Rajat Sadana Reviews

Company: e-GMAT

Rajat mastered the skill of taking standardized tests at an early age by scoring better than 99 percentile on most exams including the CET (Indian equivalent of SAT), GATE (Indian equivalent of GRE including technical GRE), and the GMAT. Rajat stands out as one of the two students in the country who were selected by Nokia Research (NRC) Germany for a fully funded Master’s degree at IIT Delhi and subsequent internship at NRC Germany.

Post MBA (from Babson where he received full fellowship), Rajat was hired by Honeywell as a Marketing and Business Development Manager to grow its wireless business. During his 4 years at Honeywell, he helped grow the business from $2M to $25M. In August 2010, Rajat founded e-GMAT with Payal Tandon to fulfill his dream to democratize Test Prep education by leveraging technology to provide high quality, personalized, and effective education at affordable prices.


4.8 /5 Average Rating
Based on 187 reviews
April 19, 2013

Posts: 125

Kudos: 91



Improvement 170 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I used e-gmat for my verbal prep. I purchased both their SC and CR courses and also their Live sessions.
Let me begin by saying that I have seen a huge improvement in both these sections of verbal. I am a non-native and e-gmat course is tailored to help non-natives.

These are the things that I liked from their course
- The course installs in you a logical procedure/process to approach the SC and CR questions
- They stress the importance of meaning. The meaning first approach is crucial especially when you are tackling high-level (hard) questions
- It is e-learning course and that makes it even more effective. It is hard for me spend quality time to read and absorb from a book after a day's work. The audio-video style of learning the concepts is very much effective. In addition, a book, as a passive medium doesn't do an effective job in stressing importance of one grammar concept over the other.
- You can customize the course based on your level. There is a quiz before and after a concept. So it allows you to gauge and skip a concept if you are good in it.
- The live sessions are very interactive and gives you a chance to see how the instructors (payal and rajat) use the e-gmat process to tackle hard questions. This gives you more confidence in practicing with egmat process.
- Their customer service is excellent. They are very responsive in helping all types of queries. (whether related to verbal or strategy or study plan or timing issues etc)
- Value for money: What they offer for the price you pay is amazing when you compare with other bigger companies

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April 19, 2013

Posts: 125

Kudos: 91



Improvement 170 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I used e-gmat for my verbal prep. I purchased both their SC and CR courses and also their Live sessions.
Let me begin by saying that I have seen a huge improvement in both these sections of verbal. I am a non-native and e-gmat course is tailored to help non-natives.

These are the things that I liked from their course
- The course installs in you a logical procedure/process to approach the SC and CR questions
- They stress the importance of meaning. The meaning first approach is crucial especially when you are tackling high-level (hard) questions
- It is e-learning course and that makes it even more effective. It is hard for me spend quality time to read and absorb from a book after a day's work. The audio-video style of learning the concepts is very much effective. In addition, a book, as a passive medium doesn't do an effective job in stressing importance of one grammar concept over the other.
- You can customize the course based on your level. There is a quiz before and after a concept. So it allows you to gauge and skip a concept if you are good in it.
- The live sessions are very interactive and gives you a chance to see how the instructors (payal and rajat) use the e-gmat process to tackle hard questions. This gives you more confidence in practicing with egmat process.
- Their customer service is excellent. They are very responsive in helping all types of queries. (whether related to verbal or strategy or study plan or timing issues etc)
- Value for money: What they offer for the price you pay is amazing when you compare with other bigger companies

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February 27, 2013

Joined: Apr 06, 2010

Posts: 92

Kudos: 5079

Valuable and indespensible tool for Preparation - e-Gmat Course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I have been preparing for this exam like hell. I started 2 years back and gave one attempt (550, V-47, V-20) till date. I haven't lost my patience or zeal to beat the GMAT. My preparation is not consistent and initially I had no clue how to tackle each section. I came across e-GMAT site and their wonderful Verbal Live Prep course 6 months back.

This is an amazing course for non-natives. Explanations are so details that you can't miss/forget the concept. Rajat and Payal are awesome in their individual areas (CR and SC). They have put in so much efforts to build the right material for practice. I am sure if one adheres to the course diligently, he/she can crack the GMAT easily. I haven't left my hopes to reach 700 mark yet. I am preparing and e-GMAT is my indispensable tool for preparation. Thanks e-GMAT for being there and converting our dream scores into reality.

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January 06, 2013

Joined: Jan 10, 2011

Posts: 71

Kudos: 340

7 Point improvement on verbal


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I wrote my first GMAT on 14th May 2012 and scored 23 points on verbal. The verbal score was so low that it brought the overall score down. I planned to take GMAT again to achieve my dream. I was going through the GMAT club for verbal courses and came across E-GMAT. After going through the free live sessions, I enroll for E-GMAT's verbal live prep.

The course was a game changer. I understood the importance of meaning through online courses by Shradha.
I able to link various grammatical nuances easily after completing SC section.

The CR course is a master class. Rajat is one of the best instructor. The concepts files, application files and methodology taught by Rajat is awesome. I recommend all the GMAT aspirant out there to attain CR online courses by Rajat. The online course is comparable with RON from MGMAT.

Finally, After re-writing the exam I improved my Verbal score from 23 to 30. I still have a long way to go achieve my dream. but at least I have right tools and instructors (from E-Gmat) to make inroads to the destiny.

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December 06, 2012

Joined: Jun 15, 2010

Posts: 242

Kudos: 1198

E-gmat- a game changer for verbal


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

A truly Game Changer course in verbal for non-natives. After exhausting all available resources, I finally subscribed to this course. I saw a few reviews in GC forums and attended two free live class with Rajat on GMAT strategy & Pre-thinking. I was totally satisfied with the content & I knew I will definitely learn some new strategy to tackle my poor verbal score V23.

After taking the course I pulled up my verbal score to a respectable V40 (90%ile). I just turned my weakness into my strength now. My total score is 710 (Q49,V40)

As I progressed with the course I realized my shortfalls in concept as well as in attacking strategy. The Verbal live course is quite different from the verbal online course. I have clarified almost all queries on the spot during the class (that kind of luxury was there). The important thing that helped me most to improve on verbal is to understand the underlying thought process of the instructors while they approach/attach a particular question. For SC course Payal did a wonderful job there. In fact I asked her in one classroom to describe her thought process elaborately - how she approach a particular SC. And that key thing has changed my SC accuracy a lot.

Similarly Rajat's Strategy of pre-thinking is the key for CR. And not but the least- my weakest link RC in verbal has improved a lot after the course. My accuracy just went above 85% from 60-65% level. I always struggled with non-familiar topics in RC. At last Ron (one of e-gmat instructor) has rescued me from this big shortfall. After i completed the course I realized my improvements through Mocks & i was able to improve my timing on SC/CR/RC without sacrificing accuracy.

I am very happy with my decision to invest in e-gmat verbal live and doing so really rewarded me a 90%ile V score.

The concept files cover every single grammatical rules within the scope of GMAT. The practice questions, quizzes, assessment tests are very carefully crafted keeping the standards of Official GMAT questions.

A ton of thanks to e-gmat & group.

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September 16, 2012

Posts: 6

Kudos: 3

E-GMAT delivers the Knock-out to Verbal


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

The E-GMAT course has revolutionised the way Verbal is taught. It's detailed yet simple slides on SC,CR and RC make learning complex concepts in verbal a breeze. Moreover compared to other standard text books, the course saves a student significant time by ensuring a student is exam ready for optimum performance.

The course has a quiz at the beginning and at the end of each topic to enable students to better assess their level of improvement .The Verbal Live Complete Lectures conducted by Rajat and Payal over the weekends focuses on the finer aspects of verbal that help improve one's score.

I am thankful to E-GMAT for playing an important role in my GMAT score and I expect E-GMAT to become the success story of all GMAT test takers in the years ahead.

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July 18, 2012

Joined: Nov 07, 2010

Posts: 178

Kudos: 21

Amazing course!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I am using this course from almost 3 weeks and I can surely tell you that it is the one of the best course for non-natives for improving the Verbal score. Course starts from the very basic and goes to the higher level, covering all the important topics of tested on the real GMAT. Here are the few of the features worth mentioning -

- The course teaches you logical procedure to approach the SC, CR and RC questions

- They stress the importance of meaning. The meaning first approach is crucial especially when you are tackling high-level (hard) questions

- It is e-learning course and that makes it even more effective.

- You can customize the course based on your level. There is a quiz before and after a concept. So it allows you to gauge and skip a concept if you are good in it.

- The live sessions are very interactive.

- Their customer service is excellent. I get my problems resolved with few hours.

- Most importantly this course is a value for money!

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May 17, 2012

Joined: Dec 19, 2009

Posts: 31

Kudos: 249

Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

The e-gmat Live sessions and Live courses are worth every single cent spent. The course is designed to teach each topic in a wise and timed way which enables me to save lot in time and enhances my accuracy.

Live classes are so so so great with VERY Professional instructors who are amazing in Verbal especially, Payal and Rajat. These guys are awesome in SC, CR and RC. The SC live sessions, as well as the courses, are really perfect to give you a 700+ score while each topic is covered with high-tech and and easy-to-recall rules. Believe me you just simply can't find any better Verbal course(specially SC) other than e-gmat. In my opinion it is even much better than MGMAT SC Guide while this online course is 24/7/365 with you anywhere. All topics are covered with many OG examples solved by these Gurus at e-gmat. I've read many different Verbal books available in the market and this is the most complete and up-to-date source and at the same time the price does make sense compared to tutor and live sessions available within GMAT market.

I would highly recommend e-gmat to anybody who is very serious about doing well on the GMAT. A complete source of OG questions along with live 24 support is with you till your 700+!!

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January 12, 2012

Joined: Apr 14, 2011

Posts: 144

Kudos: 38

e-GMAT -- Really Awesome


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

SC course - Awesome +++ really Awesome. I only started this course from last week of Aug and could only do the concepts and exercises once and regret not being able to do them second time. This is worth every penny esp. for non-natives. [edit] CR course - I could not complete this course (as I purchased this part towards the end mainly to review concepts). I did have some additional learning while doing this course esp. Pre-thinking part!

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78 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Rajat Sadana
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