January 11, 2015

Joined: Sep 23, 2013

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e-gmat : One stop for Verbal


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

When I entered into the GMAT battlefield, I chose a local prep institute without doing any research. I am mentioning this because if you don't do proper research about the prep materials (before you begin studying for GMAT),you'll most certainly end up loosing precious time. I paid a good amount of money to a local prep institute only to realize that they know nothing about GMAT verbal section (lack of structured material, lack of professionalism..they teach you CR in 3 days- sounds funny right !).No wonder I had to abandon my GMAT preparation in the mid-way because verbal (especially SC) became a black-box to me.
After 8-9 months, I gathered the courage to start again. This time I did a lot of online research(forums like GMATclub etc.) because I knew that there is something different to GMAT verbal which we (non-natives) usually don't study in school. After a lot of recommendations , I chose e-gmat liveprep course. And believe me this was the best investment I did towards my ultimate goal - getting a great score in GMAT. I believe as non natives we need a comprehensive /one stop platform that can teach us the intricacies of verbal and that can also prepare us to perform consistently at the top level. The course is very comprehensive and teaches you everything as far GMAT verbal is concerned. I absolutely love the video lectures that are highly interactive.Once you start using e-gmat course , you'll never want to look to any other prep material/book.
- The SC section is class apart. Better than any prep material out there. Period ! SC used to be my weakest section in Verbal. Now it has become a strength. E-gmat has changed my perspective - I can confidently say that SC is the easiest section (in verbal) to ace.
- I think no prep material can teach you how to read. But again e-gmat follows a very structured approach for RC. And the lessons, mock quizzes and the workshops(part of e-gmat liveprep course) helped me tremendously in improving my accuracy and speed.
- CR section is equally good. The pre-thinking approach taught by e-gmat helps in improving speed as well as accuracy. I was able to solve CR problems from OG with an average accuracy of 80% after I finished the CR course.

But apart from the video lessons, what makes e-gmat quite unique is the quality of its live sessions(comes as a part of live-prep course). The concepts that you learn from video files are cemented in the live sessions. Moreover , the sessions are highly interactive. There are quality discussions in the sessions and you can learn a great deal from the experts (and fellow students). I can certainly vouch for the quality of live sessions.
The verbal workshops(again part of liveprep course) keep you on your toes. These are tough tests(sectional as well as complete tests) that are extremely helpful in gauging one's progress.
Internal Forums ( to clarify doubts)are very responsive.

With liveprep course one gets free access to GMATclub and 800score CATs. I am using these tests and believe me it's a great deal.

I can give 100 reasons to buy e-gmat course to nail the verbal section,but it's easy to decide after subscribing to its free trial(which I also did).

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