April 26, 2018

Joined: Jan 29, 2014

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Krista Nannery - Phenomenal Coach, Highly Recommended

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I knew there were a lot of competitors in the MBA admissions consulting space, so I made sure to do my research. On top of reading multiple external reviews and testimonials, I took advantage of each consultant's test call to get a gut feel. Out of everyone that I talked with, Krista was really the only person that didn't act like a salesperson. Instead, she took a full hour to understand my background and my aspirations; it was easy to tell that she was caring and would pay attention to you as a person.

This definitely carried over into the entire process of 1.5 years of working with her, from several months before Round 1 all the way to the end of the waitlist process. Here are the highlights of working with Krista:

1) Thoughtful and probing in edits - She made it clear from the beginning that she was not going to be writing the essay herself, but rather that she would be a guide to help probe out my own thoughts and points. This was to emphasize the originality and uniqueness of my essay. In doing so, Krista was always thoughtful when giving updates and edits by posing various hypothetical questions in how to make a point stronger or why a certain point was necessary.
2) Direct and straightforward - at the same time, however, over 15 deep iterations of an essay, Krista wasn't afraid to be blunt and give objective feedback when needed. She deleted entire sentences and paragraphs when she felt it wasn't strong or contributed to my overall message, but was not tyrannical about it - she always explained the reasoning behind her edits.
3) Strong preparation for business school interviews - Krista provided extensive preparation for the interviews, including multiple rounds of mock interviews along with deep feedback. Not only did she help me work on the interpersonal aspect with tone and intonation to guide me with the proper delivery, she also cracked down on the concrete content of the answers to the questions to make sure they were well-structured and concise.
4) Maintained a strong personal relationship even after I got admitted into school - she referred me to MBA internship positions for a large financial services firm that she previously worked with.

I highly recommend Krista to anyone really looking for a personalized consultant with great insights into any industry and school.

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