e-GMAT Online Intensive Reviews

Full access, Excel through 4 months of intensive preparation, Achieve 740+

GMAT Online Intensive is for aspirants aiming to go from mid 500s to 740+ in a limited time. GO Intensive personalizes your learning experience to optimize the content you need to master and not study what you already know. GO Intensive also ensures that you achieve the required proficiency required to ace each sub-section, enabling you to score 740+ in the most optimal manner.


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 330 reviews
August 20, 2022

Joined: Jul 21, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V39

Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started my preparation for GMAT in June 2021 when I had taken some other classes and gave my first attempt of GMAT, scoring a 650 (Q45 and V34). I knew that I had certain conceptual gaps and felt the lack of application skills required to solve questions in the most efficient manner in a timed environment. I took a break from GMAT and started preparing again in May 2022. This time around I tried the free lectures on the e-GMAT website and instantly loved how structured and comprehensive the course was.
Verbal Course: With e-GMAT’s Master Comprehension course and meaning based approach, I really understood the pause points, reading strategies, importance of contextual words, structure of sentences and most importantly visualisation of sentences which helped me to tackle the daunting long sentences, not only in Sentence Correction but also in Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. Critical reasoning being my weak point needed a lot of work. Earlier in my preparation I felt that I was falling for the trap answer choices. However, with a consistent application of the pre-thinking approach, I started identifying a pattern in most questions which improved my accuracy and ability to solve Medium-Hard level questions for Critical Reasoning.
Quants Course: Similarly in Quants, while I was fairly comfortable with the concepts, understanding and application of e-GMAT’s “Process skills” such as Infer, Translate, Simplify, Manipulate, Visualise, All cases, Apply constraints was a real game changer for me. Each module in the Quants course is comprehensive and gives an opportunity not only to learn the concepts and skills but also to apply them to similar questions immediately which boosts your confidence to tackle similar kind of 650-720 level questions. Further, e-GMAT’s PACE function, diagnostic quizzes and analytics tools shortened my preparation time significantly for topics I was confident about and ensured that I had a targeted focus on other topics.
Cementing and Error logs: Cementing of the modules, strategic review of each question and logging of the mistakes with corrective actions/ learnings in the error logs made me identify the areas which needed work and helped me bridge the gaps in my conceptual understanding and application skills. The error log entries along with made revision of the entire course really quick and ensured that I made a conscious effort not to repeat the same mistakes again. Further, the discussions available on the expert forum and the quick responses from the e-GMAT team helped in timely addressing my doubts, line of reasoning, understanding the trap answer choices, etc.
Mocks and strategy experts: The SigmaX mocks on e-GMAT are excellent in their questions and gives a detailed review of your performance. For instance, the time spent on each question and each block, whether it was adequate, in excess or too low and also how you progresses throughout the mock. I worked with Rida Shafeek, one of the mentors and strategy expert at e-GMAT. She analysed each of my mock in depth and gave me hyper-intensive feedback on the weak areas, ideal time to be spent in both the Verbal and Quant sections including the subsections and various blocks of the exam. Between each mock, she gave me test readiness packs to solve. I could see an improvement in my time management in each subsequent mock and scored a 690 in the first mock and a 750 on the last.
I scored a 730 on the test (Q50 and V39).
Overall, I had an amazing experience with e-GMAT and truly grateful for their efforts and their support in my preparation. I would recommend e-GMAT for their well-structured course and Scholaranium which has ample of good Hard level questions to solidify your concepts.
Happy Learning!

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October 27, 2022

Dear Aastha,

Congratulations on the 96th percentile score!

I really enjoyed working with you in the weeks leading up to your GMAT attempt. What struck me was how you truly immersed yourself in the process – unlearning old habits is one thing that most students struggle with in their preparation. But reading your review, it is clear to me that you have put in the time and dedicated effort in order to let go of processes that haven’t worked in the past and embrace pathways that lead to success.

This is clearly visible in Verbal – your effusive praise of the Master Comprehension course makes it obvious that you understand that the core of Verbal success is meaning, you carried this learning into all Verbal subsections. I can see in CR, the effort you have put in to get to a 90th percentile ability by internalizing the pre-thinking approach.

Have a glance at the image below to see Aastha’s amazing CR ability.

Image Link -

In Quant as well, you understood that it was the process, not brute force, that would lead to success. The process skills (I am glad to see that you can list them all out!) helped you tackle GMAT Quant with skill and strategy, and the PACE engine on the e-GMAT Platform ensured that you took the swiftest route to a Q50.

All of this effort to learn and improve would have been meaningless without learning from your mistakes – which is where the error log comes in. Just a glance at your mocks shows how you were able to improve consistently -

Image Link -

Your improvement in cementing, test readiness and mocks are a testament to your understanding of one key fact – to excel in the GMAT, the goal is not to make zero mistakes, but to make new mistakes every time.

I wish you all the very best for your next endeavor Aastha – any program would be more enriched to have you as part of its cohort.


August 16, 2022

Joined: Feb 14, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V41

Excellent choice for Professionals


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started my GMAT preparation with e-GMAT on March 2021. Prior to that, I bought the OG and practiced the questions directly, and subsequently gave an official mock test where I scored only 660. I felt that I lacked structural preparation, especially in Verbal section. I researched a few courses, and found that e-GMAT was more structured and more pocket friendly than other courses .

I started with quant section, which was pretty good. I went through the course in quick time, and cementing quizzes helped me brush up my concepts. The way to solve the DS questions was especially noteworthy, as I never had previously solved those questions with such ease.

Coming to verbal, the introductory module about the sentence comprehension was really helpful. The SC module was also excellent. A new meaning based approach was introduced, and the specific way to solve GMAT SC questions by dividing sentences into chunks was really helpful.
I thought that as I solved RC before in my school days, it would be a little easy to me.

However in CR, I was completely faltering in pre-thinking, and drawing inferences from each sentence of argument. Somehow, I went through the section with a half baked knowledge, and really could not understand the explanation given at that time. I somehow completed that section in haste and then went for test readiness at which point I contacted the e-GMAT customer care. They assigned Kanupriya Maam as my mentor. She designed a strategy plan, in which I failed to cross the benchmarks in CR and RC(specially in humanities and Finance passages). I was frustrated and solved a lot of questions from RC and CR, exhausting the Scholaranium Question Bank, but I could not cross the benchmark.

I reverted back to Kanupriya Maam, and she helped me to pre-think properly, and draw inferences, through a zoom video session. She also helped with RC passages which I was not solving properly by sending a prerecorded video where she showed how to draw inferences and summarize the passages in proper way. After that, she again devised a new plan, and I went through it, but this time I was failed badly in SC and RC. This time, I knew that I was going wrong in not maintaining the error log, the most important thing in learning process. Also the analytics showed that fixation on wrong questions took a lot of time. I felt that SC is my strong suit , and that I need to strengthen it more. So I started going back to previous incorrect questions in SC and took a manual error log (not recommended, instead should do with each cementing quiz as discussed in CQ video). I found the modules in which I made the most mistakes, and started working on them.

I started giving mocks there after with this strategy and the scores increased by 20 points each time, which increased my confidence. I saw that the remaining time counter really had a positive effect on me (due to not fixating on CR questions, and drawing the inferences correctly,). The Subsequently, I booked my GMAT date and went for the exam and achieved my target score.

Overall, the e-GMAT is a very wonderfully structured program, and the Scholaranium Analytics and the personalized mentors (Kanupriya Maam in my case) are some the best features it offers to which I am grateful. I surely recommend this for online GMAT preparation.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 29, 2022

Joined: Dec 30, 2019

Posts: 73

Kudos: 53

Self-reported Score:

Best Verbal Course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I used e-gmat online course that included both verbal and quant. I must say, the verbal explanations are by far the best I have seen. I only rely on 2 sources for detailed verbal explanations- egmat shraddha and GMAT intensive. You won't find explanations using the words awkward at all because that is not a genuine reason to reject an answer. I love their approach although it's very long and tedious and one can master the timing using that approach only through a lot of practice. The team is fantastic. They helped me even after my access expired and that too within 24 hrs. Although I did not score well, that was totally my mistake ( I panicked so much) and my inability to utilize the course fully.

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July 23, 2022

Joined: Oct 20, 2021

Posts: 7

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V37 (Online)

eGMAT: One of the best courses out there


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

My GMAT journey started in 2018, at that point of time I tried various platforms, such as Offline Coaching, GMAT Club question sets, Manhattan Test Series, e-GMAT etc., for my preparations. I spent around 6 months on preparations and gave 3 attempts back to back. Needless to mention my performance was dismal and I ended up with:
• 680 on Ist attempt
• 640 on IInd attempt (Score Cancelled)
• 630 on IIIrd attempt (Score Cancelled)
With this score I couldn’t get into any B School of my choice, and finally gave up on my MBA dream. Fast forward 5 yrs, I got married and am doing good in my career but couldn’t really stop thinking about MBA and the momentum it provides to the career.
So, I decided to write GMAT one last final time. Because of my previous experience, e-GMAT was my obvious first choice. I started my preps in Dec’21 and religiously followed the course structure recommended by them. During the course of preparation, I made following mistakes, which I realized later and ultimately had to spend more time, later, to correct them:
• Skipping the Master Comprehension part. Supposing that it is not required, since it is not evaluated on exam.
• Skipping the videos of certain topics that I believed I knew.
• Not viewing the solution video. Cause solution generally tend to be of 10+ minutes, so I either played the video on 2x speed or didn’t view it entirely.
• Being overconfident about Quant – supposing that I knew all the concepts and hence spent only 6-8 hrs in entire quant preparation.
• Not maintaining the error log properly.
• Focusing on attempting more and more no. of questions.
Because of these things I ultimately ended up re-doing the modules and ultimately adding few more months to the timeline.
What I liked about e-GMAT:
• Structured modules – Each section of e-GMAT is structured in such a way that you can actually implement the learnings of one in another. Moreover, the structuring of Practice Quiz & Application files helps to learn and implement the concepts in a much handy way.
• Analytics: Whether it be analytics around time spent in a particular module or around the Scholaranium, it helped in providing extremely helpful insights about the weaker sections. Moreover, the analysis of the time spent in a particular question helped me to drastically reduce the time taken in RC & CR. It also helped me identify the weaker areas in SC and do a targeted practice around the same.
• Error Log: I think it is the most undervalued thing in the whole preparation :D. At first, I was not maintaining it religiously but learnt its importance, the harder way. It is extremely important as in the last phases of your preparation, when you’ve attempted 100+ questions, it is very important to understand and not repeat your mistakes. The key is not to practice more and more questions, but to learn and not repeat the same mistake.
• Support from e-GMAT experts: As a student when you’ve been preparing for 6+ months, one tends to lose patience, overlook the obvious signs of un-preparedness, and schedule an appointment in a hurry. The same happened with me. After 2 sigma mock tests, I was like I should take a date for next week.
Fortunately for me, all through my journey I had been actively writing to the support team and seeking their suggestion. In the end when I was restless and impatient to schedule an appointment, it was Support team who analyzed my performance and helped me identify the areas that needed more practice and improvement. Though the exercise took me 1 more months but it helped me be more confident in Verbal and Quant.

Many of us feel shy to reach out to Support team, thinking that they might not respond or may take long to reply. But believe me, always reach out to people, seek their support, and make them a part of your journey. People do respond. And the same was true for e-GMAT support team also.

Lastly I would like to add that GMAT is a game of patience. Plz keep your mind cool and don’t let the monotony or self-inflicted deadlines make you go in a hurry.

May the force be with you, All the best 

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July 16, 2022

Joined: Jun 10, 2022

Posts: 6

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41

e-GMAT: The Stairways to the GMAT Heaven


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Prior to e-GMAT, I had no other strategy besides continuously working on questions, believing that by working on many different problems, I will cover all the question types that I might encounter during the exam. Also, I was not structured in my study approach, often jumping from one topic / section to another without fully grasping the techniques required to excel in the test, especially in the verbal section. Come test day, it was not a surprise that I only managed score a V34 in the test, with my total score amounting to a 710 (Q50, V34, IR 7, AWA 6.0), even after 2+ months of preparation.
I actually stumbled upon the e-GMAT course 3 days prior to my 710 attempt. When going through the free version of the platform, I thought that the materials were very succinct and informative (essentially a one-stop shop for everything GMAT), with Scholaranium, in particular, serving as the perfect companion to ensure I put into practice what I have learn from the platform. So, upon receiving my results, it was a no brainer for me to immediately sign up for the full version e-GMAT as I wish to take my next attempt exactly a month later.
With the help of the e-GMAT platform, I was able to be more focus and structured in my preparation especially in my weaker areas in the verbal section. The lessons I learned during my preparation are as listed below:
- Understanding the key message the author is trying to convey is utmost important. It is the essence of the sentence.
- Meaning > Grammar. The are times where sentences are grammatically correct but conveys a different meaning to the original sentence.
- Often, grammar errors can be identified using logic. Equipped with the meaning-based approach and a strong arsenal of grammatical knowledge, the wrong answers can frequently be viewed as illogical.
- Pre-thinking the answers for yourself goes a long way in not only building your ability to solve higher difficulty questions, but also your ability to do so within a short amount of time.
- Identifying the purpose of each sentence within the argument will help in ensuring you do not deviate from the main focus of the argument.
- Refrain from looking at the answer choices first for you will be immediately attached to it, stifling your ability to pre-think effectively.
- Be engaged while reading the passage. There is a reason the section is called “Reading Comprehension” and not just “Reading”.
- Take short notes while reading to identify the message behind each paragraph. It will help in solving questions relatively quickly, especially for questions that require one to make an inference.
Equipped with knowledge and lessons above, I was able to improve my score to a 740. (Q49, V41, IR 8, AWA 6.0)

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May 31, 2022

Joined: Mar 22, 2022

Posts: 1

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q51 V40

e-GMAT - THE platform for GMAT achievers (Scored - 750)


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

e-GMAT is one of the best things that could have happened to me during my GMAT journey. I started looking for different courses backing August last year and then I came across the e-GMAT platform. I saw videos and testimonies of different students who were not good at verbal or even some specific sections of verbal and how e-GMAT's content and the people at e-GMAT helped them acheieve the score they wanted.
e-GMAT has the highest success rate of all the courses that I have come across and they update their content to make sure they are relevant and keep helping more and more students acheive the 700+ score.
For me personally, I started with a Mock score of 610 and verbal was very weak back then since I was already at Q49 in my first mock. e-GMAT has specific and detailed videos for each sections of verbal and that helped me understand the process that needs to be followed to achieve a great score in verbal. After my first attempt (where I scored a 650), I was very demotivated but people at e-GMAT were right there besides me ready to help me to get that 700+ score and help me achieve my target of 750. Rajat (CEO of e-GMAT) himself send me a video the next day after my first attempt to tell me what could be the issues in my process and what I am missing. In the next 40 days, I followed that process dilligently and got the results. Even in the last 2 weeks, Harsha (one of the e-GMAT experts) kept in touch with me to make sure I select the right date for my GMAT and I am completely ready for it.
Honestly, anyone thinking of GMAT should definitely consider e-GMAT and I assure you that if you follow their process and methods dilligently, you will see the desired results.

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May 31, 2022

Joined: Aug 03, 2018

Posts: 18

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

GMAT Debrief: From a 600 to a 710 (Q50, V35)


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started GMAT prep in 2020 during the first covid lockdown. I tried all my ways to improve my concepts. I tried every online free source available but could not improve myself for one long year. After a year of self-study, I attempted for GMAT and scored a 600. I was shocked to see my score and decided to give a break to myself. After that, I started looking out for online programs for the GMAT. I listened to all the webinars and checked all the reviews. I found that while the other options that I explored were more focused on providing short-cuts and so-called smart tricks to ace the GMAT, e-Gmat focussed on mastering concepts and processes, an approach that appealed to me.

How did e-GMAT help me?

1. The verbal course of e-GMAT is the best in class. It starts with Master Comprehension which helps us understand how to comprehend any sentence or problem in Verbal as well as Quant. Moreover, the meaning-based approach emphasised by E-GMAT is the best to solve hard questions, which can never be answered by just knowing the grammatical rules. Earlier, I used to solve verbal questions using short-cuts. However, as soon as I started applying a meaning-based approach, my accuracy started to increase and this led to a major increase in my confidence as well. The meaning-based approach made everything so easy and interesting that I never found it boring ever again. I started enjoying practising SC questions as well. The application quizzes in the verbal course are really helpful in understanding the whole process of solving a question and improving every skill required to master it.
2. Although CR does not have many concepts to master, the pre-thinking approach used by e-GMAT really helped me master CR. It helped me understand the importance of classifying the arguments into conclusions and premises and pre-think all the possible approaches to work on it.
3. RC has been my weakest area throughout. However, the master-comprehension approach and meaning-based approach helped me to read the passages with full understanding. I never had to go back to the passage again if I read it using the master comprehension approach. This really helped me to gain better accuracy and speed in RC.
4. Quant course gives a detailed understanding of all the concepts in quant and it really helps in leaving no concept untouched. Earlier, I used to apply short-cut approaches in quant as well. However, the level of understanding I gained from the e-GMAT helped me solve each and every question with a proper process and understanding. the e-GMAT quant course is really intensive and the Scholoranium 2.0 really helps to diagnose the weak areas and focus on them. The scholoranium 2.0 provides a diagnostic quiz, based on which, you can diagnose the areas where you are weak and require more attention. Moreover, the process and GMAT quizzes are really helpful in attaining the right efficiency for the test day.

The e-GMAT analytics-based portal is truly commendable. All the insights provided by the e-GMAT portal are very useful to work on areas that require the most attention. The portal helps us understand our efficiency in all the topics in both Verbal and Quant. Moreover, it also helps us to track the time of each and every question and helps us achieve optimum efficiency. With the help of this portal, I could focus on my weak areas and track my efficiency throughout. The course also provides the scholoranium, which has n number of questions in both Quant and Verbal. The custom and cementing quizzes based on these scholoranium questions really helped me to improve my performance and track it in every way possible. Moreover, the Sigma-X mock provided by e-GMAT is a real gem. I guess these are the only mocks apart from the official mock that adapts on a real-time basis, just like GMAT, and also contains questions equivalent to the difficulty of the actual GMAT. Moreover, the mock analysis provided at the end is a very very detailed analysis of one’s mock performance. This tracks every question, every block, difficulty level, timing and whatnot. One can get all the required insights to improve their performance based on this mock analysis.

Lastly, the kind of support you get during the entire duration of the course is worth mentioning. I was given the opportunity to enrol on ‘The Last Mile Program’, wherein Rida, one of the e-GMAT experts, helped me during the last stage of the GMAT prep journey. Rida really helped me plan everything. She gave me insights into my performances based on my Scholoranium and Sigma-X performances. She continuously helped me create a plan to improve my weak areas until I was finally ready to give the GMAT. The plans she provided were a real gem at the last moment of my journey and really helped me to upscale my performance. She was always ready to help and used to respond spontaneously too. Overall, I had a wonderful experience with Rida and I would recommend her 10/10.

Summing up, looking for an all-inclusive GMAT package that can help you prepare despite a demanding job? E-GMAT is your answer!

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May 14, 2022

Joined: May 14, 2022

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V41 (Online)

Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I went from 660 (based on official Gmat prep test) to 730 by using e-Gmat only. Took 3 months.

It has a LOT of material, both quant and verbal, and both theory and excercises. It also has a dedicated platform for testing which has official questions and questions similar to the official ones developed by e-Gmat. The platform has excellent statistics on your performance which are very helpful. It has as well 5 full Gmat mocks.

The downside is that there is just so much material and time estimates provided by e-Gmat are way too optimistic. Questions developed by e-Gmat are usually harder, more ambiguous and take more time to solve than official questions, consequently, you may believe that you are worse that your actual performance. The courses have material which may take hours to complete but relate to only a small subset of actual questions in the exam (so small in fact that you may never encounter such questions in any prep test or the official exam).

While e-Gmat theoretically breaks the learning curve in three stages to minimize the risk of you taking too much time reviewing stuff unnecessarily, the courses are actually designed for those who start from 0.

My word of caution if you choose e-Gmat is to be very strategic about how you decide to use the material. Always think about ways to skip parts of the study plan (while not affecting your learning). For example, you may skip pre-assessment quizzes, you may just skip to the summary on many topics, or the theory quizzes. Other topics may be skipped completely. You may also get worried because your score with e-Gmat questions is not as good as you may want... don't, rely on the score you get in the official questions. If you decide to follow the recommended e-Gmat strategy of first doing all verbal and then all quant, you may find that by the time you start doing the mocks, you have lost some skill in verbal questions.

All of this, of course, depends more on you and not so much on the side of e-Gmat. I think I could have gotten the same score in 2 months instead of 3 if I had been better at approaching the course material.

Overall, if you take into account this precautions, I do reccomend e-Gmat.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 11, 2022

Joined: Mar 05, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

Best Platform for Verbal


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

1. Foundation and Structured Learning
Here they used to teach from very basic, which made the concepts easy to grasp and apply. For each of the 3 sections of Verbal, they have a specified structured approach and methodologies to solve every question of that section irrespective of difficulty. This not only increases the probability of answering the question correct but in the exam environment every question is same for you and not wasting time or energy in differentiating the difficulty level and approach to solve such questions

2. Cementing and test readiness tests
After completing modules of every sub-section, cementing quizzes are to be done which make sure that the person is comfortable in applying concepts thought in medium/difficult questions as well and moving to next section only after such surety

3. Continuous guidance from strategy team
Throughout my journey, I got constant support for Strategy guidance and personal guidance/solution to all the hurdles which were coming in my way. I faced a lot of difficulties to pass SC cementing, but got right steps to how to work on it by DJ and thereby increased my ability to solve SC hard questions. Not only this, I give the credit to such strategy guidance by Rajat which helped me to have an around 10 point improvement in 10 days.

Without a 2nd doubt, E-gmat is amazing for Verbal

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 03, 2022

Joined: May 03, 2022

Posts: 2

Kudos: 11

Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q51 V42

GMAT 770


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I gave my GMAT on 20th April 2022. Scored a 770 (Q51,V42). This was my first attempt
My GMAT journey began around September 2021. I initially purchased the OG and started solving questions. The 'Easy' difficulty questions were relatively straightforward, but I was not getting the desired accuracy and speed in the 700+ level difficulty questions, both in quant and verbal section.
I looked up some online courses and found that e-GMAT was the most recommended. So, I enrolled for the 4 month eGMAT online intensive course in October 2021. Scored a 710 on my first SigmaX mock.
The course was very thorough. I was previously solving most of the verbal questions instinctively, but after going through the e-GMAT module, my question solving approach became methodological. The meaning based approach for solving SC questions was especially helpful. In Quant, solving multiple questions in Scholaranium helped as I was able to cut down my takt time and silly mistakes.
e-GMAT is a great course, especially for working professionals. I Iost around 2 months of prep time in November/December due to some emergency at work, so had to purchase a 1 month extension. But the whole experience was hassle-free. I did not feel the need to refer to any other material apart from the e-GMAT modules and the OGs.

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