Krista Nannery Reviews

Company: mbaMission

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 83 reviews
April 25, 2019

Joined: Apr 25, 2019

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Krista made the difference!


I signed up for hourly consulting services with Krista Nannery less than a week before Christmas last year. I was feeling dejected about my MBA prospects, having been waitlisted/denied at the two schools I had applied to in R1, and desperately needed help with my essays for three R2 applications.

From day one Krista was cheery, positive and professional. Her sunny demeanor re-energized me and her enthusiasm for the programs I was applying to reminded me why I started the application process to begin with. What I liked most about working with Krista was the way she seamlessly transitioned between specific, detail oriented feedback on my writing (like punctuation and syntax errors) to very broad, holistic feedback (really making me think through why I picked certain examples for my essays and whether there were better examples I could be using).

She was also incredibly quick with turnaround times, especially considering we were working around the Christmas and New Year holidays. She often returned materials to me well ahead of the stated deadlines for mbaMission consulting.

She also made the consulting process very personal by sharing her own reactions and similar experiences to what I wrote about in my essays.

After my applications were submitted, Krista checked back in for news on interview invites and also gave me helpful guidance on making my final choice once admission decisions came in.

At the end of the day, I ended up getting interview invites at all three schools that Krista helped me apply to, and was admitted to two M7 schools with scholarship money at both. It definitely would not have been possible without Krista!

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April 14, 2019

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Krista was amazing!!!

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I had the pleasure of working with Krista after speaking with many other consultants and she was absolutely fantastic. From our very first call, I knew that she was someone that I could trust and be comfortable around.

What I loved about Krista:

- From the start, I could tell that Krista is very experienced and organized, which made the whole chaotic application process much easier to navigate and enjoyable. She knew what had to be done, kept me on track, and turned everything around super fast.

- Krista was really great at helping to ease my stress. Throughout the process, I often approached her with problems that seemed like a huge deal to me, and every time she was able to provide simple and elegant solutions. I knew that I could rely on her anytime I had a question/concern and would be able to receive great advice promptly.

- She is an excellent writer and communicator. Krista has a simple, clear, and beautiful writing style that made my essays much more compelling. I loved that she never tried to take away my voice, but simply took what I wrote and gave smart suggestions to enhance it.

- Overall, Krista is just a wonderful person to work with. She is fun, kind, relatable, supportive, and she was always cheering for me. I was very comfortable talking to her and I genuinely enjoyed all our conversations.

Ultimately, I was admitted to the Booth MBA program and I don't know if I could've done it without Krista. I highly highly recommend her to any future applicant - you won't regret it!!

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January 28, 2019

Joined: Jan 28, 2019

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Worth every penny...


A friend suggested I enlist a consultant to help me with my business school applications, in order to increase my chances of success. When I started doing my research, my initial reaction on finding out about the cost of MBAmission was ‘no way’; it felt too expensive and I was convinced I could write a decent essay or two on my own. How lucky I was that, despite my initial hesitation, I decided to stump up the money and chose Krista.

From the early brainstorming stage I knew I had found the right person. Krista challenged me to be really reflective and dig deep into why I’d made the choices I had, which helped me develop a genuinely introspective approach to my applications and the wider question of ‘why business school’. She then created a map of my experiences, which enabled us to select the best examples and craft detailed essay outlines, in a way that made the essay writing itself feel very enjoyable. I cannot tell you how much time this saved! By the end of my first draft I honestly felt I had something that was nearly ready to submit. However, Krista continued to help me refine my thinking to ensure each example was well rounded and delivered with impact. Her favorite phrase – ‘more specificity’ – helped me continue to work at my application and ensure I was really proud of the streamlined clarity of the final versions.

Throughout our four months working together Krista was incredibly responsive, making me feel like I was her only client. She pushed me choose a stretch school and helped me craft applications that got me an offer to both my target and stretch school. After my wife, she was the second person I told that when I was offered a place. Words cannot do justice to the value of the support she gave me and I would, and do, recommend her to anyone!

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December 04, 2018

Joined: Dec 03, 2018

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Couldn't have asked for a better consultant!

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I worked with Krista on five applications (all round 1) during the 2018-19 cycle, and was admitted to my top choice program. I started working with her fairly early in the year (March/April), which helped get school selection, visits, and resume writing done well ahead of deadlines. This helped me focus on essays alone in August and September, and finish all my applications on time without any last-minute scrambling.

Krista’s experience with the admissions process and her passion for working with clients truly came across at every stage of the process. She was incredibly responsive through the process, from turning around drafts to answering minor questions about application form details, and she usually was ahead of the promised two-day turnaround as well.

Krista helped me in three key aspects on my essays:

1. All my work experience was at a boutique consulting firm where the work is complex and difficult to explain to a layperson. As a result, my initial drafts contained a lot of detail that was not necessary for the admissions committee. Krista helped me trim this down to the essential points only, leading to a much tighter story and providing additional room to bring out other facets in my essays.

2. She helped my own story and personality come through in my essays - when my drafts lacked specificity, she helped me brainstorm original ideas to pull in, rather than shoehorn me into anything boilerplate. Some of my friends who have worked with other consultants had a bad experience on this front, where they were simply told to say certain things instead of getting support to find the ideas they believed in.

3. Lastly, going into the application process, I was a little concerned about two weak spots in my profile - some past academic issues and being on the lower end of the work experience spectrum. While I knew I would have to address these in my essays, my writing wasn’t effective in discussing any emotions or feelings in those situations. Through several discussions and rounds of editing, Krista really helped take craft portions of my essays to a more compelling story.

After application submission, I prepared for video essays and interviews with Krista as well. Aside from fine tuning the content of my responses, Krista noticed certain certain behaviors/ response patterns that I consistently fell into while answering interview questions. With her advice, I was able to avoid these during application interviews (and also improve my overall interviewing skills for recruiting in business school and beyond).

I’m thrilled to be attending my dream program soon and I’m very grateful to Krista for all her help and support through the process - I’ve already recommended her to some of my friends and would do so unhesitatingly to any other applicants!

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June 20, 2018

Joined: Nov 25, 2016

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Best Decision I've Ever Made

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Let me begin this by stating that before I decided to work with Krista as my consultant, I held free consultations with a handful of other consultants/companies. I knew the application process would be long and grueling, and so I looked at it as a learning experience and a chance to grow. I really did my research to ensure I’d pick the right consultant: I wanted a consultant who would challenge me to be the best version of myself – thereby putting me in the best position to get accepted into a top business school – and who at the same time I would actually enjoy working with.

I decided to go with Krista because I felt that she would do both. And I was right.

Krista guided me through the long journey – always there to answer difficult questions (or even the most basic ones), motivate me, and provide mental support – and she really challenged me to think hard about my story and to continually improve my work – whether it was my resume, essays or interview answers. I applied to eight schools – the first four with Krista and the last four on my own – and once I worked on those first few schools with Krista, I had a great feel for the entire process and was able to do very well on the last four by myself.

Ok, so what made Krista so amazing?

1. Krista’s advice on school selection was excellent. We slightly altered my school choices based on things that came up throughout the process. In fact, I wasn’t even planning on applying to the school that I’ll be attending this Fall until Krista suggested that I apply; she knew that it was a great option based on my career goals and that I would like the school’s culture. I ended up choosing it over another school that she helped me get into that I had originally considered my top choice. I probably would not have considered the school I chose to attend had Krista not been there to offer her guidance!

2. Krista really knew which aspects of my story should be highlighted so that they would shine in front of the admissions committees. While it’s not always obvious at first, everyone has a story, or something that makes them unique – and Krista knows exactly how to pinpoint it and then come up with a plan for creatively showing this to the adcom.

3. Krista was a pleasure to work with! I knew that I was progressing every time I received her input – whether it was edits to an essay or feedback during a mock interview. But it’s not just about the results – it’s about how you get there. It was Krista’s wonderful presence that made me truly enjoy working on my applications. I would be at work and when I saw her emails come through, I’d stop everything to read her feedback – because I knew it would be enjoyable to read. And I loved chatting on the phone with her – she brought energy and enthusiasm every time we spoke.

Krista was truly invested in my success, something that motivated me to always work harder and come back stronger.

Another thing that I appreciated while working with Krista is that she never told me that I had to do something – she only gave me her advice, and left it to me to decide the best route having been told what the possible outcomes or consequences might be. Krista has worked with tons of applicants and knows the ins and outs of the process, so whatever advice she gave me I knew it was coming from years of experience.

I think the most valuable takeaway from working with Krista, however, is that not only did her expertise and guidance help me to get into top business schools, but it prepared me for business school itself and I’ll carry what I learned from her with me throughout my career. I learned how to craft my story in a convincing way and really understand which of my accomplishments to highlight in what situation, and to present myself the best way possible.

This is a valuable skill that I’ll use on resumes, cover letters, and job interviews for the rest of my career.

If I were to do it all over again, I wouldn’t think twice about who I’d choose to guide me through the process – without a doubt, it’s Krista Nannery.

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May 14, 2018

Joined: May 14, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40

Navigating the MBA Admissions Journey with Krista


I was very fortunate to get in touch with Krista Nannery at MBA Mission through a free 30-minute consultation. Immediately, I felt at ease because I felt like she understood where I was coming from - my background, what I wanted to achieve, and where I wanted to go with the MBA program. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to pursue my MBA when I first got in touch with Krista and the entire MBA admissions process seemed so daunting that I thought about waiting another year to apply. After listening to my story, however, Krista helped me formulate a clear picture of my goals and helped me prepare for the application process even though I was starting just two weeks before the R2 deadlines.

Krista became the biggest advocate and cheerleader throughout the process. Having started so late in the game, I worked on some of the essays just days before R2 deadlines and somehow Krista always turned them around within a business day. The feedback she provided was so instrumental in taking my essays to another level - she encouraged me to think creatively about my experiences and to convey them in a manner that delivers the strongest message to the admissions committee. She was very knowledgable on different programs and what each school was looking for, which helped me determine which aspects of my experiences or personality should be emphasized in each application to ensure it gets presented in the best light. Krista is also an amazing writer - she will be able to pinpoint areas to enhance in your essays in subtle but such effective ways, which is so important when writing admission essays with specific word count requirements.

Most importantly, Krista was so supportive and encouraging during the entire process; sometimes I felt like she believed in me more than I believed in myself. She gave me a ton of confidence and helped me stay true to myself during a process that can sometimes be overwhelming to navigate on your own. I really cannot thank her enough for guidance and I would highly recommend Krista to anyone looking to enhance their MBA candidacy. As for results, I was accepted to my top choice program with a significant scholarship and I owe it much to Krista's help.

Thank you Krista and mbaMission!!!

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April 26, 2018

Joined: Jan 29, 2014

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Krista Nannery - Phenomenal Coach, Highly Recommended

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I knew there were a lot of competitors in the MBA admissions consulting space, so I made sure to do my research. On top of reading multiple external reviews and testimonials, I took advantage of each consultant's test call to get a gut feel. Out of everyone that I talked with, Krista was really the only person that didn't act like a salesperson. Instead, she took a full hour to understand my background and my aspirations; it was easy to tell that she was caring and would pay attention to you as a person.

This definitely carried over into the entire process of 1.5 years of working with her, from several months before Round 1 all the way to the end of the waitlist process. Here are the highlights of working with Krista:

1) Thoughtful and probing in edits - She made it clear from the beginning that she was not going to be writing the essay herself, but rather that she would be a guide to help probe out my own thoughts and points. This was to emphasize the originality and uniqueness of my essay. In doing so, Krista was always thoughtful when giving updates and edits by posing various hypothetical questions in how to make a point stronger or why a certain point was necessary.
2) Direct and straightforward - at the same time, however, over 15 deep iterations of an essay, Krista wasn't afraid to be blunt and give objective feedback when needed. She deleted entire sentences and paragraphs when she felt it wasn't strong or contributed to my overall message, but was not tyrannical about it - she always explained the reasoning behind her edits.
3) Strong preparation for business school interviews - Krista provided extensive preparation for the interviews, including multiple rounds of mock interviews along with deep feedback. Not only did she help me work on the interpersonal aspect with tone and intonation to guide me with the proper delivery, she also cracked down on the concrete content of the answers to the questions to make sure they were well-structured and concise.
4) Maintained a strong personal relationship even after I got admitted into school - she referred me to MBA internship positions for a large financial services firm that she previously worked with.

I highly recommend Krista to anyone really looking for a personalized consultant with great insights into any industry and school.

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February 23, 2018

Joined: May 29, 2017

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Great experience with Krista Nannery!


I had a wonderful experience working with Krista Nannery on my applications. The business school application process is a stressful and sometimes lonely experience. Knowing that Krista was in my corner was the only part of this process that actually made things easier and less stressful.

Krista was able to understand my story in-depth and guide me to craft a cohesive narrative. For example, with essays, she helped me assess which stories both addressed the prompt and best illustrated my skill set and experience - and then she’d help me elevate that story in my own voice. Her objective perspective on my career and story was helpful in ensuring my application resonated to an unfamiliar audience (adcom) succinctly.

Beyond her coaching (and therapist-like counseling), she also ensured I stayed on track from a project-management perspective. She’d push me along when I was spinning for too long on an essay draft. There are so many pieces involved in crafting a compelling application and Krista helped me juggle it all.

Working with Krista was a terrific investment. I was accepted to 3 of the 4 schools I applied to, with a 50% scholarship to one of them. I advise my b-school interested friends that I wouldn’t have done the application process any other way.

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January 20, 2018

Joined: Jan 20, 2018

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Great service, great guidance and great advice!


Krista was very helpful during the whole process. I decided to work with her right after my free consultation session as she sounded like a really smart and dedicated person, which was exactly what she was. Krista helped me shape up my essays very well, and particularly she helped me narrow down the topics for them according to each of the schools I applied to. Her cheerful personality made the whole process entertaining instead of stressful and when reading essays from friends who were working without consultants I could definitely see the difference her insights made on my own. It was a great experience working with her and I recommend it highly!

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January 19, 2018

Joined: Nov 16, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

Amazing service


I wanted to attend business school, but I had no idea where to start. I asked my network how they got through the process, and all of them recommended using mbaMission. What should have been an incredibly stressful ordeal turned into a streamlined process that kept me confident in my outlook the entire time. Krista responded to questions in a timely manner and was available to talk at reasonable hours. She helped me narrow my list of schools and produce a compelling story for each application. It really felt like she knew me better than myself after our first sessions together. Krista was a pleasure to work with, and I've recommended her to everyone I know applying to school in the coming years.

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