January 28, 2019

Joined: Jan 28, 2019

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Worth every penny...


A friend suggested I enlist a consultant to help me with my business school applications, in order to increase my chances of success. When I started doing my research, my initial reaction on finding out about the cost of MBAmission was ‘no way’; it felt too expensive and I was convinced I could write a decent essay or two on my own. How lucky I was that, despite my initial hesitation, I decided to stump up the money and chose Krista.

From the early brainstorming stage I knew I had found the right person. Krista challenged me to be really reflective and dig deep into why I’d made the choices I had, which helped me develop a genuinely introspective approach to my applications and the wider question of ‘why business school’. She then created a map of my experiences, which enabled us to select the best examples and craft detailed essay outlines, in a way that made the essay writing itself feel very enjoyable. I cannot tell you how much time this saved! By the end of my first draft I honestly felt I had something that was nearly ready to submit. However, Krista continued to help me refine my thinking to ensure each example was well rounded and delivered with impact. Her favorite phrase – ‘more specificity’ – helped me continue to work at my application and ensure I was really proud of the streamlined clarity of the final versions.

Throughout our four months working together Krista was incredibly responsive, making me feel like I was her only client. She pushed me choose a stretch school and helped me craft applications that got me an offer to both my target and stretch school. After my wife, she was the second person I told that when I was offered a place. Words cannot do justice to the value of the support she gave me and I would, and do, recommend her to anyone!

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