tutorials train to analyze the argument meticulously and consider various possible assumptions, thereby minimizing the chances of errors. The RC passages could be more rich in content with more difficult questions like the ones in Manhattan GMAT tests. Nevertheless they are a good source of practice.
The discussions in online sessions were helpful in clearing most of the common doubts. I especially remember the CR session on Boldface questions where some of the most challenging problems were discussed and it helped significantly improve my approach to solve such questions.
But I would like to point out that the voice in some part of the tutorials is not very clear and the time management in some of the online sessions would have helped us learn more.
Overall, I found the course to be really useful.

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