e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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4.8 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1183 reviews
August 22, 2014

Joined: Nov 11, 2013

Posts: 13

Kudos: 19

Self-reported Score:
480 Q34 V22
540 Q33 V31
620 Q42 V34

effective course for GMAT verbal


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

Since i am a Non-native, verbal portion of GMAT was a riddle for me. Also, my work routine did not allow me to devote full time to GMAT studies. As a result, GMAT preparation was a challenge for me. However, i found E-GMAT on internet. I subscribed to the course and found the lessons very effective. While i was in the middle of VLive course, i solved a gmat test and saw an improvement of 6 points (FROM 21 TO 28). All the concepts in E-GMAT videos are very well explained. Even the minute concepts of SC are very well addressed. I salute the E-GMAT team for designing such a wonderful Verbal course. It is because of E-GMAT that i scored 34 points in verbal in actual GMAT.

Thankyou E-GMAT.

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August 19, 2014

Joined: May 31, 2010

Posts: 43

Kudos: 208

e-Gmat - The Best


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

e-Gmat is the best course that I found for my Verbal preparation. This course really understand the need of a GMAT aspirant.
In my previous GMAT attempt, in last two weeks I purchased SC online course and found good difference of more than 4 points in my GMAT results.
But because of exam pressure I screwed my Quant section and scored very low 0f 620. I knew I can do better than this both in Verbal and Quant and impressed by SC course I purchased VERBAL Live prep which includes CR, SC , RC etc.

The best which I liked in e-Gmat approach is there approach to solve the questions. The 3 Step process for SC and Pre-thinking concept has given a big boost towards my accuracy. Especially for RC,where my accuracy level was around 50% , I am now solving with more than 80% accuracy.

Also, the e-gmat concept of dealing with Mocks is also very userful. TAKT time concept and on what basis to skip questions is very helpful. I realized GMAT is not only about solving questions but attending GMAT test with a strategy. I can easily notice atleast a 30 points improvements by changing my test strategy of skipping questions.

I can personally recommend e-Gmat to everyone as the best investment in GMAT preparation.

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August 08, 2014

Joined: Oct 24, 2011

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Nice work - E-gmat


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

I am yet to give GMAT, however I can tell you about my experience. My GMAT journey started 3 months ago, when I was reading different reviews on gmatclub to find out which course material will suit my needs and current skill level. I was searching for things that can take concepts from scratch. I started with Sentence Correction Grail 3rd edition, which was a good place to start. Non-native speakers have a tendency to learn bad habits over the years. These habits range from poor understanding for sentence structure to giving less importance to meaning of the sentence. In golf, we talk about muscle memory and repeating a sequence many time to make that move a second nature. Similarly, unlearning wrong habits also requires equal efforts. I joined Verbal Live Prep as its trial session resonated with my preparation approach, which was to focus on sentence structure and meaning. Verbal Live Prep is a pretty straight forward structure - we have concepts along with practice application file and we have live sessions. Live sessions are pretty effective, solving question with a teacher helps in understanding concepts and problem solving skills. Understanding meaning of the sentence helped me improve my accuracy in senctence correction section. Prethinking is a good approach in CR and in long run saves time as well. In my case gains made in SC and CR helped me in RC; I developed better understanding of the passages. I am very satisfied with the content and the way it is presented. Audio-video presentation of concepts makes it less tiring. Concepts and question range from easy to moderate to difficult. This gradation makes learning swift and less dauting. I would highly recommend Verbal Live Prep.

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August 05, 2014

Posts: 3

Kudos: 6

Self-reported Score:
700 Q50 V33
760 Q51 V41

Low or negative ROI in improving Verbal score


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

I signed up e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep in June 2013. The main reason that I chose it was because of very positive reviews. "Best course for non-native speakers", "Huge improvement in verbal scores" etc. These advertisements and reviews really attracted my attention. I'm a non-native English speaker and I want to improve my verbal score. So I decided to buy the course. Having tried the course, taken the GMAT and later tried another source (MGMAT Verbal Prep Set), I feel I have to offer another side of story amid so many positive reviews here. Let's talk about the Pros and Cons:

1. Provides a very well structured study plan with concepts and quizzes for each section. (This may be useful for anyone who lacks discipline)
2. Comes with free mock exams that can generate performance analytical reports. (However, the timer doesn't work well, leading to wrong timings of your response time)
3. The e-GMAT time was kind enough to extend my course when I couldn't finish it in time. (The login was valid for about 6 months and they extended it for 2 months)

1. Repetition in both contents and methods. I completed the whole course and took notes diligently. At the end I found some similar notes appeared multiple times--some contents were repeated here and there. The few e-GMAT methods used to solve Verbal questions were heavily repeated.

2. Methods don't work. In theory they sound good. But after studying the course for 8 months, I found these methods very time consuming and mentally draining in practice. They just don't work well in mock/real GMAT exams.

3. The course is very inflexible. This inflexibility, coupled with the fact that the course is extremely content heavy, makes it very time consuming to finish the whole course. It took me 8 months to finish (I work full time). I can't control my pace. Some contents are easy for me and repeated too much. The repetition plus sheer volume of contents buries the important areas which I may be weak at. It feels as if you read a whole library of books within 8 months. At the end, your mind goes blank. Maybe you remember a little here and there but nothing stands out. ROI is just so low: you spent so much time reaping so little improvement in your verbal skills.

4. The online lectures are a COMPLETE waste of time (and money). This was very obvious. In a 2 hour lecture, the instructors would spend the first ~30 minutes advertising their course. Because there are many attendees, the instructor can sometimes spend half an hour just to explain one question and answer all the questions. I may have just one doubt on a question and managed to get a few minutes of the instructor's time to answer it. Often, I'm still confused after he/she answers it. Then the rest of the time was wasted on listening to him/her explaining things that I have already known. After 1 or 2 lectures, I decided to just watch the recording and found myself frequently fast-forward the videos. In a 2 hour lecture, maybe only 15 minutes was useful.

In mock exams, I could score between 690 and 730. After 6 months of running the e-GMAT marathon, my course was going to expire. e-GMAT team was kind enough to extend it by another 2 moths. I finally made my first attempt at GMAT and only scored 700 (Q50, V33, AWA 5.5, IR 8). It was a huge disappointment. e-GMAT team's kindness to extend my course may have only backfired: I felt I wasted another 2 months on a course with near zero ROI. I spent so much time (8 months) on e-GMAT yet I didn't feel my verbal improved at all.

After that I decided to try MGMAT Verbal Prep set. I had very good discipline and took just 1.5 months to finish the whole set. Took GMAT again and scored 760 (Q51, V41, AWA 6.0, IR 8). I was even surprised by myself that I could improve so much with MGMAT. I also have to credit MGMAT for its Quant. My quant was pretty solid and I didn't spend too much time on it. However, the "Advanced GMAT Quant" by MGMAT was really good on methods & tricks for the more difficult quant questions. That did help keep my quant score high.

So in summary I feel e-GMAT is a course that costs an enormous amount of time to complete and only gives you negative to marginal positive improvements on your verbal score.

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May 01, 2015

Thanks! Im a non-native speaker, have given GMAT twice, stuck in the 700-710 range (Q49, V34-38). I want to cross the 740+ barrier? I've already covered the MGMAT SC, CR and RC books. I was thinking of e-gmat now but am wary looking at your review. Any suggestions on what would work best to improve my verbal?

July 23, 2016

You are absolutely RIGHT!!! I'm also a VICTIM of E-Gmat marketing!!! After completion of the course I found this is mostly Unnecessarily heavy and full of sounds which really DOESN'T COUNT to do well in real GMAT.
E-Gmat tries to present their methods as MANTRA!! But truly speaking this Mantra Works well ONLY FOR SELECTIVE questions they present in that scope but in reality those methods don't work much.

The Free video lessons are quite nicely presented and guys get fooled of having gone through those free goodies!! It is far far far better to go through directly to OG questions other than wasting time on the online courses they offer. This can be surely said that if anyone spends his/her time on OG explanations/directly on OG questions other than spending lot of works on E-Gmat's courses he/she will be benefited both by saving time and by doing well in actual GMAT.

Other than focusing on core message E-GMAT focuses on their spectacular presentations and this is my gut feeling having gone through their courses.

August 03, 2016

There are a few posters who, over the course of 2+ years have expressed their dissatisfaction with the course. This is in stark contrast with the other 1000+ positive reviews on the forum. While I understand that these two posters (@anonymous and mmorshed) here were not able to score high enough, there is overwhelming data that proves the effectiveness of our courses. Please read below for the same:

==1100+ reviews and accounted for more than 50% of all reviews in last 6 months==

e-GMAT is the only prep company that has 1000+ reviews on GMAT Club. To ensure that the reviews are genuine and are provided by students who benefit from the course, GMAT Club changed its review policy in October 2015 and required that every review be verified by providing a verified score report or a variety of other means. Since then, e-GMAT students have accounted for more than 50% of all the reviews posted.

Just to reiterate, there have been more reviews and success stories posted for e-GMAT than for all the other GMAT Prep partners combined. Moreover, this change in review process had the least impact on the frequency of reviews posted for e-GMAT. Open the link below to see the stats.


==The best instructors (4 out of Top 5)==

At e-GMAT we are known for the consistency of our methods. We developed the 3-step meaning based approach in Sentence Correction, and devised a methodical approach for Critical Reasoning (Prethinking) and Reading Comprehension (Reading Strategies). We solve each and every question using these methods so it’s natural that you would see these methods repeated everywhere. Ninety-Nine percent of people love that the same method can be applied to solve every GMAT Question. This consistency/repetition is the reason why 4 out of top 5 rated instructors on GMAT Club are from e-GMAT. You can see more data in the links below:

It seems that the original poster did not like this consistency. Also, I am surprised that the original poster (who posted anonymously) mentioned that we do marketing in our online sessions. There is zero marketing in the paid webinars, which constitute the majority of live sessions and are exclusive to Live Prep students. There is no point marketing in the paid webinars since everyone who attends the same is already a paid member. Only free webinars contain some marketing, which is limited to 12 minutes out of the 120-minute duration. I am actually surprised that the original poster, having claimed to have viewed the recordings, failed to note this distinction. One other thing that the original poster did not mention is that every online lecture is rated by students and that we constantly seek feedback to improve. We would not do the same had we not been serious about student’s success.

==The course can have a significant impact in as few as 25 days==

Take a look at these success stories below:

The above success stories are three of the many examples in which students have completed the course in 3 months or less. Now, can you take 8 months to complete the course? Yes, if you don’t take the time out to study.

In fact, we conduct a webinar called GMAT Score Booster Webinar in which we teach how to leverage data analytics and improve from a V28 to a V37 in 25 days.

==Course architecture renders immense flexibility==

The beauty of our course architecture is that you can study at your own pace and create your own curriculum based on your current ability. A majority of our concepts contain pre-assessment quizzes that allow you to evaluate whether you need to go through the concept or not. If you are able to complete the pre-assessment quiz with high accuracy, then we recommend that you skip the concept. Do books provide this granularity and flexibility – No. Do we force you to use this flexibility – No. Do students who use it, benefit – Absolutely!!

Bottom line – the platform is flexible enough to allow you to focus on areas that will result in score improvement.

==Understand that success on the test depends on factors other than the prep course that you take==

This is a very important point. Neither your success nor your failure is entirely attributable to the prep course you opt for. There are other factors, such as your overall preparation level, how you perform on the test day itself, etc. Just yesterday, I worked with one of our students who did not score as high on his test (scored 700) because he messed up the first two questions (in SC) on the actual exam. How did we figure this out - by reviewing his Enhanced Score Report. Now this student scored 750 in his GMAT Prep mocks and has a high ability score in Scholaranium – our quizzing platform. Should he be blaming us or for that matter GMAC and blame the mock tests as faulty? Something to think about.

Similarly, the two posters (@anonymous and mmorshed) completed the course. I am also quite certain that they would have done quite well on mocks. If so, then they should also consider other factors that could have led to your low score. @ mmorshed - assuming I am not mistaken, your course access expired 2+ months back. Also, I don’t have a record of you writing to us after Oct 2015. How were your scores on GMAT Prep?

@mmorshed - I want to ask you – before solely blaming the methods, did you look for other reasons that could have led to a bad score? Also, did you write to us with your Enhanced Score Report to do a diagnosis of your performance on the exam? Prior to the test, were your ability scores on Scholaranium in line with the score that you expected on the real GMAT?

Success, especially on a computer adaptive test such as GMAT, depends on a multitude of factors, and as such no course can guarantee success for every student. Having said that, with 1000+ reviews, and more success stories than there are for any other prep company there is good data to prove that our methods work really well and that e-GMAT has helped more GMAT Club members than any other course has.

February 15, 2017

cannot agree more!! with poster and mmorshed.

Super basic and it doesn't help for your Gmat score.

There are a lot of good review which everyone should be aware of,





#We are a victim of egmat marketing#

July 21, 2014

Joined: Jan 07, 2010

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Highly recommended for non-native speakers


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

I have written my GMAT twice (over 3 year period) with great scores in Quants section but mediocre score in verbal both the times. So I decided to go through formal training to improve my verbal section score for my final GMAT attempt. I attended the free session provided by all the major test prep companies but none of their classes went beyond the split strategy (already described in official guide) for sentence correction. Since I did not see a science or algorithm behind the approach, I did not enroll in those courses.

Then I came across eGMAT course in gmat club promotional emails and reluctantly I opted to take their SC1 Approach to Sentence Correction class. The section started off as usual with 4 questions being presented and time given to solve each. Then they introduced the "eGMAT method" for solving SC questions. Initially I did not believe in the method as it sounded time-consuming but later realized the science behind their approach. As I started practicing their method, I have noticed by accuracy improve.

I had to stop my preparations for personal reasons but have would definitely go back to g-GMAT for my verbal preparation. I have not yet checked out their RC and CR sections but I am hoping for a great class their too.

The few live classes I attended have given me the feel of active class room stuff and I would strongly recommend anyone (especially non-native English speakers) with the live prep course. All other GMAT courses in US seem to be Quants centric which is the reason I like eGMAT.

The price is competitive and there is no reason to skip this course. Try a demo class (offered free) and see for yourself. Once I complete my training and do my GMAT, I will post with my scores as testimony.

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July 05, 2014

Joined: Sep 27, 2010

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Improved from VA 30 (Overall 650) to VA 35 (Overall 700)


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I have given my exam on 27th June 2014. I was able to score the magic number of 700. Credit goes to the awesome course created by e-GMAT. In all my earlier attempts (4) I never crossed 30 in VA. When I took e-GMAT course, it improved my confidence level in VA section.

If I look back and see what was different this time from my earlier attempts, I see it was the confidence level. I have an issue of anxiety and nervousness in the exam. If I am not able to answer one question in exam, nervousness starts building up. This was the factor that was taking toll in earlier attempts. Simple concepts in e-GMAT course, such as Understanding the meaning in SC, finding out of scope answers in RC and CR, were key for boosting the confidence.

I did not even complete the OG this time, not even MGMAT guides. The only source of VA preparation was e-GMAT course.

Once again I am very thankful to the e-GMAT team for creating such a helpful course , especially for the non-natives.

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June 29, 2014

Joined: May 25, 2010

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

EGMAT Live Prep Course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

My dream of going to a top B school started some 4yrs back. I bought OG 12 and few other books for my preparation initially. But I left my preparation in between.

Before EGMAT I followed few books and I clearly missed important things during the prep and my approach towards SC was so different that I used to hit around 50% questions right.Since a score of 700 on GMAT is so common now. I felt like I should beat the GMAT and I joined EGMAT Live Prep in Jan 2014 after scrutinizing the reviews in GMAT Club.
Now I feel Its my Best Buy.

I feel that e-gmat is more detailed in teaching both SC and CR & You get to know the nuances to beat the GMAT verbal. It teaches you the application with no grammar jargon s

The SC live sessions are unbeatable. After each live session I felt more and more confident and comfortable with the application.In Short SC live session is the best in the market for Non Natives like me.

Session on "Prethinking" in CR and "how to takle with Large complex passages" in RC are eye openers.

Integrated reasoning is too good. You just need to complete EGMAT course work with no extra effort.

The main advantages of EGMAT
1) Exceptional Instructors - They are just a mail away and they are best in what they do.After Shradda's SC live sessions.. SC is a cake walk.. Thanks Shradda.
2)Online Course work- Highly interactive,assessment at every level of preperation and can be taken at any point of time.

Few recommendations/requests
1) EGMAT should start Quants too.
2) CR & RC OG verbal explanation videos inclusion would be of great help.

I am taking the GMAT next month and I will get back with the score.

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June 14, 2014

Joined: May 21, 2012

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

focused course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

I would recommend E-gmat to students who speak English as their second language. The course material seems to be designed from the ground up to cover all the basics that would be required to achieve a good score in GMAT.
The provided course material is very rich in content and easy to understand. The instructors are pretty knowledgeable and help you with your queries. The online assignments available on e-GMAT are a great tool to monitor your own progress. The good thing about the course is that it also allows you to use a grockit for practice. I have personally seen a lot of improvement in my sentence correction abilities by using the e-GMAT method and techniques. Before taking this course I would directly jump on to the answers after reviewing the question for a while but now I am spending much more time analyzing the question for its meaning first by breaking it down into appropriate components.
I haven’t taken the GMAT yet as I have a few sections that I need to go over, but I am sure e-GMAThas made a tremendous difference in my preparation for the GMAT.

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June 07, 2014

Joined: Dec 29, 2011

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Worth every dime!!!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

Hi All,

I personally like the e- GMAT course structure and the way it is organized. It has a right blend of required concepts and practice material for GMAT preparation.

Moreover, it doesn't leave any stones unturned in covering GMAT verbal topics. At first I thought reading comprehension and IR are the topics which no one can teach but to my contrary the course has such a beautiful strategies for all the section which when practiced diligently I am sure there is no way that one would not get his/her dream score in verbal.

Furthermore, I guess there is no better course structured for non-natives than e-GMAT as It helps right from the beginning i.e. with the level one is comfortable with and take him/her further.

The Application files, Verbal workshop and Interactive live sessions helps in aiding one to clarify doubts if any and to add to that the faculties proven track record helps in pin pointing the pain area or the common pit falls which when known helps one to rectify mistakes which might have occurred.

So overall I think its a beautiful course aimed at helping non natives and it does justice to all its claim.

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June 02, 2014

Joined: Jun 24, 2013

Posts: 37

Kudos: 20

E-GMAT Process.Makes life easier.


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I would like to share my experience being an E-Gmat Verbal Live Prep Student,

I personally feel that the E-GMAT process, which is to be followed for all the three sections (SC,CR & RC), is a very effective tool. Once I reached a level of V36 it really helped me a lot.

At times I used to skip the process as it consumed a lot of time and I'm was not able to finish the exam on time, but skipping the process really hampered my accuracy and it seemed very difficult to score above V30.

Then I gave more emphasis on the process of not thinking about time, there by building confidence in improving the accuracy. While following the process, most of the time I didn't feel that I was attempting a 700 level question and it just happened automatically. This was one of the magical moments.

Attending the live prep classes really helped me to clear all my basic doubt. In SC, understanding an intended meaning is one of the aspects which helped me a lot to face 700 level question. In CR, pre thinking part was really amazing to crack the less than 2min.

Lastly, strategy workshop, especially second one, Where they teach about smart skipping technique and know your strength and weakness. All these things really gave me a smooth ride till 41 questions.

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270 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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