e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
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Based on 1183 reviews
December 19, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

A humbling experience - Follow their approach!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

I should start off this review by mentioning that my GMAT experience (test day) was not the best. This is something I will save for my debrief, but in a few words, my verbal score was much lower than in my practice exams.

When I started studying for the GMAT I was scoring in the 27-28 range for verbal. While I have lived in the US for a few years, I am a nonnative English speaker, so I knew I needed a program that would help me improve my verbal score. That is what made me choose e-Gmat. I got the Verbal Live Prep package since they were offering a special discount that made it more attractive moneywise.

The program explains very well all the verbal components of the test and provides you with tons of practice problems in which to apply what you have learned. I particularly liked the sentence correction section. In fact, SC went from being my worst section to being my greatest strength, and I attribute this improvement to eGmat.

The videos also make the course a lot more interactive and engaging. I had MGMAT SC book, which is great, but a bit too technical for me and a bit tough to read if you’re not in the right mood to study. I also enjoyed and learned a lot from watching the live webinars.

Regarding the cons, there are two things that I would like to mention. First, it seems like there are differences between American and Indian English, and this is something that constantly distracted me while watching or working on various problems. The most notable difference is the fact that, many times, it seems like sentences lack words such as “a”, “an”, and “the.” While this might be just a minor thing to some people, it really bothered me at one point.

The second thing is that, at least during my preparation, many of the videos needed to be updated to correct general errors. Some of these errors are pointed out in the eGmat forums. An example is the formatting of some of the SC problems. Some of these problems only have certain parts of the sentence underlined, but still, some of the answers will change the entire sentence, regardless of whether the part that they are changing was underlined or not. Likewise, you will also find the opposite cases: a whole the sentence might be underlined, but the answer choices will consist of only a few words. In that sense, I believe that this does not make the e-Gmat experience very GMAT-like.

Nevertheless, I very much liked the course and I recommend it everybody, but particularly to non-English speakers. In about a month my verbal score was improving and eventually I started scoring consistently in the 34-35 range. Unfortunately, I got really nervous on the night before the test and couldn’t sleep well. On top of that, I was also very nervous during the test, and I believe all these factors contributed to me getting a low verbal score (31).

There’s also a very important point that I’d like to make. There was a point were I believed I didn’t need to follow the eGmat approach. I did not want to spend time learning and applying this approach because, in my mind, it was just a waste of time and I thought that, somehow, it would all make sense during the exam and the questions would be easier. BIG MISTAKE. I believe this arrogance is what got me stuck in the 34-35 range. Taking the GMAT was actually a very humbling experience, and I will renew my subscription to eGmat soon so that I can take the GMAT again. This time, however, I will follow their approach. I highly recommend that you also do this, otherwise, you will waste a lot of your time (like me), and not get very good results.

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December 10, 2013

Joined: Apr 25, 2012

Posts: 138

Kudos: 394

Verbal Live Prep Course (improved from V 27 to V 41)


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

If you're a non-native, Verbal becomes your weak spot. What may have worked for X or Y may not work for you. So, decide early and register for a course. If you're in two minds, I'd recommend you give Verbal Live Prep course a shot (Take the free trial).

-> Once you've enrolled to the course, trust the process and apply it in mock tests so that you can apply easily in the real exam.

-> Develop a reading habit (30 mins everyday) without fail. Articles from Smithsonian, HBR, The Economist can be of great help.

-> Buy the GMAT Question Pack and GMAT Exam Pack without fail.

-> Verbal Workshops (SC/CR/RC) included in the course were INSTRUMENTAL in my improvement , helped spot strengths/weaknesses.

-> Consider the course as a short term investment that will reap huge benefits in future.

e-GMAT SC course

-> Tailor made course to improve one's efficiency from 70% to 90%. Plenty of questions that mimic the real exam questions.

-> Follow the e-GMAT 3-step process, analyze both the right and the wrong answers.

-> Once course is completed (including OG/OG Verbal Review), you'll start recognizing patters in Q's, thereby reducing average time per Q.

e-GMAT CR course

-> Pre-Thinking approach works not only in Assumption Q's, but also in Weaken/Strengthen/Inference Q's. It will help reduce the average time spent per Q and give the confidence to solve hard Q's.

-> The quality of practice q's included in the course are too GOOD.

e-GMAT RC course

-> How to Read Effectively ? The RC tutorials/lectures/workshops taught me how to deal effectively even with the weird passages.

-> Both accuracy and timing improved, and RC soon became my new strength.

Consider this is an un-biased opinion from an average Indian. If I can achieve my dream 700, so can you. GOOD LUCK :)

My deepest regards to the whole e-GMAT community (Rajat/Payal/Shraddha/Chiranjeev/others).

Needless to say, GMAT Club/team rocks !

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December 09, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
600 Q49 V23

good verbal course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

E-gmat is the online course that is focused on verbal section of the gmat and it is the only one that gives verbal score increase guarantee. E-gmat is very helpful in creating my study plan and afterwards my gmat study period. Rajat was very helpful and they are all my friends now.

E-gmat follows a well-designed pattern and its flash slides and afterwards quizzes make you feel learn the subject very well. It has also online companion which helps you to accelerate your learning from lessons with live instructions and real gmat like questions.

To sum up I am really happy to join this course and be part of the e-gmat community.

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December 02, 2013

Posts: 178

Kudos: 1367

Verbal Live pre review


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

After using the Verbal online course for 6 months I decided to upgrade to Verbal Live prep. I got to say these classes are really good especially the SC and RC classes taken by Shraddha These classes are simply awesome.

The CR live sessions were good but since the SC session were the first few classes I had really high expectations from the CR live session but they were good not as great as the live session for SC and RC

The class size is around 50-70 students and they have interactive poll quizzes that test your knowledge and the live session comes with per-requisites and other quizzes.

I had provided a detailed feedback on the verbal online course and since Verbal Live prep is Verbal online + live session there isn't much to add.

The course came with grockit which was really helpful as it provided good Questions to practice and gave me platform to find out my Takt time. I improved by 5 verbal points from V17 to V22.

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November 12, 2013

Joined: Jan 16, 2013

Posts: 5

Kudos: 11

Self-reported Score:
580 Q49 V21
720 Q48 V41

Thank you note to e-gmat


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

An excellent course, especially for non-natives, and a guaranteed score improvement is what e-gmat is. After my fiasco in my first attempt , I registered for e-gmat. Immediately after going through few of their course materials I knew I was at the right place.

About the course structure :

1) Structured and well defined.
2) Importance to meaning and logic.
3) No shortcuts.

Of the 3 verbal courses SC was awesome. E-gmat's stress on meaning really does the trick and will really help you nail SCs. Payal's meaning session is one of the best sessions I have attended. Though the approach would take time, once mastered ,will really help you solve Sc qts at a much faster rate and accuracy.

Regarding CR , Rajat will help you get at ease with the concepts and solving questions. Pre-thinking is an excellent technique to solve CR and helped me get through my exam fairly quickly.

Rc sessions by Shraddha are wonderful. They helped me improve my accuracy , most of all understand and get involved with the passages. I was even able to solve a 5-6 para passage that I got in my exam, thanks to Shraddha.

And of course , Krishna's and Chiranjeev's sessions were good too.

I owe my 140 point improvement to egmat and would recommend it to any non-native,especially the re-takers, who aspire 700+.

Thank you guys for an excellent course and please continue the same.


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October 13, 2013

Joined: Feb 13, 2011

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
710 Q48 V38

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I would like to share my experience so far with the study curriculum of e-GMAT. I believe my review will be most helpful for non- natives. I am from India a B. Tech and MBA from NMIMS, Mumbai (MBA aspirants from India would know). I have around 4.5 years of post graduate work experience and generally work 60-70 hours a week. I am a FRM holder and CFA Level 3 candidate and have academically done well throughout. I am a credit analyst and frequently required to write reports and do number crunching. Thus, I was a bit overconfident and never thought taming GMAT would be difficult. GMAT humbled me, showed me I was wrong.
1st Attempt (January 7, 2013) (570, Q47, V22): Disaster - I was applying for Autumn 2013 intake for two specific courses, however, as the average work experience of the class was around 7 years I was asked to apply after a minimum of 5 years work experience plus for Autumn 2014 intake. Though I knew this was not my final attempt, since I had already registered for the exam I tried to give it a shot. The resource material used was Manhattan entire strategy guides, and OG. Quant PS was quite easy for FDP, Geometry, word problems and algebra. DS was a bit tricky for number properties.
Sentence correction: Too different from how we are taught English in our schools. We can frame our own sentences which we know are correct and carry with flow. However, when subjected to sentences with different structure finding the correct answer was tricky. I read the Manhattan SC book twice and tried to memorize all the idioms. Though I understood the rules, their application was far far away. Whenever subjected to a complex sentence I would read the entire sentence and was unable to find anything wrong with it. I would read the answer choices, look for splits, madly try to look for parallelism and many other mistakes. Accuracy suffered and timing was poor.
Critical Reasoning: I was okay with the CR from the beginning. The guides helped identifying the types of problems etc. Timing was decent except the only few where I was stuck between 2 choices and had to re-read the question and the choices.
Reading Comprehension: Tough! Solving the problems in time was impossible. I took around 15 mins to solve 4 questions. The guide said make notes, read the 1st para/sentence twice. I followed everything but, still, accuracy was poor and time consumed was highest.
Interactive reasoning: The guide had just a glimpse of what the problems will be like. Not too many problems to solve. I did not know even just before taking the exam that for each individual question you have to answer the sub questions correctly or else you will not be awarded a point for that question.
Exam experience: I did not touch quants or solve any problems for at least 1 to 1.5 months before the exam. I only wanted to focus on verbal and my timing. The argument essay was okay. IR managing time was tricky. Quants though wasted time on few DS questions but still solved all the questions with 3 mins to spare. Took my break. Verbal I had heard the first 10-15 questions are very important, they will decide your overall score. I spent the initial 45- 50 mins with the first 20 questions and from there the disaster was waiting to happen. I submitted the answers to the last few questions even without seeing them.
I was shattered, even with this low level preparation I had expected a score of 640 plus so that I could improve to a 700 plus score in my final attempt. Then at the end of FY13 I started looking for study options. I had long working hours, so classroom programs were not for me. While exploring across GMAT Club I came across the e-GMAT program. I attended one of the free session on SC and strategy and I liked the course at once. I registered for the Verbal live prep program.
Here is the difference that e-GMAT brought to my study program.
Sentence Correction: It is a remarkably well-designed course. I moved finding splits and what sounded correct to finding the errors and looking for meaning. My problem-solving approach has changed in all aspects, now breaking the sentences into clauses and the subsequently looking for errors such as subject verb disagreement, verb, pronouns, structure, modifiers and idioms errors. The structure was set and timing has improved with practice. The applications files and online classes were eye openers, how the concepts were applied to each and every question. I realized at times the split was irrelevant and the sentence had other errors that made it incorrect. While in my prior approach, I used to select the answer choices based on the split. The concept files are amazing and helped in my daily work as well.
Critical Reasoning: The course has been great in improving my accuracy. It gave me tools which can be applied with precision. The new concepts were ABC test for finding the conclusion in case of confusion. I learned a better application of negation test, variance analysis which helped me in assumptions and evaluate type questions. And pre-thinking has become a part of solving the problem. Though I just have one pre- thought answer to question before seeing the options, the process made choosing the final answer easier.
Reading Comprehension: I have tried to internalize the RC passages using the RC strategies. Humanities passages don’t haunt me anymore. Still I need to improve on my timing and accuracy.
Interactive Reasoning: I haven’t seen so much material on IR on any forum. All type of probable questions from graphs, 2 part quants, table, verbal, MSR etc. Though the question on standalone basis are not tough but been familiar with the structure has its own rewards.
Presently, I am almost a month out from taking the GMAT exam, still I believe that e-GMAT course has already made a big difference in my performance in my verbal scores. On my Manhattan mock tests I am able to complete the verbal and IR portion on time. Accuracy has improved and my raw score is hovering around 34- 35. I am trying to improve the same in the range of 37- 40 in my final month.
Wish me luck for my GMAT exam next month. The best part of the course is that it teaches you a new way to look at the problems and helps you to internalize the process and apply it across all questions. I hope my review will be helpful to non natives.

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September 30, 2013

Posts: 94

Kudos: 468

Self-reported Score:
600 Q48 V25
660 Q50 V29
690 Q49 V34

e-GMAT course - Pros and Cons


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

After getting a 660 (Q50, V29) in Nov 2011 (It was all self-preparation, solving only the OG and taking the practice tests from MGMAT. I also bought the MGMAT SC book), I decided to make it 700+ and apply for Fall 2014 (Due to pressure in my job and some other issues, I had to skip my plan to apply for Fall 2012 and Fall 2013)
In Oct 2012, when I resumed my GMAT preparation, I started searching for a comprehensive course for Verbal, which could boost my score. I came across e-GMAT, and after going through the trial videos, I got impressed and decided to enroll for Verbal Online.
I started the course, and then realized that I should have enrolled a long time back. It gave me a very solid framework, based on which I can look for patterns in the GMAT verbal questions. All its rules and the method of teaching impressed me a lot. Especially the RC pack helped me the maximum.
Then I thought to upgrade my account to Verbal Live-Prep. To me the SC and RC sessions helped a lot. All credit goes to Shraddha! She is an excellent teacher. Somehow the CR sessions were not that impressive to me. I know Shraddha could have done a better job if she could have taken those as well.

Pros :
1. Great course for non-natives. It makes all the concepts needed for GMAT crystal clear. Worth Buying.
2. The audio- visuals are more effective than buying books such as MGMAT SC

Cons :

1. Offline support of the team is very weak. If you send an email to them for help, there is no guarantee that someone will respond. After you change the subject of emails, I used to get reply that my email had reached their junk folder, and hence I had to send reminders for reply
2. All the faculties (except Shraddha and Payal) are not that friendly,predictable and to some extent, may be professional. I remember that initially one of the faculties was very friendly and was really helping me a lot related to my doubts. But one fine day he JUST STOPPED responding to my emails (Please note that in those emails I was just asking for help. No fight. No abuse.) I sent repeated reminders but it seemed as if he simply started ignoring my emails. Am still to figure out what exactly went wrong. After all, I paid for the service. Also, this behavior looked a bit unprofessional and unpredictable to me.
3. I ended up getting a 690 (Q49, V34). I still believe that as per my preparation with e-GMAT, I could have easily cracked 720+. What I think pulled my scores down was my test taking strategies. e-GMAT still don’t have its own practice tests. May be they should add that. Grockit might not be that helpful to people.

But in conclusion, despite whatever experience I had, I would still recommend the non-natives to buy at least the Verbal Online course. It simply is too good to make up your foundation for GMAT verbal.

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September 22, 2013

Joined: Feb 06, 2013

Posts: 56

Kudos: 11

Self-reported Score:
750 Q50 V41

V36 - e-GMAT - The messiah for Sentence Correction


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I Started the preparations in mid May 2013 and completed OG in 2 weeks. I was mighty impressed with CR as the questions were not only good but also interesting, with every question giving a beautiful insight on its own. Quant was easy and verbal was selectively good (around 80% of the time). I bought an e-GMAT verbal live prep course in the last week of May.

While I was scanning for more information about GMAT on GMATClub forums in the months of April, I came across e-GMAT. I subscribed to one of their posts and this led me to accept the invitation for one of their free sessions. Since I couldn’t join the session I was pleasantly surprised to get a recording of their session the very next day. I went through the recording at my own ease and thought of joining e-GMAT. The reason why I ultimately chose e-GMAT over other courses was their relatively lower price and their innovative promotion as being the best course for non-natives.

The content is good and neatly organized. They are truly the messiahs for SC. The sessions with Shradha and Payal are just too good. And the best part - shoot a doubt and you get responded in less than 24 hours. The ‘Meaning’ approach in SC is as good as it can get. The approach helps you save a lot of precious time and energy.

The CR and RC sections are equally good but just that they are more helpful to improve accuracy than time. However, the exam demands saving precious time and that is something that the candidate needs to improve on his/her own. Practice can be a better tool here.

The ready summary with pdf for each chapter is a great tool to revise quickly. I used to read those pdfs when I was at work and thus kept in touch with the SC concepts which I was likely to forget otherwise. I took my GMAT and scored a sweet 720 (Q51V36).

An added advantage with e-GMAT course is that you get 800score and Grockit access free of cost. 800score tests are easy but they expect higher accuracy of you. The quant is of the same level as GMAT but Verbal is easy. The Grockit tests are nearest to the real GMAT. Initially, I hated them but by the end of my preperation I had changed my opinion of them. The Quant is a notch higher than the real thing and the verbal is a notch lower but still they are as close as you can get. Though their scoring is wrong and even a few of their questions are marked wrongly - which can be frustrating at times, they are a good practice because they give you the same feel of urgency that the GMAT delivers. Their user interface is very poor and they should change it immediately. The way the test answers are displayed without any time analysis doesn’t help a candidate’s cause.

Overall, I have recommended e-GMAT to a lot of my friends who are preparing for GMAT. The stepping stone is the free strategy session, after that its e-GMAT all the way.

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August 23, 2013

Joined: Mar 16, 2013

Posts: 3

Kudos: 49

Self-reported Score:
750 Q50 V40

Meaning is the hero of GMAT SC


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I selected e-GMATfor mainly two reasons. I was impressed by the way Mr. Sadana took the class in strat session 1 and I liked their audio video approach rather than reading from a book after a 10 hr workday (6 day week).
The reason I was able to make a good pace in e-GMAT was I neither read any other book nor I had any apprehensions of any other process. So I didn't need to unlearn anything. So it was easy for me to adopt their process since that is the only way known to me
Sentence Correction: Three step sentence correction approach: In the first SC session, Ms. Payal asks everyone in the class about the most important aspect in SC, and 8 out of 10 said – Grammar and I am sure that most of the guys reading this post thinks the same.
But with her logic that grammar is only a tool which is used to convey the meaning (purpose), made us understand that understanding the meaning of a sentence is more vital than knowing bunch of grammatical rules. I can say that this changed my approach towards SC questions. None of us here are grammarians and most of us don’t know all the rules of grammar. Even if you know all the rules of grammar, there can be two answer choices which are grammatically correct but only one will convey the intended meaning.
There is more than one instance where I was able to pick the correct choice concentrating on the meaning of the sentence when I was confused between two or three answer choices.
Critical reasoning: Pre – thinking has greatly improved my accuracy and test time in CR passages. Many of you who are familiar with the process may think it will take a lot of time or it is very difficult to pre think. But take it from me, once we internalize the process (it will take time to get used to it and sometimes, we forget to pre think but keep on trying and after some time you will start to pre think even with out realizing), it’s basically not selecting from the given choices because you already know the answer--you just need to search for the answer or something similar to that. Believe it or not guys, I was able to finish my verbal 15 mins before the scheduled time and I pre thought.

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August 04, 2013

Joined: Jun 26, 2011

Posts: 2

Kudos: 186

Well structured course for Verbal Preparation


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I took my GMAT for the first time in Oct '12 and again in March '13. I am planning to take it for the third time in Oct '13. When I took my GMAT for the first time, my verbal came out to be my weakest area. After reading various reviews on trusted GMAT sites, e-GMAT came out to be the obvious choice. I went for the Verbal Live Prep. I completed 70-80% of the course and appeared for the GMAT. I saw a 5 point increase in my score from 20 to 25. I am now preparing to complete the entire course and I am sure I will improve my score by 8-10 points further!
The structure of the course is very well planned and with diligent preparation. A multi-fold increase in your score is guaranteed. Go for it!

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