December 06, 2012

Joined: Jun 15, 2010

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E-gmat- a game changer for verbal


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

A truly Game Changer course in verbal for non-natives. After exhausting all available resources, I finally subscribed to this course. I saw a few reviews in GC forums and attended two free live class with Rajat on GMAT strategy & Pre-thinking. I was totally satisfied with the content & I knew I will definitely learn some new strategy to tackle my poor verbal score V23.

After taking the course I pulled up my verbal score to a respectable V40 (90%ile). I just turned my weakness into my strength now. My total score is 710 (Q49,V40)

As I progressed with the course I realized my shortfalls in concept as well as in attacking strategy. The Verbal live course is quite different from the verbal online course. I have clarified almost all queries on the spot during the class (that kind of luxury was there). The important thing that helped me most to improve on verbal is to understand the underlying thought process of the instructors while they approach/attach a particular question. For SC course Payal did a wonderful job there. In fact I asked her in one classroom to describe her thought process elaborately - how she approach a particular SC. And that key thing has changed my SC accuracy a lot.

Similarly Rajat's Strategy of pre-thinking is the key for CR. And not but the least- my weakest link RC in verbal has improved a lot after the course. My accuracy just went above 85% from 60-65% level. I always struggled with non-familiar topics in RC. At last Ron (one of e-gmat instructor) has rescued me from this big shortfall. After i completed the course I realized my improvements through Mocks & i was able to improve my timing on SC/CR/RC without sacrificing accuracy.

I am very happy with my decision to invest in e-gmat verbal live and doing so really rewarded me a 90%ile V score.

The concept files cover every single grammatical rules within the scope of GMAT. The practice questions, quizzes, assessment tests are very carefully crafted keeping the standards of Official GMAT questions.

A ton of thanks to e-gmat & group.

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