e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
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Based on 1183 reviews
April 11, 2013

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E-GMAT - Chill pill to Verbal Maniacs


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

Am non native speaker and as with most non native speakers I have Verbal mania. I have gone through Gmat club (thanks to you are always awesome in helping everyone) and found good reviews on E-gmat. I have followed some of the explanations provided in this forum by E-GMAT and was very impressed (especially by Shraddha) and thought of giving a trail (BTW E-GMAT provides you with free trial) and confidence level on course has raised to next level :)

I Signed up for Verbal live prep course and I found this course very helpful in getting my basics right. They provide you with the right road map which I reckon plays a major role in achieving success. I had gone through MGMAT course earlier and I was not able to hit the percentage rate (around 80 -90) I wanted to, but after going through E-GMAT I was able to do that. The Key element of E-GMAT is Meaning analysis and if you follow this then you would fare far better than what you think.

I liked their approach very much
1) Pre assessment - To know where you stand
2) Course - To get the basics right
3) Post assessment - To get to know whether you have understood the course
4) OG questions - Application of what you have learnt to GMAT like questions

I would strongly recommend this course and hope you guys benefit from this.

Last but not the least - Thank You E-GMAT.

Ex-Verbal Maniac

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March 26, 2013

Joined: Feb 15, 2010

Posts: 3

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The best Verbal course for Non Natives


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

Hi friends, I took GMAT 3 times earlier but could not cross 600 and the verbal score was stable on 29. I have already used most of the resources recommended on these forums but unfortunately could not get concept understanding.

Few months before I have seen e-gmat demos and signed for verbal live prep. I found the this course is unique and very helpful for non natives.

1. It covers all fundamental concept with their practical uses
2.The focus is given on building fundamentals
3. Especially made for non natives understanding inherent weakness they have while dealing with Verbal.

SC course- Must go through. Most comprehensive course. It will change your thought pocess drammeticaly and SC will become a cakewalk.

RC- Very practical strategies. A must buy if you are not good at RC

CR- Much comprehensive. Better than the resources available at market. Covers all fundamentals and approach to solve problems is explained methodically.

I storngly recommend all these courses to people who are stuck up due to less verbal course. I would have done much much better if I would have got such a great resource earlier. Dont delay if you are seroius about 700.


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February 27, 2013

Joined: Apr 06, 2010

Posts: 92

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Valuable and indespensible tool for Preparation - e-Gmat Course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I have been preparing for this exam like hell. I started 2 years back and gave one attempt (550, V-47, V-20) till date. I haven't lost my patience or zeal to beat the GMAT. My preparation is not consistent and initially I had no clue how to tackle each section. I came across e-GMAT site and their wonderful Verbal Live Prep course 6 months back.

This is an amazing course for non-natives. Explanations are so details that you can't miss/forget the concept. Rajat and Payal are awesome in their individual areas (CR and SC). They have put in so much efforts to build the right material for practice. I am sure if one adheres to the course diligently, he/she can crack the GMAT easily. I haven't left my hopes to reach 700 mark yet. I am preparing and e-GMAT is my indispensable tool for preparation. Thanks e-GMAT for being there and converting our dream scores into reality.

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January 06, 2013

Joined: Jan 10, 2011

Posts: 71

Kudos: 340

7 Point improvement on verbal


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I wrote my first GMAT on 14th May 2012 and scored 23 points on verbal. The verbal score was so low that it brought the overall score down. I planned to take GMAT again to achieve my dream. I was going through the GMAT club for verbal courses and came across E-GMAT. After going through the free live sessions, I enroll for E-GMAT's verbal live prep.

The course was a game changer. I understood the importance of meaning through online courses by Shradha.
I able to link various grammatical nuances easily after completing SC section.

The CR course is a master class. Rajat is one of the best instructor. The concepts files, application files and methodology taught by Rajat is awesome. I recommend all the GMAT aspirant out there to attain CR online courses by Rajat. The online course is comparable with RON from MGMAT.

Finally, After re-writing the exam I improved my Verbal score from 23 to 30. I still have a long way to go achieve my dream. but at least I have right tools and instructors (from E-Gmat) to make inroads to the destiny.

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December 06, 2012

Joined: Jun 15, 2010

Posts: 242

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E-gmat- a game changer for verbal


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

A truly Game Changer course in verbal for non-natives. After exhausting all available resources, I finally subscribed to this course. I saw a few reviews in GC forums and attended two free live class with Rajat on GMAT strategy & Pre-thinking. I was totally satisfied with the content & I knew I will definitely learn some new strategy to tackle my poor verbal score V23.

After taking the course I pulled up my verbal score to a respectable V40 (90%ile). I just turned my weakness into my strength now. My total score is 710 (Q49,V40)

As I progressed with the course I realized my shortfalls in concept as well as in attacking strategy. The Verbal live course is quite different from the verbal online course. I have clarified almost all queries on the spot during the class (that kind of luxury was there). The important thing that helped me most to improve on verbal is to understand the underlying thought process of the instructors while they approach/attach a particular question. For SC course Payal did a wonderful job there. In fact I asked her in one classroom to describe her thought process elaborately - how she approach a particular SC. And that key thing has changed my SC accuracy a lot.

Similarly Rajat's Strategy of pre-thinking is the key for CR. And not but the least- my weakest link RC in verbal has improved a lot after the course. My accuracy just went above 85% from 60-65% level. I always struggled with non-familiar topics in RC. At last Ron (one of e-gmat instructor) has rescued me from this big shortfall. After i completed the course I realized my improvements through Mocks & i was able to improve my timing on SC/CR/RC without sacrificing accuracy.

I am very happy with my decision to invest in e-gmat verbal live and doing so really rewarded me a 90%ile V score.

The concept files cover every single grammatical rules within the scope of GMAT. The practice questions, quizzes, assessment tests are very carefully crafted keeping the standards of Official GMAT questions.

A ton of thanks to e-gmat & group.

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November 03, 2012

Joined: Oct 16, 2012

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Logic came to rescue (610 to 700)!!!


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I gave my first attempt back in Sep 2009. I scored 610(Q43, V31). I did not expect such a low score then. I had prepared for over 6 months with utmost sincerity. Such was the disaster that I did not even bother to analyze what went wrong.

One of my friends, though, advised me to retake the test after due preparation and to take the test only when I see an improvement in my preparations. That proved to be very true.

Now by the start of this year, I decided to give my second attempt and do things differently. Though there was a gap of nearly two years, my force to ace GMAT was no less. As a BITSian I knew it wouldn’t be too hard to score 46-50 in Quant. But as a non-native I needed better preparation in Verbal. Like Quant, Verbal can be aced with proper fundamentals, understanding and strategic attack. Below I have shared a few things that probably helped me in achieving 700(Q48, V37).


You might have heard this over and over again. Be strong in your fundamentals. This applies to both Quant and Verbal. For Quant, we have tons of reliable resources in the web: MGMAT Quant Strategy Guides, Kaplan GMAT Math Workbook and GMATClub WorkBook topics to name a few. I too relied on these resources to understand the nuances of certain GMAT format questions such as Work-Rate problems, Probability and Statistics problems and Inequalities problems. These are not complicated when you know what to look out for. For instance, you have to be so clear about the reasoning behind the work-rate question ‘A works for 12 hours to finish a job, B works for 14 hours to finish the same job and what would be the time taken to complete the same job when A & B works together’ that you can understand a complex question with jargons.

Similarly for Data Sufficiency questions, you should improve your reasoning to a stage where you can connect the dots between the questions that you practiced (during practice tests, GC forum questions, etc.) and the questions that come up on the test day. Of course none of the questions that you faced during your preparations is going to pop-up on your test day. But the logic will.

Is Verbal an up-hill task?

Yes and No. Yes because we either think that there is no one procedure to get the exact correct answer or that process of elimination is the ONLY way to get the ‘best’ answer. I strongly disagree here. There is a way to get to the exact answer (note not the best answer). That’s because GMAT has a pattern in framing the logic behind its questions. Note I said logic not the structure. Most of the resources out there teach you the structure of the GMAT questions: how to use advanced negation technique in an assumption-type CR questions or how to memorize the usual idioms or how to quickly read a four paragraph RC question. Believe me. This doesn’t work.

I said no because I used the e-GMAT Verbal Live product which showed me these logical procedures to answer the Verbal questions. I have to say here that I’m not part of the marketing team from e-GMAT. I am genuinely ‘just’ a customer of e-GMAT. I got to know them only through GMATClub.

Coming back to the logics, here are my thoughts for Verbal Question types:

Sentence Correction:
The GMAT SC questions from the Official Guide teach us certain important patterns. These patterns include but not limited to misplaced modifiers, logical parallel lists and many more. These cannot be answered in a mechanized manner. Because the answers might be grammatically correct but logically wrong. Only when the intended meaning of the sentence is clear, you can get to the correct answer. Again the OG teaches to eliminate the wrong choices because of very specific reasons. When this line of reasoning becomes intuitive the process of elimination becomes more logical and you get the ‘correct’ answer.

Critical Reasoning:
I learnt to better eliminate the incorrect answer choices through e-GMAT’s CR Course. I religiously followed the pre-thinking process as taught and improved in my timing to answer CR questions. Again here efficient elimination techniques come handy because GMAT throws in errors in a certain way which can be identified after thorough practice.

Reading Comprehension:
Though there is no one way to master this question type, the only proven way is to logically attack each RC question type. For that you need razor-sharp focus while reading the passage. When you focus on the structure and tone of the passage, the main crux will become evident. Per e-GMAT process, the passage summaries at various stages of reading the passage prove enough to answer the questions correctly. This helped me a lot as I was always struggling with RC.

On the Test Day:
Have fun! I mean, relax and look forward to enjoy the process. I tried to smile at various points to ease myself and to not think about what happened in the previous question. Of course this is not easy unless you practice it during the practice tests. I recommend taking MGMAT practice tests and review the questions to understand the source of errors. GMAT test will be lot easier after taking MGMAT tests. This might have a side-effect on you on the test day. That is, you might end up feeling that you screwed up the test. But actually you dint. That’s how I felt after each section. But I thought I ended up with a decent score. Thanks GMATClub, e-GMAT and MGMAT for helping me out in the process.

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September 16, 2012

Posts: 6

Kudos: 3

E-GMAT delivers the Knock-out to Verbal


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

The E-GMAT course has revolutionised the way Verbal is taught. It's detailed yet simple slides on SC,CR and RC make learning complex concepts in verbal a breeze. Moreover compared to other standard text books, the course saves a student significant time by ensuring a student is exam ready for optimum performance.

The course has a quiz at the beginning and at the end of each topic to enable students to better assess their level of improvement .The Verbal Live Complete Lectures conducted by Rajat and Payal over the weekends focuses on the finer aspects of verbal that help improve one's score.

I am thankful to E-GMAT for playing an important role in my GMAT score and I expect E-GMAT to become the success story of all GMAT test takers in the years ahead.

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September 10, 2012

Posts: 9

Kudos: 1

Verbal improvement by 12 points - All thanks to E-gmat


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

E-gmat course really helped me improved my Verbal score drastically. In my first attempt I got a score of 580( Q 47 , V23 ) and I then started e-gmat score. I gave my GMAT on August 9th and got 660 ( Q47, V35) . I totally give e-gmat credit for this drastic verbal improvement.

Their Sentence correction and Critical reasoning stuff is really good and it breaks down all the complex topics into easy stuff. Also their live sessions on weekend were very helpful as they try to understand the concepts of a topic and help participants understand how to handle a question. I personally feel if u have a weak verbal and want to improve your score, then go for e-gmat.

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August 24, 2012

Joined: May 22, 2010

Posts: 2

Kudos: 3

This IS the course for non-native english speakers!


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I recently gave my GMAT for the second time and scored 750 (Q50, V41) – 98th percentile!! I scored 610 (Q46, V27) in my first attempt. I have improved in quant and BIG TIME in verbal. I attribute the improvement in my verbal performance to my hard work, keeping the cool during the test and most importantly to the CORE SKILLS that I have learned through the e-GMAT verbal prep course.

Remember guys, in calculating the 200-800 score, GMAT assigns a higher weight to your verbal score than to your quant score – just open OG 12 and look at the percentile score difference between quant and verbal for the same numerical score. So, if you really want to boost your GMAT score to beyond 700, you need to make sure you do well on the verbal section. If you are a non-native English speaker like me, the chances are that you are missing some of the core skills needed to perform well in GMAT verbal, especially those related to sentence structure, identifying parts of the sentence and understanding the meaning of a complicated sentence. Developing these core skills makes the difference between scoring 30 versus scoring 40+ in verbal.

The first time around, I was getting a good score in verbal during my practice tests but the scores were not consistent. I would get 35 in verbal in one test and 30 in another – I could not really understand why. After the disappointing verbal score in my first GMAT, I decided to take a more fundamental approach to my verbal preparation and started looking for some course that catered to my needs. I read some reviews on e-GMAT and I wanted to give it a try because it was said to be designed specifically for non-native English speakers. After I listened to the free videos on their website, I was immediately very impressed. I signed-up for the verbal package right away and I think this one of the good decisions I made in my GMAT preparation. Their focus on building the core skills in non-native English speakers makes e-GMAT different from other test prep companies. After going through the basic, intermediate and advanced sentence correction sessions of the e-GMAT course, I was very convinced that they got it right! I religiously followed the e-GMAT three-step process in solving each of the sentence correction questions and I immediately started seeing results. I was able to breakdown complex sentences into smaller, more manageable parts and understand the intended meaning much better. This process not only helped me in sentence correction, but I started to notice that I was now able to do much better at CR and RC as well because I started to understand the meaning of complex and tortuous sentences.

Overall, I think e-GMAT course was a great return on investment. If you are non-native English speaker and are struggling with your verbal score, I recommend you to e-GMAT course – you will not regret it!

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August 21, 2012

Joined: Aug 23, 2010

Posts: 195

Kudos: 64

Best Impact in short time and perfect pace


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

I had only 22 days to prepare when I signed up for E-gmat. I was retaking the GMAT after a failed attempt. My SC and RC section was pretty strong but I wasn’t able to take advantage of my strengths because some question types in CR sections were weak.

With e-gmat course I was able to focus on just the weak section. Support was prompt. I never had to wait for more than a day to get a reply to my questions. I really liked the material for several reasons. First there are short enough videos that you can go over them and quickly check your knowledge wherever you want.

If you have a busy job schedule this is a perfect course for you. It doesn’t matter if you are a native speaker or not. If you want to increase your verbal score at least by 4 points you should seriously consider this course. I found this to be the best impact course out there. If you are little strapped on money consider there Verbal online. I had 4 point increase in my verbal score.

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