May 17, 2012

Joined: Dec 19, 2009

Posts: 31

Kudos: 249

Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

The e-gmat Live sessions and Live courses are worth every single cent spent. The course is designed to teach each topic in a wise and timed way which enables me to save lot in time and enhances my accuracy.

Live classes are so so so great with VERY Professional instructors who are amazing in Verbal especially, Payal and Rajat. These guys are awesome in SC, CR and RC. The SC live sessions, as well as the courses, are really perfect to give you a 700+ score while each topic is covered with high-tech and and easy-to-recall rules. Believe me you just simply can't find any better Verbal course(specially SC) other than e-gmat. In my opinion it is even much better than MGMAT SC Guide while this online course is 24/7/365 with you anywhere. All topics are covered with many OG examples solved by these Gurus at e-gmat. I've read many different Verbal books available in the market and this is the most complete and up-to-date source and at the same time the price does make sense compared to tutor and live sessions available within GMAT market.

I would highly recommend e-gmat to anybody who is very serious about doing well on the GMAT. A complete source of OG questions along with live 24 support is with you till your 700+!!

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