January 09, 2015

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Self-reported Score:
670 Q47 V34

A truly comprehensive course, but best bang for the buck is SC


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

After my first GMAT attempt in 2011 ended in an unexpected disaster, it left me completely shell shocked. I had invested 6+ months in GMAT and also gone through the MGMAT course. On D day, I got 70 points lower than any test I had taken. Like any other non-native, the main issue was Verbal. So when I decided to retake GMAT, I did a lot of research and found the EGMAT VLP course. It was a third of the cost of the MGMAT course and yet the experience was much better. As a working professional, I was able to attend the weekend classes online, or see older recorded classes on the topic at my leisure.

My SC performance improved quite a bit (Accuracy increased from 53% to 75% within a month). Similarly, CR accuracy also jumped from 46% to 70%.

Overall, the course structure is amazing. And the 3 step approach for solving SC questions really helps you understand the difference.

I highly recommend this course over the MGMAT course for any non-native professional.

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