Krista Nannery Reviews

Company: mbaMission

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 83 reviews
November 15, 2017

Joined: May 13, 2017

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Krista Nannery is a great admissions consultant and truly provided me the support to get into my dream school! I don’t think I could have put together such a high quality application or would have handled it the way I did without her. I can’t recommend her enough.

First, Krista is extremely competent. She’s thorough in her comments on my material, and always gives me such high quality feedback; I’m also so amazed how she always manages to do it within mbamission’s two day turnover timeline (sometimes earlier). She also writes extremely well – she has an amazing way of cutting down your words without letting go of any substantive content (and in fact making your material tighter and cleaer), and has this way of bringing out your personality in your writing. Importantly, Krista is creative – I love how she can magically transform my boring essay outlines into such colourful stories to capture the AdCom’s attention.

Second, Krista is experienced with the MBA Admissions process, and could provide me with such great, wise advice (not to mention emotional support) to handle situations I encountered in the admissions process. She gave me great feedback for my interviews (e.g. how to structure my answers, the tone to maintain in my interviews, the length of my answers etc.) – I definitely wouldn’t have performed as well on my interviews without her feedback. I also encountered distressing situations during the process, including when my interviewer didn’t respond to me and took a while to submit his feedback, but Krista provided me wise advice on how to coolly handle this situation, and even emotional support.

Third, Krista is just such a wonderful person to work with, and truly made this painful MBA admissions process more pleasant for me. She’s funny, personable and passionate about her job, and I felt that she genuinely cared about her clients. I found it easy to talk to her on a whole range of issues I was concerned about over the phone, and she would always patiently address them. She was also enjoyable to speak to because of her bubbly personality, and would have interesting stories to share about her own MBA experience and previous jobs.

If you’re thinking of engaging an admissions consultant, I would confidently endorse and recommend Krista. I genuinely think she has all the skills and qualities that make a great admissions consultant, plus also great experience to help you navigate the admissions process.

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May 18, 2017

Joined: May 18, 2017

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Krista Nannery - An Invaluable Resource

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I wanted to take the opportunity to discuss my experience with Krista Nannery as I navigated the MBA admissions process. Obtaining an MBA had always been a personal goal of mine but as an applicant with almost 15 years of substantial work experience across multiple products within my field, attending a top 10 business school would be the only way that I would receive a long term benefit of investing my time and money. I knew that I would have some challenges that I needed to address through the application process, and this is where I sought the help of mbaMission.
Initially I was skeptical whether the payoff of working with a consultant would be worthwhile but I can honestly attest that collaborating with Krista Nannery was well worth the investment.
Krista was instrumental in helping me strengthen my applications for the three schools I had initially targeted. I say initially because as I finished up my second application, Krista was able to leverage her previous experience as an admissions director at a top school to recommend a program at a fourth school to research. Given my work experience and ultimate career goals, this fourth school is where I will be matriculating in the next few months. I can not thank Krista enough for suggesting this program.
As an hourly client, the majority of my time with Krista was focused on essay and resume editing. In that arena, one of Krista’s key strengths is that she is able to get to the heart of the story you are trying to tell in a succinct manner that really impacts the reader, even if that person is unfamiliar with the industry or experience that you are discussing. In one instance where I chose to write about a workplace leadership experience that had happened quite some time ago in my career, Krista suggested to choose a more recent story. Due to that feedback the resulting essay was significantly stronger and more relevant to the admissions committee. Because of her prompt turnaround time I was able to finish the bulk of my essays for three schools in about two weeks, which is no small feat when each application has between 2-3 essays. For one program in particular, there was a video essay component which I had filmed and sent to Krista while she was on vacation. Even half way across the world, she provided great comments that enabled me to reshoot the video to allow the viewer to learn more about me on a personal level. Also, as a more untraditional applicant, Krista really helped me leverage all components of the application to ensure the admissions committees of each school obtained a holistic view of my work experience, impact I have made in the workplace and community, what I was seeking to obtain through a MBA program, and most importantly what I would contribute to my peer set if admitted. With a lengthy two page resume filled with professional accomplishments and community and workplace involvement outside of my day to day role, a resume review one was of the most challenging aspects of the application process for me. Krista was up for the challenge – she was able to leverage her resources and really help me consolidate my best and most pertinent highlights on to a one page resume document, which is an amazing accomplishment.
Upon entering the interview phase of the application process, Krista was a great resource during our mock interview phone call. Prior to that call, Krista and I had only communicated via email which was no issue given her extremely clear notes and great communication skills. I had not had a formal interview in quite some time so the mock interview call was invaluable preparation because it really helped me refine and better articulate my message.
On a personal level, Krista is a real pleasure to work with. She always exhibits a positive attitude but is also someone who will provide real feedback that ultimately strengthens an applicant’s admissions package. I really felt she had a vested interest in my success, and because of the time and effort she put into working with me, I can confidently say she was a key factor in my success.

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May 15, 2017

Joined: Aug 11, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41

Working with Krista was an absolute joy and almost made applying to business school an enjoyable task, which is not easy to do! I started the process late due to poor planning on my part and worked on 3 applications with her. We completed each application early within a 6 week time frame. Her energy and passion kept me motivated from the beginning and she clearly explained what needed to be done step-by-step to ensure that we would stay on track and expectations would be met. Ultimately, I was accepted to all 3 schools and I am happily attending CBS in the fall. The one school I did not even get an interview at was the one application that I did not work on with Krista - I can't imagine that is a coincidence!

I think there are three main points I would like to highlight about Krista:

1) She listened to me & enhanced my writing: Krista really understood me and allowed my voice to come through in each essay we worked on. She challenged me to be concise but helped me in structuring my thoughts more clearly. There was one essay that wasn't coming well together for me. I e-mailed her on a Friday afternoon and she responded within minutes and offered to get on the phone. We spoke for an hour hammering out what was holding me back in the essay and created a much more cohesive outline. This was above and beyond! Her comments were clear & constructive and I never left a conversation confused.

2) Her response time was always quick. There were a few times I admittedly pushed the envelope on getting my work back in time for a deadline. She never complained but would e-mail me with bits of encouragement and get me closer to where I needed to be. With CBS, applying earlier is important. Krista knew it was my top choice, so she pushed me to get my application done well but also early. I can't thank her enough for that.

3) She communicated clearly. I had a close friend working with a consultant from another firm. Our experiences were night and day. While my friend probably had over a dozen drafts per essay, Krista and I did 3-5 drafts per essay - though she would have done more if necessary! I attribute this to our calls where we diligently outlined the best way to tell my story. Krista also set expectations. She realistically spoke to me about my chances as a candidate and explained my strengths and weaknesses. Because of this, I think I did a better job communicating my story well to school. She even helped me figure out a plan for Round 3 applications (which was above and beyond!) if my 3 applications did not end in an acceptance. I feel like above being a consultant, she was intimately familiar with the admissions process and openly shared any data points she could to help me understand where my chances were better or worse. This advice proved invaluable and was something my friend did not experience at the other firm he worked with.

I do not have enough space to type out all the wonderful things I have to say about Krista. I cannot imagine going through this process without her and simply cannot thank her enough for all her hard work.

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May 15, 2017

Joined: Jan 12, 2016

Posts: 5

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40

Krista Nannery - a great resource


I reached out to MBA mission for a free consultation in the latter part of my GMAT process. I had studied for a few months and just taken my first official GMAT. My score was mediocre, it was not what I was expecting, and I wanted to talk through my options with someone who had experience with the process.

I had my free consultation with Krista and to my surprise we discussed much more than the GMAT. She did stress the importance of a great score but assured me that it was within reach and many of her clients had faced a similar battle. We quickly moved on to many more fruitful topics. In particular, our discussion surrounding community service is worth mentioning.

I was under the assumption that my application would be subpar as I had little community service activity. I had worked in investment banking and private equity for the past several years and did not volunteer much given the workload. Through my consultation with Krista, I learned that community service is a much broader term than I had initially thought and that I had loads of community service experience. By the end of the phone call I knew that I wanted to work with Krista and ended up buying a three school package with her. What a great decision that was.

I had my sights set on a top MBA program (H/W/S) and the first step was devising a plan to get me over the 700 GMAT mark. A month later, above a 700 was in the bag. I wanted to point this out because she is much more than an application guru. She was extremely helpful before I even started writing and her ability to encourage and motivate is incomparable.
Once the GMAT was in the rearview, we focused on essays. The brainstorming session, like the free 30-minute consultation, brought out quality stories and aspects of my character that otherwise may not have surfaced. Krista would review initial essay outlines and help me tailor the structure and story to the respective school. She was not, however, overly opinionated – my applications remained authentic. Where Krista shines through is on structure and delivery. Her commentary would often be along the lines of “can you rearrange these thoughts”, “can you make this more concise”, or “you had mentioned x in your brainstorming doc, could that fit in here”.

I started working on applications and essays in June. This gave me more than enough time for Round 1 deadlines. I was pretty much able to hop on the phone with Krista as many times as needed. We probably discussed and reviewed each essay 5-10 times. That is the kind of attention you will get with Krista.

In short, she will help you craft your story effectively and push you to submit the best application you can. You do not hire her to get you in, you hire her to push yourself to get yourself in. If you are willing to put in the effort, Krista guidance is a tremendous resource. What I most enjoyed about working with Krista was throughout the whole process the application always felt authentic and in the end you know that you got yourself in.

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March 23, 2017

Joined: Sep 16, 2014

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Thank You, Krista!


For starters, a bit about myself - I was a re-applicant this year. Last year, I worked on my MBA applications for two weeks (yes, I was clearly not very serious) and only applied to two schools - Yale and Ross - eventually getting interviews from both but not getting through at either school. This year, I was more prepared and I worked on Round 1 applications with Krista Nannery for two schools (CBS, Wharton) and was admitted to CBS. I wanted to share some thoughts on my experience with Krista.
In short, Krista was absolutely amazing but I would be remiss if I didn't tell you what really made her stand out for me:
1. Krista was extremely structured and clearly knew what she was doing:
• Resume structure: Being an Indian male consultant at a Big 4, I felt my resume was strong but also very generic. That was before it received Krista's Midas touch. Krista had a very structured format that separated my client work from my internal projects and helped each of them shine in their own light. It was brilliant to see how easily she understood exactly what I was trying to communicate through my bullets, and enhanced them to significantly heighten their impact. I've genuinely never felt better about my resume than I did after working with Krista through it. We did three drafts of it in 5 days and it was the first "deliverable" we knocked out.
• Essay Structure: After reading my introductory document, Krista knew exactly which stories we should convey in the essays and came prepared to our brainstorming call. She not only had a clear view of the overall essay flow but she had even planned out the first and last sentence of each paragraph! She was always very clear in her instructions and laid out exactly what she needed from me well in advance so we never had to rush to meet our timelines. Krista really helped me bring out my personality and character in my essays, especially in two essays I found very challenging and could've easily gone south (CBS #2, 3). Her best practices for brainstorming and moving on to the actual essay writing made it clear to me that she knew what she was doing and made me not only feel, but also realize that I'm in very good hands.
2. Krista always maintained a very prompt turnaround time:
• Even though her mandatory turnaround time for anything I sent was two business days, more often than not, Krista returned the essays to me in less than 24 hours. It almost became a game at one point for me to see who could turn the essays around faster (while maintaining high quality of course). It was great to see how efficiently she was able to pinpoint areas I needed to work on and provide constructive and actionable feedback so that I could implement those changes. Having Krista based in London was a huge blessing for me (living on the East Coast in the US) as anything I sent to her at night was reviewed by her and ready for my edits again in the morning.
• I also want to add that Krista made herself available for a phone chat on each and every occasion that I requested. There were times when I wanted to speak about some resume/essay edits over the phone rather than over e-mail and Krista made sure we were able to grab 30 minutes to an hour each time. Even though she was swamped with other clients, she never made me feel like I was not her only client.
3. Most Importantly - Krista was genuinely interested in my success:
• Scholarship Essay: Being an international student with a management consulting background, I never thought I would be given need-based financial aid. Hence, I never kept up with the timelines. However, just a week before the deadline, I received an email from the school and I finally opened the application 3 days before the deadline to see what was required. Despite my extreme tardiness and irresponsible behavior, Krista showed up for me when I desperately needed her. She was about to leave for her vacation and was running to catch her flight when I finally managed to get a first draft of my essay to her. Even though she didn't have a chance to prop open her laptop and type up a long email to me, she read my essay on her phone, took down hand written notes, and sent me a photo of what she had written down. As always, her feedback was constructive and actionable - I knew exactly what to change and how to change it too. Once she landed at her vacation spot, she scoped out a wi-fi spot and immediately responded to my second draft, while being on vacation! Her turnaround was so quick that despite all my tardiness, I was able to submit my application more than 24 hours before the deadline. This "above and beyond" attitude of Krista's just reinforced how genuinely interested in my success she was. To top it off, I recently found out I received a $24,000 annual scholarship from CBS! I cannot describe how grateful I am to her for all her help.
• Interview Tips: Krista was so invested in my success that as I was preparing for my interview, she made every effort to help me cross the finish line with flying colors - even going to the extent of jumping on the phone with me a second time to do another mock interview. Our first mock interview went well but I was still nervous and knew I could answer a few questions better. Krista gave me some crisp and concise feedback on how to tackle those questions and when I expressed that I wanted to jump on the phone a second time with her, she did not hesitate even once before scheduling the call. Her fine tuning here was absolutely phenomenal. After our second chat, Krista helped me feel so confident that despite a crazy interview (probably the most difficult interview of my life), I got into CBS within 5 business days of my interview being completed.
Overall, I'm so thankful that I was paired with Krista for this process. Working with her was an absolute pleasure - she was always very professional and had great tips to share. Everyone I speak to in the future about the application process will hear about mbaMission and Krista from me in the best possible light. Thank you for all your help, Krista!

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February 20, 2017

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Krista Nannery - mbamission - Review

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I worked with Krista throughout the MBA application process and was fortunate to have received offers from 4 schools, including my number one choice – HBS. Krista was instrumental throughout the whole process, and I am certain that I would not have succeeded without all her thoughtful and considered guidance. Before I go into specific examples, I should highlight the fact that Krista made the process far, far easier than it would have been had I gone it alone. Applying to several business schools is a stressful and laborious process – Krista recognises this and was there every step of the way encouraging and being supportive throughout.

Speaking to Krista right at the start of the process, I could tell that we would work well together. I could relate to her considerable experience within the financial services sector, and given that she has been an admissions committee member at a top ranked school she was able to leverage her experiences to help me present the best version of myself. Given her enthusiasm, it was clear that she is passionate about encouraging and helping others maximise their chances of being admitted to their target schools.

During the school selection process, Krista had some great insights – she walked me through what I needed to consider in order to carefully select the right set of schools for me, and gave me a framework for my thinking. This was followed by the brainstorming process – Krista really took the time to get to know me properly on a personal level. She impressed upon me the need to make a significant effort to think through all of my experiences to date. We then spent a great deal of time going through all of this in detail; Krista was adept at drawing out the key messages within my story that would really resonate with the relevant admissions committees. For example, I felt I had a range of disparate extra-curricular activities that didn’t really relate to each other; Krista’s years of experience as an admissions consultant were clearly evident, as she was prescient in her ability to weave together various examples in a thoughtful and coherent manner.

Drafting the essays and short answers was always going to be the toughest part of the process for me, however, Krista made it much less painful than it could have been. She helped me to organise my thinking and tailor my essay plans to reflect what I really wanted to say, something that is very easy to lose sight of when one is so close to the material. She helped my story stand out, and avoid the clichés; in my view, this is hard to do without the view of a seasoned professional. When it came to revising essay drafts, given that I am someone who tends to agonise over language and style, I could tell that she really put a lot of thought into every single question and revision that we discussed. It was this attitude – going the extra mile – that really sets Krista apart. For example, early in the admissions process I had mistakenly interpreted the eligibility criteria for one of my target schools such that I thought I was no longer eligible to apply. Despite not working on this particular school with me, Krista went out of her way to triple check whether or not I could apply and made sure to let me know that the eligibility criteria had been clarified and that I was indeed able to apply. I duly put together an application, and thanks to Krista’s quick thinking I was fortunate to go through that process and end up with an offer at the school.

Throughout the writing phase, it became apparent that Krista’s communication skills are really ‘on point’. It was always clear when I needed to deliver draft versions to her for comments, and when I would get them back. Indeed, she frequently returned materials to me ahead of our planned deadlines. Her attention to detail is exceptional; for example, when it came to the short answer questions, she was able to spot the inconsistencies that I would have certainly overlooked. Interview practice is another one of Krista’s specialties. She went above and beyond in making sure that I was properly prepared, providing me with lists of key questions, walking me through what the atmosphere would be like in the interview room, and role-playing the interview experience so that I felt as confident (as is possible!) when walking into my interviews.

I really am happy with the outcome – the opportunity to attend business school has been a huge long-term goal of mine, and I know I wouldn’t have got there without Krista. I would give the highest recommendation about Krista to anyone thinking of working with her. Thank you so much, Krista!

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February 06, 2017

Joined: Sep 16, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q46 V40

Best consultant for B-School - Krista Nannery


Working with Krista was the best decision I made during the business school application process. Her expertise in using my background and stories really helped me to stand out as a candidate. She masterfully turned what I believed to be weaknesses into strengths and helped me to craft specific essays to support my accomplishments.

I signed up for the 3 school package with the intention of moving into investment banking post MBA. I have no banking experience (I work in Healthcare), but Krista was able to utilize my past work experience to highlight the areas that I would excel in. Throughout the process, she helped spur my creativity when writing essays so that I stand out as an applicant. This included the creation of a website to tell my future classmates about myself.

Krista identified and promoted a great balance of personal and professional achievements in my application, making sure that I shared details that I thought were unimportant, but made me quite unique. I was asked about several small details within my essays during interviews. Due to the mock interviews Krista hosted, I was more than ready to tackle that challenge with ease.

I was invited to interview with both Cornell SC Johnson and NYU Stern. Thanks to Krista, I was accepted into both and am on the waitlist for a fellowship with Johnson.

Krista is very responsive to any questions or inquiries. She lives in London, and I am in Atlanta so the wonderful benefit of having her as my consultant was that she was working while I was sleeping. Numerous times I wrote a draft of an essay, then went to bed, only to wake up to a revised copy. One of her best attributes is her ability to trim down my overly-wordy essays and keep the heart and meaning completely intact.

The most amazing thing about Krista is that she really cares about how you do. You're not just another client. She wants you to succeed. She was able to give me advice well beyond the application process; Ranging from classes in business school to internships, and even to living arrangements in NYC. She was an incredible asset and worth every penny.

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January 19, 2017

Joined: Jan 19, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q46 V42

Wonderful experience working with Krista Nannery


I applied to five top programs, and Krista helped me throughout various stages of the process for each of the five schools on an hourly basis (brainstorming during the essay process, proofreading and providing suggestions for essays, mock interviews), and without Krista, I would not be where I am today—enrolling in Sloan in the fall with a scholarship for my first year!

1) Krista is incredibly personable and thoughtful—she truly got to know me – my interests, my aspirations, my work / academic experience, my background. She helped me tailor my application to reflect who I am and what I wanted to say, highlighting my strengths. For example, I had an “optional essay” for one of the programs I applied to that could be in any medium of my choice. Krista was familiar with my professional background (I work in hotel / property development). She suggested a website (something I would not have thought of) to showcase my work (lots of renderings/design drawings), which ended up turning out really well—a creative solution that was representation of who I am and something I was truly proud of. And this was because she put thought into what I should create that would best showcase and reflect ME as a person.

2) Krista was always timely at providing feedback and setting up phone calls—she was always available to chat whenever I needed to.

3) She is detailed-oriented and constructive in her feedback on essays and short answers--and puts a lot of effort into tweaking language, style, and content based on characteristics of each school--something I would have overlooked without her.

4) She alleviated a lot of stress and a lot of my concerns about the process. I was initially really anxious about applying to business schools, but Krista was a constant source of support, guidance, and knowledge about the process—and I really would have been a lot less efficient and effective during the entire process without her help.

Overall, Krista made the whole process a lot more efficient and a lot more enjoyable than I had anticipated, and I am really happy with the final outcome—having the opportunity to attend one of my top choices in the fall! Thanks again, Krista!

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December 31, 2016

Joined: Dec 27, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q51 V41

Krista Nannery was assigned to me as my consultant for the “Start-to-Finish” package for 6 schools whose applications I worked on from June – November 2016 for Round 1 of the 2016-2017 admissions cycle. Wow, was I lucky to have Krista, I could not have asked for anything more in the experience. She helped me beyond what I even thought was possible for an admissions consultant.

The most important way she helped me is probably one that goes overlooked when judging the value of a consultant. I am a white male with a pretty bland job, and in general I thought there just wasn’t anything that interesting about me. Krista completely changed the way I view myself, and for that I cannot thank her enough. She took the time to really get to know me and learn about all of my accomplishments and desires. She disagreed with my assessment, and over time convinced me that there were interesting and unique aspects of my profile that we could use. When it came to the essays, she had ways of tying together experiences and stories that best conveyed my message. When we would discuss topics for a given essay, she would bring up things that I had completely forgotten about. She would point out patterns in my history and personality that I didn’t even know existed. At times, it seemed that she knew me better than I knew myself. This was a priceless component of our collaboration that I am sure made the difference in my applications.

Aside from her magical ability to make a bland applicant shine, Krista was brilliant in all the technical aspects you might expect from a consultant. She is a marvelous essay reviewer and would help me transform my wordy and rambling prose into crisp, clear B-School essays. She also knows the process inside and out. She always had a plan and was one step ahead of me. As I was finishing one phase of the process, she had already mapped out what to do next, and so was constantly pushing me to get the most out of the process. If I ever asked something particularly new, she always had a colleague or contact she could ask for a second opinion, which she would get back to me extremely quickly. And that is the other thing, Krista is FAST and EFFICIENT. I sometimes felt like her only client- she would turn things around much faster than the MBA mission contractual 2-day turnaround policy. At first I was slightly worried when Krista mentioned that she was based on London (I was in NYC), but this actually turned out to be an advantage. While I was sleeping, she was working, so that when I woke up in the morning I had a beautifully edited draft of my latest essay waiting in my inbox. Krista will work really hard for you and get the job done, period.

Aside from all this, what really sets Krista apart is her personality and dedication. She has what I would best characterize as a bedside manner. The process can be stressful, but Krista will always make you feel better and get your head back in the game. For me this happened when we did our first mock interview, which I did extremely poorly. Krista handled it very well, and had some great suggestions for me. She made sure we scheduled another round before my first interview. Her advice made all the difference; I came back a different candidate, one totally prepared for my interview. Because of all this, Krista is not just my consultant, but now my friend; I feel very lucky to have met her. It is because of her that I was accepted to Booth and Wharton. I enthusiastically recommend Krista to future MBA applicants.

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December 15, 2016

Joined: Dec 15, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q46 V44

I'm not sure what I paid for


I signed up for a two-school package and I don't think it was worth it.

My main concerns were a.) a low undergrad GPA (I had a high grad school GPA and high GMAT) b.) I'm a few years over the average 3) I'm coming from a non-traditional industry, with a promotion system and titles that probably aren't familiar to them. I don't feel like she helped me showcase these in any way that was different than what I would have done.

My consultant walked me through essay outlines (which took about 30 min per essay), which wasn't where I needed help. Once I had essay drafts, she made a few superficial edits, but that was it. She gave me almost no guidance at all on my optional essay, which is what I was worried about. I don't feel like I ended up with an application that highlighted my strengths.

I paid over $5,000 and think I would have saved a ton of money going with an hourly package. I would estimate my consultant spent 10-15 hours total with me. Most of the services I got, I didn't really need. Most of the services I did need, I didn't get. I really don't understand what I paid for. I felt like most of the service were application guides that I could have bought or downloaded for free from the MBA mission store.

Anyway, I ended up getting dinged from both schools without interviews.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
April 26, 2017

Well said, I can't agree more, better yet an essay editing service will do the same but will cost way less .

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