Manhattan Prep GMAT Course Reviews

Manhattan Prep Powered by Kaplan prepares students to excel on the GMAT and in business school. All of our teachers have scored in the 99th percentile on the GMAT and have a median of 8 years of experience teaching the GMAT. We don't just teach you the skills and strategies essential to achieving a high score on the test. We also teach you how to study, think logically and critically, make effective short, we give you all the tools you need so that you're well equipped to succeed on the GMAT and in grad school.
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Manhattan Prep GMAT Course Reviews

Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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Manhattan Prep MGMAT Interact
 $999  $899
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Manhattan Prep Live Online
 $1599  $1599
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Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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Manhattan Prep GMAT Bootcamp
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Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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Manhattan Prep NOLIMITS Unlimited Prep for Aspiring MBAs
 $4999  $4999
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Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
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Most Reviewed Manhattan Prep GMAT Instructors

Jamie Nelson
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Mark Sullivan
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Jonathan Schneider
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Keith Blume
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Avi Gutman
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715 Reviews
4.8 Average
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August 19, 2014

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100% recommend the complete course. It brought consistency and structure to not only individual problems but my study strategy as a whole, and James makes the class as enjoyable as it can be. A lot of the course quant material especially is more difficult than the actual GMAT, which in the end is nice because you feel more comfortable during the actual exam. The online tools, especially Navigator and solution video reviews, are really valuable. Most importantly, the class works. Some people are worried about MGMAT not having a guaranteed point improvement, but I would be willing to bet the average point improvement with Manhattan, especially for students who work through the entire syllabus, is significantly higher than anywhere else.

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August 16, 2014

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I had Ryan Jacobs in SF - awesome guy and great instructor. the materials themselves were helpful, but the way of thinking about the test was the most important for me in going ~+100 points in score. Key things that he had us focusing on included the timing around the test as well as thinking strategically about skipping problems to increase speed and overall score.

The lightening rounds were also very helpful as they really put the time pressure on and forced us to think of the faster method to solving problems versus just trying to brute force them.

Ryan has also been a great resource after the course, helping answer follow up questions I had and staying in touch.
Thanks for all the help Ryan!

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August 06, 2014

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The Manhattan GMAT was everything that I needed to prepare for the GMAT. My instructor, Kim, was extremely helpful and guided the small class step by step through challenging problems. The classes are very small, which fosters an interactive experience and allows individuals to ask specific questions. I was able to reach out to my instructor even after the course was over and she was extremely helpful. The online resources were extremely helpful in allowing me to identify my strengths and focus on my weaknesses. I would highly recommend the GMAT class to any students seeking a fun, efficient and effective way to perform well on the GMAT.

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July 14, 2014

Joined: Jul 14, 2014

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I took the Manhattan GMAT in-person class with Avi as well as some private tutoring in Toronto and would recommend him to anyone looking to improve their GMAT score. Avi's command of the material is unbelievable, but it is method of teaching that truly separates him from any other teacher I have ever had. In no time, he was able to identify my areas of weakness, shorten the time I spent on each question and improve my overall confidence going into the exam.

With Avi's help, I was able to score a 730 on the official GMAT test. He is continuously willing to help you with any questions, even after your class has ended. Overall, Avi is a great person and a fantastic teacher who truly makes the concepts interesting. I guarantee he will improve the score of anyone willing to put the effort into their preparation.

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July 14, 2014

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Improvement 180 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Joseph Martin

Location Online

I took the Manhattan GMAT Live Online 9-session course and was extremely satisfied with the results--a nearly 200 point improvement from my diagnostic score. I have a full-time job and live in an area not very close to an in-person Manhattan GMAT course, so the live online course was a great option for me and fit well into my schedule. I also found that no quality was lost in taking the course online (rather than in-person). The instruction quality was great, the instructors were engaging and required participation, we were able to ask questions in real time, and practiced getting in an answer in the right time frame. The only improvements I can think of for the course would be a bit more time focused on strategic and effective guessing (when necessary) and the Integrated Reasoning section. But overall, I thought the course was excellent and highly recommend!

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July 12, 2014

Joined: Jul 12, 2014

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Improvement 180 Points

Course Manhattan Prep MGMAT Interact

Location Online

You can buy the Manhattan Prep Study Guides on Amazon or in your local B&N. The books are great and should be reviewed consistently as you will understand more of the content each time. This review is not about the solid study material. Manhattan Prep's online tools (especially the Archer tool) are essential. The office hours (phone conferences with instructors) were invaluable. Understanding what to do to get past certain plateaus was only possible for me after quick chats with the instructors. I used the Online Self Study program over a 2 month period and scored a 720, 180 points above my diagnostic test.

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July 11, 2014

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Improvement 160 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Josh Braslow

Location Online

The Manhattan GMAT online course was a fabulous experience. I am not a natural standardized test taker and this course improved my score tremendously. Over the course, my practice scores improved drastically over the previous score and I ended up getting a great score overall. To put it in perspective, I scored a 570 on my first practice test and scored well over 700 on the actual test. The course really breaks down each part of the test and makes it easy to track and attack performance on each section. It would be very hard to study "smart" without taking the course. The Manhattan resources allow you to customize studying and break it down into manageable chunks. I would recommend this course to anyone interested.

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July 10, 2014

Joined: Jul 10, 2014

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Improvement 20 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Location Online

I was hitting a wall at around 700 when I started watching Manhattan lecture videos. Manhattan's lecture videos are very well organized and is very precise and is designed in such a way, that you would easily grasp what they try to convey.

The best part I liked was that I could pause the videos, replay those areas which I needed to review and take my own time to take good notes.

I loved spending every hour on this and I was able to bump up my score to 720. I would recommend everyone to watch these videos as soon as they start preparing for GMAT so that they can build a solid fundamental base.

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July 07, 2014

Joined: Jul 07, 2014

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I was initially pretty hesitant to sign up for a GMAT prep class, since I tend to prefer one-on-one tutoring, but I felt like it was worth a try and if I wanted to supplement it with one-on-one, I could do that. I ended up not needing the additional prep since the class was so helpful.

The class is split pretty evenly between Verbal and Quant, but Reading Comp is only taught touched on during one class, so that's something to do more of on your own time. My instructor, Dave, was particularly helpful for Quant, providing tips on how to set up a problem properly to maximize time.

Given that the class is only 3 hours each week, the majority of work has to be done outside of class, so it's up to each individual to put in the work. The HW syllabus is great in that it builds on itself and the GMAT online Navigator provide really thorough explanations and difficulty scale for each of the problems. There are additional resources and drill sets that were great for the days leading up to the test to stay fresh without over-exerting.

I would recommend Dave as he was always available by email and after class for additional questions and therapy sessions (since a breakdown is almost inevitable in this process). He moved quickly but was always willing to go back and ensure the class got the basics.

In my personal experience, the practice tests are helpful for timing purposes but the problems are a bit harder than the actual GMAT (particularly the IR and Verbal sections).

Overall, great experience.

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July 02, 2014

Joined: Feb 21, 2014

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Washington DC - In Person Class Winter 2014 The GMAT is daunting, no one can deny this. One of the first things MGMAT does is make things manageable and segment the various areas of study. Once you know every possible area you can (and will) be tested on, it becomes easier to find your weaknesses and do targeted studying. 1000 hours of studying is not the same as 100 hours of very targeted prep. I had Marcus Hedahl as my teacher who was an excellent instructor and absolutely hilarious. I will say that I did not love the cold calling but suppose it did keep me engaged throughout a rather long three hour class (after work). The content was there but what was most beneficial to me is the information you cannot get from solo studying but only from someone who lives the GMAT. Marcus at one point told us his ridiculous score and the number of questions wrong he was able to get to still attain this score. Furthermore, he hammered in the point that it's not about getting every question correct but more so about getting those easy/med questions write and getting some (very few) of the harder ones. Against all odds I did well on the test. Not because I am some genius but because I strictly followed the syllabus, stayed focused in class, and dedicated a ton of time outside of class. If I took this class and did well there is no reason why someone else cannot do the same. Highly recommend it.

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