Manhattan Prep GMAT Course Reviews

Manhattan Prep Powered by Kaplan prepares students to excel on the GMAT and in business school. All of our teachers have scored in the 99th percentile on the GMAT and have a median of 8 years of experience teaching the GMAT. We don't just teach you the skills and strategies essential to achieving a high score on the test. We also teach you how to study, think logically and critically, make effective short, we give you all the tools you need so that you're well equipped to succeed on the GMAT and in grad school.
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Manhattan Prep GMAT Course Reviews

Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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June 28, 2014

Joined: Jun 28, 2014

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I had a great experience with Manhattan GMAT. I just did one session with a private tutor (after having used all the Manhattan study materials to get ready for the test via self-study). He was really supportive and gave me great advice for what content areas I should focus on going forward. We only focused on the quant section (as that is the section that was really bringing my score down). Using his study methods, my score went from a 650 to a 760 in just 5 weeks. It was really worth the money. Would definitely recommend using Manhattan GMAT study guides as well as getting a private tutoring session if you want guidance on the best study methods.

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June 26, 2014

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The course was fantastic. It focused on teaching you how to beat the test efficiently and to best improve your score. My teacher did a great job of both explaining the "right" way to do a problem and then exploring other more efficient ways to do it. She gave us a lot of tips throughout the class about taking the test/time management/etc. With the 9 session class, you also get a free consulting session which was extremely helpful. Because Manhattan GMAT has very sophisticated tracking software, he was able to see exactly where I was going wrong and gave me very specific feedback/tips that very much helped my strategy and approach to the test.

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April 17, 2014

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Improvement 40 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Location Online

Note: I did not provide a verbal score because the workshop was for quant only. My raw score improved 3 points in Quant--leaving me with a 740 overall. My quant percentile was not great, but was always going to be the weaker element for me.

I took this course about a week before taking the GMAT for the second time. Manhattan recommends allowing more lead time--and I think I could have benefited even more with more time--but it was still worth it. The class was great. It gave me a great framework for difficult problems that test number theory. We also worked on shortcuts to simplify long equations. We moved through content quickly but with adequate explanation to make sure all participants understood. The software was easy to use. I had studied on my own and wished I had taken this class sooner - definitely worth the money.

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March 20, 2014

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Improvement 100 Points

Course Manhattan Prep MGMAT Self-Study Toolkit

Location Online

The MGMAT foundational books and strategy guides are excellent resources for anyone who would like to go at their own pace and prefers to teach themselves the GMAT material.

Personally, I needed foundations books for both Math and English in order to be in a position to start the study guides. The OG Archer and MGMAT CATs are also excellent to review your strengths and weaknesses. One area I feel MGMAT could significantly improve is their website functionality. The ability to view right/wrong answers with explanations, in aggregate should be a basic function of the website. I've used other study programs for financial designations, that were well ahead of MGMAT's site. That said, their answer video explanations on the OG Archer are priceless and for the price, it's a steal.

I would recommend the self study, OG Archer, and CATs to any friend.

Good luck!


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March 11, 2014

Joined: Mar 11, 2014

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Jon was a terrific instructor and the Manhattan GMAT platform was extremely helpful in my test preparation! The online, time practice tests are a great resource to get as many reps as you need.

Consider pros/cons of small/large classes. Popular class times are good, but large classes can move slowly due to student questions of varying levels.

Overall, it was a terrific experience. Very nurturing environment and Jon gave terrific guidance along the way. I missed several classes and was able to make them up at other times at my convenience. Finally, the set of preparation books were comprehensive and, together with the course syllabus, provided a structured test preparation schedule.

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February 18, 2014

Joined: Jan 26, 2014

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If you really want to beat GMAT, I wholeheartedly recommend you Manhattan GMAT. The company is very serious, their books are fantastic (algebra, geometry, fractions, number properties, etc - all of them are awesome). Very clear and simple to understand, before reading them and solving the problems in each chapter I had many question marks. They really helped me to understand topics that seemed hard up to that point.

Then, if you need a private tutor, I fully recommend you to ask for Sarah Ryan. I know she is very busy, but maybe you will have the luck I had and get some hours with her. She is fantastic: very serious, punctual, responds to all your emails and questions very promptly, she is very professional. She taught me the best strategies that one needs in order to ace the GMAT. Before working with her, I had another private tutor - from another company - and it was a total disaster! He would never reply when I asked for the problem's solutions, he didn't teach me any strategy rgd timing or guessing etc. Unfortunately I wasn't aware of this until someone asked me if my tutor taught me how to guess...Then I realized what happened but it was too late. My first GMAT score reflected this - it was much below the score I aimed at. With Sarah it was different from the first meeting - she shared with me all the important things that one needs for a 700 score: how to look at challenging problems, how to guess, how to prepare to be efficient, what's the psychology of the test. Actually, not only did she teach me so many things, but she also helped me to rebuild my self-confidence that was pretty shaken after my previous tutoring experience. She is very smart, open, it is a real pleasure to talk to her. You really feel you have a professional tutor next to you. She adapts her style to each student and shows you how to solve problems in different ways, which is very helpful. She gives you homework and challenges you. She tells you what you have to improve, helps you with clear explanation and directs you toward the tools needed to do this. She is very good.

I know that private tutoring is pretty expensive, but now, when I receive invitations to the interviews from some of the best schools in the world, I am happy I made this investment. So don't hesitate if it's about money! It pays back!

In conclusion: if you want to prepare for GMAT using a company, go for Manhattan GMAT - don't take the risk with cheaper offers that could disappoint you and finally make you pay more! I am sure MGMAT has the right product for you, so have a look. Furthermore, they have the best customer service ever - you will see.
And if you want a very good private tutor, ask for Sarah Ryan.

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February 17, 2014

Joined: Apr 08, 2013

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Improvement 30 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring

Instructor Stacey Koprince

Location Montreal, Canada


As I benefited from other users' reviews, I would like to pay the favour forward and write my own review of the GMAT Prep companies that I used and specifically of Manhattan GMAT.

First, the Manhattan GMAT (MGMAT) Strategy guides are the best resources to study from, regardless of your preparation level and of your knowledge. These books have provided me with the foundations for all of the concepts tested on the GMAT. The material is comprehensive and covers everything. The end of chapter problems in the strategy guides not only allow you to practice what you have learned but also provide you with the confidence that you need in your studies. I went over these guides many times until I understood all of the concepts well.

Second, the MGMAT CATs are the most accurate tests and the most representative of the actual GMAT compared to the other available resources. I have done practice tests from Veritas, Knewton, and GMAT Prep. The Math is harder on the MGMAT CATs than on the actual GMAT. For the Verbal section, I read a lot online that MGMAT CAT Verbal part is easier than the actual GMAT Verbal part. I do not agree with this assessment. The actual GMAT Verbal may seem harder due to the additional stress associated with the actual test experience. I definitely recommend the MGMAT CATs as practice to anyone who is aiming for high 600s or 700s score.

Third, Stacey Koprince at MGMAT is an excellent teacher and a great motivator. When Stacey stresses in online forums and to her personal clients to do ALL parts of the GMAT CAT when practising at home, she is spot on. One of the main things that I changed and that as a result helped me improve my score by 30 points (670 to 700) was the stamina that I built by doing the AWA and IR sections every time I did a practice test. Furthermore, Stacey is excellent at identifying the weaknesses of students. Each one of us knows what his/her weaknesses are but we sometimes attribute greater weight to improving certain weaknesses while completely ignoring other weaknesses. For example, I was always keen on practising Math question in order to improve my Math knowledge. However, to do well on the GMAT is to learn when to skip a question that tests an acknowledged weakness of yours in order to save time and preserve your mental energy for the questions when the GMAT actually tests your stronger areas. Stacey drilled this point in me and she was right in doing so. For example, I am much stronger in Verbal (hitting 90% plus in practice tests) than in Math. On the actual GMAT, I got this crazy combinatorics problem. I remembered Stacey's advice at that point and simply guessed on the question. This in turn helped me focus my mental energy and my time on the remaining Math questions and on the Verbal part.

Finally, my greatest improvement had been in Sentence Correction (SC). I feel like once you have a good grasp on the rules tested, it actually becomes fun to solve SC questions on the GMAT. As is widely agreed on the GMAT online forums, MGMAT SC guide is an amazing tool to use to improve your SC performance. The book organizes the information in a very elegant way and the end of chapter problems are really good practice. However, Knewton's SC lessons are very very good as well. If you study SC from MGMAT and Knewton then you'll for sure be hitting over 90% in Verbal provided that your CR and RC are decent (70% to 80%).

I owe Stacey Koprince and Manhattan GMAT a lot. They were tremendously helpful and really aim on developing personable relationships with their clients. I asked Stacey to call me for a few minutes before I started the GMAT and hearing her confidence-instilling words really helped me focus my attention on doing well in the test.

Thanks Stacey and Thanks Manhattan GMAT!

Good luck to Everyone!

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February 04, 2014

Joined: Feb 03, 2014

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Improvement 70 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring

Instructor Dmitry Farber

Location Victoria, Canada

The first time I took the GMAT, I scored 630(50Q, 25V).
I was scheduled to rewrite the test in 4 weeks. I needed a score of 700+. I contacted Manhattan GMAT.

I worked with Dimitry Farber, my private tutor, for 7 sessions, and we revamped my reading skills for RC, as well as my CR and SC skills. On the exam day I scored a 700(50Q, 35V).

Manhattan GMAT is simply the best study guide. The tutors (specifically Dimitry) are educated and well prepared. Dimitry taught me how to read RC passages, get the big picture, and identify the author's voice. He also taught me to find the answers to CR questions through MOE and to identify premises and their roles with respect to the conclusion, to find a gap in assumption questions, and to find 'a' conclusion for inference questions. Manhattan GMAT SC guide is very thorough and one can never go wrong using it. Dimitry and Manhattan GMAT also taught me about Timing Strategies and Strategic Guessing through out the exam.

A good understanding of verbal really helps with business education. Invest in understanding GMAT via Manhattan GMAT and it will serve you well in the long run.

Cheers :)

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January 13, 2014

Joined: Jan 13, 2014

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Manhattan GMAT is an outstanding course for people that are dedicated to working hard enough to get their desired score. The course teaches the fundamentals of solving all problems, and the extra resources provided ensure that all students have access to upper level questions and an opportunity to score in the 700+ range. Prior to taking Manhattan GMAT, I was scoring in the 500-600 range. Afterward, I was consistently in the 700-760 range. They drill timing and analysis of problems, which allows students to tackle even the hardest of problems. I would recommend the course to anyone that is looking to score high enough on the GMAT to get into top 10 business schools.

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January 12, 2014

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Manhattan GMAT's reputation precedes itself. After hearing about it from all my college friends, I decided to sign up for a formal class with them. What I found was an extremely talented and engaging professor, and extremely well developed teaching methodology, and tons of GMAT experience. All in all, it'd pretty hard to go wrong with the 9 session Manhattan GMAT course, especially since it includes all of the books you need to succeed on the exam, as well as $300 retake course in case you need a refresher later on. What's more, the courses attract many other talented students who want to succeed, so you can organize study groups, or at least be motivated to study hard to succeed in the class as well as on the final exam itself. I highly recommend this class, and hope you find it as helpful as I did.

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