July 07, 2014

Joined: Jul 07, 2014

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I was initially pretty hesitant to sign up for a GMAT prep class, since I tend to prefer one-on-one tutoring, but I felt like it was worth a try and if I wanted to supplement it with one-on-one, I could do that. I ended up not needing the additional prep since the class was so helpful.

The class is split pretty evenly between Verbal and Quant, but Reading Comp is only taught touched on during one class, so that's something to do more of on your own time. My instructor, Dave, was particularly helpful for Quant, providing tips on how to set up a problem properly to maximize time.

Given that the class is only 3 hours each week, the majority of work has to be done outside of class, so it's up to each individual to put in the work. The HW syllabus is great in that it builds on itself and the GMAT online Navigator provide really thorough explanations and difficulty scale for each of the problems. There are additional resources and drill sets that were great for the days leading up to the test to stay fresh without over-exerting.

I would recommend Dave as he was always available by email and after class for additional questions and therapy sessions (since a breakdown is almost inevitable in this process). He moved quickly but was always willing to go back and ensure the class got the basics.

In my personal experience, the practice tests are helpful for timing purposes but the problems are a bit harder than the actual GMAT (particularly the IR and Verbal sections).

Overall, great experience.

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