April 19, 2013

Posts: 125

Kudos: 91



Improvement 170 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I used e-gmat for my verbal prep. I purchased both their SC and CR courses and also their Live sessions.
Let me begin by saying that I have seen a huge improvement in both these sections of verbal. I am a non-native and e-gmat course is tailored to help non-natives.

These are the things that I liked from their course
- The course installs in you a logical procedure/process to approach the SC and CR questions
- They stress the importance of meaning. The meaning first approach is crucial especially when you are tackling high-level (hard) questions
- It is e-learning course and that makes it even more effective. It is hard for me spend quality time to read and absorb from a book after a day's work. The audio-video style of learning the concepts is very much effective. In addition, a book, as a passive medium doesn't do an effective job in stressing importance of one grammar concept over the other.
- You can customize the course based on your level. There is a quiz before and after a concept. So it allows you to gauge and skip a concept if you are good in it.
- The live sessions are very interactive and gives you a chance to see how the instructors (payal and rajat) use the e-gmat process to tackle hard questions. This gives you more confidence in practicing with egmat process.
- Their customer service is excellent. They are very responsive in helping all types of queries. (whether related to verbal or strategy or study plan or timing issues etc)
- Value for money: What they offer for the price you pay is amazing when you compare with other bigger companies

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