March 20, 2014

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Course Manhattan Prep MGMAT Self-Study Toolkit

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The MGMAT foundational books and strategy guides are excellent resources for anyone who would like to go at their own pace and prefers to teach themselves the GMAT material.

Personally, I needed foundations books for both Math and English in order to be in a position to start the study guides. The OG Archer and MGMAT CATs are also excellent to review your strengths and weaknesses. One area I feel MGMAT could significantly improve is their website functionality. The ability to view right/wrong answers with explanations, in aggregate should be a basic function of the website. I've used other study programs for financial designations, that were well ahead of MGMAT's site. That said, their answer video explanations on the OG Archer are priceless and for the price, it's a steal.

I would recommend the self study, OG Archer, and CATs to any friend.

Good luck!


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