June 02, 2014

Joined: Jun 24, 2013

Posts: 37

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E-GMAT Process.Makes life easier.


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I would like to share my experience being an E-Gmat Verbal Live Prep Student,

I personally feel that the E-GMAT process, which is to be followed for all the three sections (SC,CR & RC), is a very effective tool. Once I reached a level of V36 it really helped me a lot.

At times I used to skip the process as it consumed a lot of time and I'm was not able to finish the exam on time, but skipping the process really hampered my accuracy and it seemed very difficult to score above V30.

Then I gave more emphasis on the process of not thinking about time, there by building confidence in improving the accuracy. While following the process, most of the time I didn't feel that I was attempting a 700 level question and it just happened automatically. This was one of the magical moments.

Attending the live prep classes really helped me to clear all my basic doubt. In SC, understanding an intended meaning is one of the aspects which helped me a lot to face 700 level question. In CR, pre thinking part was really amazing to crack the less than 2min.

Lastly, strategy workshop, especially second one, Where they teach about smart skipping technique and know your strength and weakness. All these things really gave me a smooth ride till 41 questions.

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