December 10, 2013

Joined: Apr 25, 2012

Posts: 138

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Verbal Live Prep Course (improved from V 27 to V 41)


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

If you're a non-native, Verbal becomes your weak spot. What may have worked for X or Y may not work for you. So, decide early and register for a course. If you're in two minds, I'd recommend you give Verbal Live Prep course a shot (Take the free trial).

-> Once you've enrolled to the course, trust the process and apply it in mock tests so that you can apply easily in the real exam.

-> Develop a reading habit (30 mins everyday) without fail. Articles from Smithsonian, HBR, The Economist can be of great help.

-> Buy the GMAT Question Pack and GMAT Exam Pack without fail.

-> Verbal Workshops (SC/CR/RC) included in the course were INSTRUMENTAL in my improvement , helped spot strengths/weaknesses.

-> Consider the course as a short term investment that will reap huge benefits in future.

e-GMAT SC course

-> Tailor made course to improve one's efficiency from 70% to 90%. Plenty of questions that mimic the real exam questions.

-> Follow the e-GMAT 3-step process, analyze both the right and the wrong answers.

-> Once course is completed (including OG/OG Verbal Review), you'll start recognizing patters in Q's, thereby reducing average time per Q.

e-GMAT CR course

-> Pre-Thinking approach works not only in Assumption Q's, but also in Weaken/Strengthen/Inference Q's. It will help reduce the average time spent per Q and give the confidence to solve hard Q's.

-> The quality of practice q's included in the course are too GOOD.

e-GMAT RC course

-> How to Read Effectively ? The RC tutorials/lectures/workshops taught me how to deal effectively even with the weird passages.

-> Both accuracy and timing improved, and RC soon became my new strength.

Consider this is an un-biased opinion from an average Indian. If I can achieve my dream 700, so can you. GOOD LUCK :)

My deepest regards to the whole e-GMAT community (Rajat/Payal/Shraddha/Chiranjeev/others).

Needless to say, GMAT Club/team rocks !

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