July 16, 2022

Joined: Jun 10, 2022

Posts: 6

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41

e-GMAT: The Stairways to the GMAT Heaven


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Prior to e-GMAT, I had no other strategy besides continuously working on questions, believing that by working on many different problems, I will cover all the question types that I might encounter during the exam. Also, I was not structured in my study approach, often jumping from one topic / section to another without fully grasping the techniques required to excel in the test, especially in the verbal section. Come test day, it was not a surprise that I only managed score a V34 in the test, with my total score amounting to a 710 (Q50, V34, IR 7, AWA 6.0), even after 2+ months of preparation.
I actually stumbled upon the e-GMAT course 3 days prior to my 710 attempt. When going through the free version of the platform, I thought that the materials were very succinct and informative (essentially a one-stop shop for everything GMAT), with Scholaranium, in particular, serving as the perfect companion to ensure I put into practice what I have learn from the platform. So, upon receiving my results, it was a no brainer for me to immediately sign up for the full version e-GMAT as I wish to take my next attempt exactly a month later.
With the help of the e-GMAT platform, I was able to be more focus and structured in my preparation especially in my weaker areas in the verbal section. The lessons I learned during my preparation are as listed below:
- Understanding the key message the author is trying to convey is utmost important. It is the essence of the sentence.
- Meaning > Grammar. The are times where sentences are grammatically correct but conveys a different meaning to the original sentence.
- Often, grammar errors can be identified using logic. Equipped with the meaning-based approach and a strong arsenal of grammatical knowledge, the wrong answers can frequently be viewed as illogical.
- Pre-thinking the answers for yourself goes a long way in not only building your ability to solve higher difficulty questions, but also your ability to do so within a short amount of time.
- Identifying the purpose of each sentence within the argument will help in ensuring you do not deviate from the main focus of the argument.
- Refrain from looking at the answer choices first for you will be immediately attached to it, stifling your ability to pre-think effectively.
- Be engaged while reading the passage. There is a reason the section is called “Reading Comprehension” and not just “Reading”.
- Take short notes while reading to identify the message behind each paragraph. It will help in solving questions relatively quickly, especially for questions that require one to make an inference.
Equipped with knowledge and lessons above, I was able to improve my score to a 740. (Q49, V41, IR 8, AWA 6.0)

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