e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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Based on 1183 reviews
January 27, 2015

Posts: 141

Kudos: 382

Self-reported Score:
680 Q50 V33

E-Gmat quant prep - Simply best


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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I am E-Gmat Quant prep student since Aug - 14 and i am extremely satisfied with the contents. It covers all the topics required to excel GMAT Quant section.

I think, best part of this course, is that it does not over burden with unnecessary information. It contains only those concepts that are sufficient to master the topic. Pre assessment and post assessment test clearly test your understanding about the concept.

Entire course is divided into various section, which makes it easier to understand and analyse the pattern in which GMAC can frame a question, using various concept pertaining to particular section.

I strongly recommend this to those, who wants to build their concept.

E-Gmat Quant course is perfect material for the GMAT Quant section.

All the best with your preparation.

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January 21, 2015

Joined: May 13, 2011

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Thank You eGmat


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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Thanks alot e-Gmat.
I am yet to take my GMAT exams.
I have enrolled for eGmat verbal live course in july 2014 and almost finished whole of the course.but could not write exam because of some personal engagements.
I have seen a tremendous increase in verbal mock scores and my gmatprep verbal score improved from 15 to requesed, eGmat even extended my course expiry by a month without charging me a single penny.
Proud to be a member of such a forum,which is more concerned about the aspirations of its students rather than earning more profits.No Doubt why you guys have produced such great results..
Looking forward to share my real Gmat score in Feb.
PS: please ignore any typos/ mistakes.reviewed from my cellphone. :)

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January 17, 2015

Joined: Sep 13, 2012

Posts: 8

Kudos: 4

Self-reported Score:
680 Q48 V35

Awesome course!


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

Being a non-native speaker i had to work hard to improve my verbal score. I could not find any good classroom programs in New Delhi, then i heard about Verbal online "e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep" course from a friend, then i did my research online and read a lot of good reviews about this course, i even tried their trial classes and bought this course at a good price. In a week's time i learnt a lot from this course. Verbal online classes are very good source of learning. Teachers are well trained. Will suggest everyone to take up "e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep" course. You will be satisfied.

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January 12, 2015

Joined: Apr 25, 2012

Posts: 525

Kudos: 2350

Self-reported Score:
570 Q45 V26

Great Work E-gmat team


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I came across E-gmat on Gmatclub forum in 2012 and joined the course considering my score in mid 20's.
I was not a believer in technology and preferred Face to Face interaction but E-gmat and other online platforms have changed that.
The SC course starts with very basic things in Grammar and then builds on that. Ultimately it leads you to the thing that matters most in success in SC and that is meaning over grammar. The course is ideally suited for anyone starting with SC or has found other courses bit too theoretical.

I did not use RC course to that extent as for me it was too make too many changes to the way I have studied. This course can be made bit more crispier

CR was again a refreshing change considering in those time or before that a lot more focus was on theory. The course is a good starting point again for any one new to CR.

I have been able to increase my score in mocks to mid-30's from MGMAT,Veritaspreps and GMAC tests. However, overall I have improved 4 points on verbal in actual exam but I think there are other factors at work and course is not at fault.

Some of the posts from e-gmat on GMATCLUB and appreciation those posts have received are strong testimony to great offering and value for money..

I have asked for at least 2 extensions on the course access and I have been give the same as per my request.

Some key things:
Stick to timeline of the course. No matter how busy you need to give the exam in max 6 months time depending upon where you start
Attend webinar and free sessions before you decide to join the course.
Any course is as good as you want it to be.If you demand you will get, If you work hard and be disciplined then you will get all the support you need from the team.

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January 11, 2015

Joined: Sep 23, 2013

Posts: 120

Kudos: 202

e-gmat : One stop for Verbal


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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

When I entered into the GMAT battlefield, I chose a local prep institute without doing any research. I am mentioning this because if you don't do proper research about the prep materials (before you begin studying for GMAT),you'll most certainly end up loosing precious time. I paid a good amount of money to a local prep institute only to realize that they know nothing about GMAT verbal section (lack of structured material, lack of professionalism..they teach you CR in 3 days- sounds funny right !).No wonder I had to abandon my GMAT preparation in the mid-way because verbal (especially SC) became a black-box to me.
After 8-9 months, I gathered the courage to start again. This time I did a lot of online research(forums like GMATclub etc.) because I knew that there is something different to GMAT verbal which we (non-natives) usually don't study in school. After a lot of recommendations , I chose e-gmat liveprep course. And believe me this was the best investment I did towards my ultimate goal - getting a great score in GMAT. I believe as non natives we need a comprehensive /one stop platform that can teach us the intricacies of verbal and that can also prepare us to perform consistently at the top level. The course is very comprehensive and teaches you everything as far GMAT verbal is concerned. I absolutely love the video lectures that are highly interactive.Once you start using e-gmat course , you'll never want to look to any other prep material/book.
- The SC section is class apart. Better than any prep material out there. Period ! SC used to be my weakest section in Verbal. Now it has become a strength. E-gmat has changed my perspective - I can confidently say that SC is the easiest section (in verbal) to ace.
- I think no prep material can teach you how to read. But again e-gmat follows a very structured approach for RC. And the lessons, mock quizzes and the workshops(part of e-gmat liveprep course) helped me tremendously in improving my accuracy and speed.
- CR section is equally good. The pre-thinking approach taught by e-gmat helps in improving speed as well as accuracy. I was able to solve CR problems from OG with an average accuracy of 80% after I finished the CR course.

But apart from the video lessons, what makes e-gmat quite unique is the quality of its live sessions(comes as a part of live-prep course). The concepts that you learn from video files are cemented in the live sessions. Moreover , the sessions are highly interactive. There are quality discussions in the sessions and you can learn a great deal from the experts (and fellow students). I can certainly vouch for the quality of live sessions.
The verbal workshops(again part of liveprep course) keep you on your toes. These are tough tests(sectional as well as complete tests) that are extremely helpful in gauging one's progress.
Internal Forums ( to clarify doubts)are very responsive.

With liveprep course one gets free access to GMATclub and 800score CATs. I am using these tests and believe me it's a great deal.

I can give 100 reasons to buy e-gmat course to nail the verbal section,but it's easy to decide after subscribing to its free trial(which I also did).

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January 10, 2015

Posts: 71

Kudos: 390

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Before taking up the E-Gmat Verbal Live Prep course, I attempted many SC, CR & RC questions from OG,Manhattan guides & Gmatclub forum. I got few correct & many of them incorrect. Even after solving aroud 500+ questions & reviewing their explanations, I never got a hang of the verbal section. I felt it was more about childhood habits, something that came naturally to the native english speakers & I won't be able to excel in it.

Solving plenty of questions, getting them wrong & going through the explanation never helped me progress, not even an inch. I was solving more, but wasn't learning. I could answer a question correctly only in the case if it was too easy or if a similarly structured question that I solved earlier appeared.
I almost gave up the hope of a high score until the day I attended the free session of CR by E-Gmat's RAJAT SADANA. I was so impressed that I immediately signed up for the course.

My learnings so far :
- The course helps you develop a strong FOUNDATION.
(With every session I could see the mistakes I made in my earlier approach)
- The course helps you improve your ABILITY & ACCURACY.
(Rajat always said focus on improving your ability, and that speed will come automatically. It does make a lot of sense - SPEED IS A BYPRODUCT OF YOUR ABILITY)
- The course helps you identify exactly WHY a particular answer choice is wrong.

The E-GMAT addon 'Scholaranium' is an excellent pool of easy, medium & difficulty level quizzes. The questions help you implement the concepts learned & test your preparation level. Every single question is really praise worthy.

The E-GMAT WORKSHOPS are an excellent source to test yourself across the pool of other E-GMAT students. I could easily see differences in my way of attempting the test & other students' approach.

After completing the course, my confidence level, my ability & accuracy has really zoomed high !!
All thanks to E-GMAT team for coming up with this excellent product.


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January 09, 2015

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
670 Q47 V34

A truly comprehensive course, but best bang for the buck is SC


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

After my first GMAT attempt in 2011 ended in an unexpected disaster, it left me completely shell shocked. I had invested 6+ months in GMAT and also gone through the MGMAT course. On D day, I got 70 points lower than any test I had taken. Like any other non-native, the main issue was Verbal. So when I decided to retake GMAT, I did a lot of research and found the EGMAT VLP course. It was a third of the cost of the MGMAT course and yet the experience was much better. As a working professional, I was able to attend the weekend classes online, or see older recorded classes on the topic at my leisure.

My SC performance improved quite a bit (Accuracy increased from 53% to 75% within a month). Similarly, CR accuracy also jumped from 46% to 70%.

Overall, the course structure is amazing. And the 3 step approach for solving SC questions really helps you understand the difference.

I highly recommend this course over the MGMAT course for any non-native professional.

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January 06, 2015

Posts: 223

Kudos: 668

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

Best course for GMAT Verbal


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I think for non-native speakers it is the best verbal course.In my opinion SC plays a vital role in GMAT exam because verbal is the last session which everyone would be attempting and till you reach the last session,most of us will be drained out and SC will be very helpful in getting good score with less effort. Also, you have to solve SC in short time so that you can give more time to CR and RC.
Egmat SC and CR strategy is the best I can say.You can feel it by registering its demo session free of cost. I would say it need some improvement in RC sessions ,may be giving more ways to enhance the speed and excercise on dense RC.

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January 02, 2015

Joined: Mar 20, 2014

Posts: 2351

Kudos: 3666

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V44

eGMAT quant live prep


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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

eGMAT quant live prep has lived up to the expectations that were created back in August 2014. The main goal of quant live prep being to push people towards scores of 50 or 51 when they are scoring 48+ in quant. This has been evident from the mock scores that I have been able to achieve be it GMATPREP (test 1: q 50, test 2: q 51).

As a part of the one of the most represented groups taking part in the MBA admission process in USA (Indian engineers ), quant comes naturally to most of us, though not many are able to score 50 or 51. eGMAT quant live prep starts with the very basics and does not assume prior knowledge of concepts of quant. This is probably their strongest point. We all know what are prime numbers, factors , multiples etc but to apply them in an official question is a whole different ball game. I admit that I did buy the course back in August itself when it was launched but the course structure did not impress me. Quant live prep 2.0 has now shown that the eGMAT team is actively looking into making the course easy to understand. There is a study plan for the entire course and it starts with the basics of a concept covered. Questions following the concept are of very high quality and they force you to think and apply the concepts learnt. The live sessions are very helpful in reinforcing the very concepts learnt. One last impressive thing about the course is the prompt replies that you get when you post questions in the eGMAT forums.

Although the course is still in its infancy but the team has done a very good job of removing fear of GMAT quant that many people have.

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December 18, 2014

Joined: Mar 04, 2011

Posts: 12

Kudos: 9

GMAT hit me hard....but there is hope!!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

I took the GMAT exam last week and did not do well, I had a woeful score of 530. I came back same day and took the last practice exam I had left to be double sure something is not wrong. My last GMAT official score was 540. How can I have up to a year of preparation and still score below my first score? Anyway, I took the last practice test again and scored 650! So what went wrong?

I sat down and reflected on what I must have and perhaps still doing wrong. I realized I had underrated the exam twice. I over guessed and did not follow all the instructions I got on the e-GMAT course I took. Perhaps let me emphasize this, GMAT is a very challenging exam if you do not do all the right things. The e-GMAT course is indeed the best for non-natives like me. My verbal on the real exam was 29 but on the same day in the GMATPrep second test, my verbal score was 36! It was then that I was able to realize that in the real exam, I did not follow all the rules I learnt on the Verbal Life Prep I enrolled for on e-GMAT and I got burnt. I would not blame e-GMAT. It is probably one of the best courses you can take out there. I can say this because I had paid for the Economist course, Magoosh and other not too popular online courses.

However, the only down side with e-GMAT is that the life sessions are too long for busy people to cope with. A session is typically about one hour an half long and not everyone has got that block of time for an interactive session.

Nevertheless, I and going back to the drawing board to take the exam again. I know I can do better than my score. I have re-enrolled for the GMAT exam again and I am sure this time, I should get a fantastic score. I should be able to give more reviews on my success when it eventually comes. I do know that at certain height there are no clouds, if you still have clouds in your life, then you have not soared high enough. This applies to the GMAT too.

Finally, my single advice is that you should take the exam seriously. If you are a non-native like me, religiously follow the e-GMAT videos and you’ll be alright.


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