e-GMAT Online Intensive Reviews

Full access, Excel through 4 months of intensive preparation, Achieve 740+

GMAT Online Intensive is for aspirants aiming to go from mid 500s to 740+ in a limited time. GO Intensive personalizes your learning experience to optimize the content you need to master and not study what you already know. GO Intensive also ensures that you achieve the required proficiency required to ace each sub-section, enabling you to score 740+ in the most optimal manner.


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans


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Based on 330 reviews
December 12, 2022

Joined: Mar 05, 2022

Posts: 23

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

eGMAT Review- Journey to 710


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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Meaning based approach in the verbal section.

Would make the product better:

Difficulty of Quant section was slightly higher than the difficulty of the actual GMAT.

I decided to prepare for GMAT earlier this year (2022). I started my preparation by giving an official mock, in which I scored 630. I immediately knew Verbal is my weak area and I need to improve the same. After practicing few questions from OG, I had little to no improvement in my score. This is when I decided to opt for a coaching. After extensive research, I decided to go for eGMAT course. This was one of my best decisions.
I started the course with Master Comprehension to understand the basics of a sentence. This part was really important for me as it helped me set a foundation for myself. After building my basics, I started with Sentence Correction, which was always the most difficult part for me. I gave 1.5 months to complete SC. But after the completion of the SC course, I was confident enough to answer these questions. The meaning based approach to solving the SC questions helped me a lot.
I then started off with RC and CR. I used to score pretty well in RC, but my CR scores were fluctuating continuously. This is when Rida (eGMAT mentor) provided me several extra videos to study from. These videos really helped me boost my CR scores.
I was pretty good with Quant, so I did not put much effort on it. I just practiced some topic quizzes and gave some mocks.
I decided to give my first attempt in August last week, and I scored 670 (Q47 V35).
I decided to put my focus on Quant now and practiced lot of questions of varied difficulty level. I again appeared for second attempt in mid November. This time I scored 710 (Q50 V35).
I would really like to thank eGMAT for being there with me throughout my GMAT journey and providing me the best content available for the exam.
For those who are starting their GMAT journey, I would highly recommend them to opt for eGMAT course and see the results themselves.

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December 20, 2022

Dear harshit0609,

Congratulations on the 710! This is Rida, your mentor. I am so glad to have been a part of your journey!

I am glad to see the effort and diligence you have put into reaching your GMAT goals. You put in your 150% to learn and master concepts and processes that would guarantee success. The importance you placed on Master Comprehension and the basic unit of GMAT Verbal- a sentence- shows that you understood the importance of a strong foundation. This attitude carried over to other subsections, such as in SC, where, as we can see below, you gave it your all to achieve perfection in learning-

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It is wonderful that this focus on process, and the work you put into ensured you eliminated weaknesses and had consistentperformance clearly paid off in a V35. As seen below, your stats on Scholaranium clearly show that you were primed to reach your target score!

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Thank you for your feedback on the Quant questions. Preparing for the GMAT is akin to preparing for battle- it is better to be well-equipped to answer any type of question that comes your way.

All the very best for your next steps!


December 08, 2022

Joined: Feb 22, 2022

Posts: 160

Kudos: 60

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41 (Online)

E-GMAT is a wonderful course!


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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I took the GMAT online exam on 3rd December, 2022 and scored a 730 ( Q49 V41 ). I took a mock before starting any prep and got a score of 650. I was apparently in the 650-700 plateau stage. So, I signed up for the e-GMAT course on 2nd July, 2022. I totally loved the course. Everything is extremely detailed. It start from the basics courses ( Quant Basics for Quant and Master Comprehension for Verbal ). Both of which helped me strengthen my foundation. The concept files are well made. You have practice files and application files. In the Scholaranium, you've plenty of questions, supplemented by Analytics that tell you how much time you took, what are you strong areas, weak areas, and even the difficulty progression. Even the forums, doubt resolution is really good. I was even assigned a Strategy Expert throughout. So, all in all, I would highly recommed this course to everyone. Thank you E-Gmat.

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December 15, 2022

Hi Abhi160792,   

Heartfelt Congratulations to you on your 730 score! 

An 80-point improvement needs a humungous effort and plenty of self-belief. Both these attributes were the pillars of your success while improving from 650 to 730.

Good decisions during prep play a significant role in the GMAT journey.

You made the wise decision of laying a strong foundation initially. Using the data analytics throughout your prep to find the weaknesses and to fix those gaps was another smart decision. Here is an image of your outstanding Verbal stats from the last phase of your prep, which is certainly an outcome of many such right decisions that you took during your prep.

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Abhi160792, the entire strategy team is glad to have been a part of your amazing journey. 

We wish you the best for all your future endeavours. 


December 15, 2022

Thanks to the entire e-gmat team, especially to Dhruv for guiding me throughout. Cheers!!!

November 28, 2022

Joined: May 29, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V38

My journey from 620 to 700 in less than 30 days .


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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After deciding to give the GMAT Exam in April 2022 , I decided to study through the OG and the material available on the internet . Though I was able to solve Quant questions but Verbal was giving me nightmares specially the under confidence in SC questions. In June 2022 , I attended free webinars on SC, CR and RC sections organised by e-GMAT and was impressed by its approach to the verbal section.

Finally, with less than 30 days of my GMAT exam date , I decided to sign up for the course as I prepared to give my shot at the GMAT EXAM . But the reality shook me hard when I gave the mock on the EGMAT platform and scored a mere 620 with Q48 and V27 . I was disheartened , and immediately seeked support of EGMAT team . They were very considerate and assigned me a mentor , who came as a saviour to me . My mentor Abha Mohan , helped me charting a structured approach of targeting my exam . She gave me a schedule , task list to be completed wherein every task had to be completed in sequence , no hopping over ( which was the mistake I was doing earlier in my self prep ) .
The Egmat approach to verbal Section is top notch . The ‘meaning based approach’ tremendously helps you in attempting the toughest of questions.
. The CR section emphasises the ‘pre-thinking’ approach. The RC section teaches you ways to effectively read a GMAT passage, focussing on the bigger picture without getting bogged down into the details . The EGMAT approach of RC helps you to understand the passage very well and saves you time from jumping back and forth to look into the passage for every question( mind you this approach helps save a lot of time) . It takes time to master it but once you do , RC becomes a lot less time consuming .

Another important part of EGMAT course are the cementing quizzes. The structured approach of attempting the cementing quizzes gradually progresses you towards to your targeted ability. The Sigma - X mocks match the actual GMAT exam to a very good extent .

In the end, I would like to highlight the importance of sticking to the process. Believe in the process taught in the modules and no matter what do not change your process while under pressure during the test.

The process helped me in achieving a major 11 point jump in verbal in just 25 days and I obtained a 700 Score ( q48 v38) in actual GMAT exam. A major 80 point jump to my mock score.

This would not have been possible without support and motivation of my mentor Abha Mohan . She had been a constant support through my journey , very quick in responding to my queries and resolving them .

I would also like to thank Rajat and Payal for the awesome Platform they have created and also the entire EGMAT team who work tirelessly to provide quality GMAT Prep to students worldwide.

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December 06, 2022

Hi rajanmech09,

Abha from e-GMAT this side. 

Congratulations on your 700!

Your path to improvement from 620 to 700 in less than 25 days shows that with diligence, determination, and perseverance, nothing is impossible.

A 11-point improvement in Verbal from V27 (45th percentile) to V38 (84th percentile) is highly commendable. Your Verbal skills improved as you took the right steps to build your ability by learning the concepts and mastering processes across sub-sections by completing the cementing stage, here is an image showcasing your improvement from 51% to 78% (90th percentile) accuracy in SC questions using the meaning-based approach.

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I am glad that the RC strategies helped you understand the passages and save time which in turn helped improve your accuracy. Here is an image below reflecting how you aced the RC approach and improved to 90% (96th percentile) accuracy in RC Hard questions.

Image Link -

Your journey is a great example to justify, I quote, “When you trust the process, you learn. When you learn, you score well. When you score well, you succeed! “ 

I, on the behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, would like to wish you all the very best in your future endeavours.

All the best!  

Abha Mohan   

November 28, 2022

Joined: Apr 14, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q51 V36



Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I decided to join eGMAT course when I scored only 640 (V25 Q50) in dec'21. Obviously, I cancelled my score. At this point, I understood that I needed to change my preparation strategy, mainly in the verbal section.

For Sentence Correction, the meaning-based approach is the real game changer. Even though I did not manage to get all SC correct under 90 seconds per question, I improved overall accuracy and planned to sacrifice few questions at the end of the verbal section (It is a risky strategy but somehow worked for me). My real intention was to get the first 20 questions right at any cost.

For Critical reasoning, approach for assumption, evaluation and boldface questions was very useful. My boldface question horror story ended immediately after starting CR module. (Pre-think was never my cup of tea and I relied solely on process of elimination)

For Reading comprehension, I watched two video links of recorded live classes by Harsha. He did not say anything new or fancy, but whenever I struggled in RC, I watched these two videos.
Finally, Thanks to Kanupriya who guided me during the course. She analyzed my weak areas and assigned tasks on daily basis to attack the low hanging fruits (I do not know why like this term, but I like it).

Being a non-native speaker, it was never an easy task for me to get a decent verbal score on the GMAT exam. With the strategical approach of eGMAT, I got a score of V36 (from V25).

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
December 07, 2022

Dear Papu8820,

Congratulations on the 730! A massive 11-point Verbal score improvement from V25 (37th percentile) to V36 (79th percentile) and a perfect Q51 are both truly amazing feats! Achieving V36 as a non-native speaker is just the cherry on top.

I can truly see that the different approaches across SC, CR and RC helped you achieve success. In the image below, we can see your perseverance to imbibe the meaning based approach and the RC strategies has really paid off!

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In SC – I can see that the time and energy you put into imbibing the meaning-based approach had a huge impact on your accuracy, as you went from 56% accuracy on hard questions to 80% accuracy –

Image Link -

Having mentored you through this improvement journey, I can say that you have shown grit and perseverance throughout and I am excited to see what challenges you take up next!

All the best!



November 25, 2022

Joined: Oct 05, 2021

Posts: 4

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V38

How I scored a 740 in GMAT even after working 10 hrs a day ?


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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I started my GMAT preparation in May 2022. After reviewing a few of the online courses and after consulting with my seniors who have aced GMAT before, I enrolled for the 4-month course at E-GMAT on 5 May 2022. I gave my 1st Sigma-X Mock Test and scored a 700 (Q-47, V-38).
I was quite elated with the score and thought that a little practice in verbal will help me improve my score to 720+.
I prepared a Personalised Study plan in the E-GMAT portal with the aim to complete the course within 1.5 months. I was supposed to study for 2 hrs on weekdays and 4/5 hrs on weekends
However, working in an essential service sector has its own problems. With extended work hours and extra duties, I could not dedicate more than 1 hr to preparation in the initial days and I could complete much less than I planned in the 1st one month.
I realised that only studying at night after returning from office will not help me. Hence, I decided to study for 1 hour in the morning before going to office and study for 1 hr after returning. I realised that this was a much more effective technique.
The Verbal module at E-GMAT is very structured and concept-wise exhaustive. I followed the recommended study plan for the entire verbal module. It was quite effective and I would suggest everyone to follow the recommended path and not jump around among the topics.
The path I followed was Master Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Critical Reasoning, and then Reading comprehension. What’s important is to complete and solidify the concepts of each Topic before moving to the next one. Hence after completing the concept files, application files, and practice files, complete the cementing quizzes (1 Medium and 2 Hard) before moving to the next topic.
The techniques taught for Verbal at E- GMAT such as Pause points for comprehension, Pre-thinking for Critical Reasoning, and Meaning-based approach for Sentence correction really help to ace the verbal questions irrespective of the difficulty levels.
Since I scored high in quants in my 1st mock and being from an engineering background, I thought quants will be quite easy for me. However, soon I realised that being out of touch with Maths for around 6 yrs has impacted the agility and confidence with which I used to solve math problems. I realised that there were some concepts that require some policing. The PACE system in Quants helped me in this regard. From my performance in the initial evaluation quizzes for each topic, it identified the modules that I can skip and those I have to go through. This saved a lot of time. The difficulty level of harder quant problems at E- GMAT was a bit more than the actual test. Hence it helps us prepare better for the actual tests.
I took the other Sigma-X Mock Tests and scored 670-720. However, in the official mocks I scored 740 & 750.
It took my 1st official GMAT test and scored 700 (Q 46, V 40).
I was a bit disappointed with the result, considering the high scores I got in the Official Mocks.
I approached E-GMAT for guidance and they inducted me in their Last Mile Program (LMP) program. Mrs. Abha Mohan, one of their experts, made a thorough analysis of my ESR report and prepared a customised plan for me with milestones and timelines, and guided me through my journey. She guided me to identify the areas I have scope for improvement and advised me the topics that I should revise and even provided additional study materials. She prepared customised exam plans and even gave me mental support during times I got panicky and worked up during the preparation time. The entire E-GMAT team was also kind enough to provide me free access to the entire portal for around 2 weeks during my last leg of preparation.
I gave my second GMAT test on 20 November 2022 and scored a 740 (Q51, V38).
I owe my success to the entire team of E-GMAT. Without their support, this wouldn’t have been possible.

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December 01, 2022

Hi Arka1993, 

Congratulations on reaching the top 3%ile!  

Abha this side from e-GMAT. A GMAT 740 is an amazing score, and we are glad that we could be part of your journey.   

The sheer determination you have shown to get to this point is phenomenal. You followed a structured approach throughout your preparations which helped you improve from 700 (88th percentile) to 740 (97th percentile). 

 You laid a solid foundation by completing the concepts files and applications files and then mastered the concepts and processes by cementing each of the sub-sections. Here is an image reflecting that with the help of the meaning-based approach your accuracy improved from 64% to 83% (90 percentile ability) in SC questions .

Image Link:

I am glad that you could identify that time management was an issue for you in the initial stages itself and were able to rectify the same by judiciously dividing your study hours into smaller intervals which turned out effective for you. 

You leveraged Quant 2.0 and the PACE engine on the e-GMAT Platform ensuring that you took the swiftest route to a Q51. Here is an image showcasing you were able to save 11 hours in your Algebra preparations using the PACE engine. 

Image link:

I remember the mail you sent to us after you scored 700 on your 1st attempt. I remember telling you to have heart and that all we needed was a little bit more hard work and you were more than willing to give it your all which resulted in 740 (97th percentile) in your next attempt. 

I, on the behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, would like to wish you all the very best in your future endeavors - any program would be enriched to have a diligent student like you as part of its cohort.   

All the best! 

Abha Mohan  

October 29, 2022

Joined: Mar 21, 2022

Posts: 2

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38

egmat- structured GMAT prep and resources


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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I worked with Abha Mohan from the eGMAT team for my GMAT preparation. I had taken the exam before and was planning to retake it to see if I can further improve my verbal score. Given that I was applying in Round 1, I had a deadline and despite this, Abha came up with the best plan possible to improve my verbal skills. During our time, Abha helped me identify my weak concepts and improve them through Scholaranium. I found it especially helpful that I could build tests (easy, medium, difficult) on concepts that I needed to retain and improve. Having target metrics from eGMAT on how much I needed to score on each of these tests helped me keep track of my progress.
In addition, Abha stayed in communication throughout my prep to monitor my progress and iterate on the structured plan that she had laid out.

While I couldn't end up improving my verbal score, I'm thankful to Abha and eGMAT team for the support I received during this process. I knew I gave it my all and I couldn't have done it without their support and resources. Thank you eGMAT team!

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November 04, 2022

Hi Shalini, 

Congratulations on 720! 

This is Abha from e-GMAT. It was a pleasure working with you and being a part of your journey. 

Shalini, a lot of times, in life, as is in GMAT, things don’t go according to plan even when you are completely prepared for it. I must commend your resilience and consistency throughout your preparation which helped you score 720 (94th percentile). 

You followed a structured approach and immersed yourself in the process which in turn translated into your impressive Scholaranium stats for Medium and Hard level questions. Please refer to the image below where you have attained 80 percentile ability for all Verbal sub-sections in Hard questions.  

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I, on the behalf of the entire e-GMAT family, would like to wish you all the very best in your future endeavours - any program would be more enriched to have a diligent student like you as part of its cohort. 

Abha Mohan 

October 26, 2022

Joined: Apr 14, 2018

Posts: 4

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

How to get away with GMAT (fast)


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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Hello Everyone!

Some of my learnings through my GMAT journey with eGMAT are listed below:
- [ ] For most working professionals, You’ll have to be on your toes to get the work done. Your energy levels are very important and you must preserve them during your study hours, mock attempts and beyond.
- [ ] Absorb the ‘Structured Approach’ and make it second nature. The sooner you’ll do so, the sooner you’ll achieve a better takt time, the time it takes for a correct attempt. Once you have your concepts in place, refining these process application steps is the only way you’ll reach the 36th question with some time in hand. The better you comprehend, the better you’ll sail through each sub section, be that be of Verbal or Quant.
- [ ] The art of letting go: If only we were taught how to attempt exams, many would have thrived playing on their strengths and taking minimum harms elsewhere. Though GMAT score depends on your performance on each sub-section, after surpassing a cumulative difficulty level, let data of your past attempts and your intuition(general comfort level) with a question guide you on making strategical skips. After all, it’s about finishing your section attempt with Hard questions. Don’t get attached too much to a question or you’ll never even get to read the last few questions.
- [ ] Error log importance : Quality over Quantity. Maximum learning is extracted while reviewing your mistakes. In the crucial minutes after mocks or simple tests, which leave you exhausted, do review questions in which you took too long to finalise a choice, in which you weren’t able to eliminate the choices per your reasoning skills, in which you weren’t able to comprehend the meaning, etc. Remember, if you dig deep enough, it’s always lack of a diligent and intentional shift in comprehension that results in an unsure attempt. Read the above sentence again.
- [ ] Seeing them as Life skills : critical thinking, active prediction, finding main points, sentence level comprehension, short circuiting details. I respect this exam for the skills it has helped me engender. Your level of awareness of your surroundings will be unparalleled and you just might reach to the levels of Sherlock, Dr. Gregory House and the other high functioning sociopaths who thrive on drawing inferences by observing their surroundings.
- [ ] Make it purpose of your life, but only for a continuous stretch of 4/5 months, otherwise it’ll hang over your head like Betal. Don’t make it a ghost hanging over your head leaving you tired in your everyday life. Preserve your energy, be fierce with protecting your time, be calm and observant during your learning hours, cement the learnings and reflect on them during your ordinary hours. In a short amount of time, you might even absorb these test skills to make them life skills.
- [ ] Comprehension extracts the meaning which is core to solving each and every verbal question. As you read the sentence written as is and try to make sense out of those juggle of words, you’ll know what’s wrong and what’s correct. Use some rules+common sense to sail through. GMAT is a test of reasoning ability and not of English language. Do remember this fact.
- [ ] Hats off to Payal and Rajat for putting together such a detailed course. Each question offers multiple learnings and is designed to maximise the variety of takeaways for the user. Shraddha, Kanupriya, Stacy, Arathy and most importantly Harsha have laid out such thorough and informative explanations that one is bound to excel if they follow the words closely.
- [ ] Lastly, it was through the kind and considerate mentorship of Abha that I was able to put this exam to an interim rest. From scoring a 610 on my first mock test to 740s and 750s towards the end, I was able to significantly improve my performance through her guidance. After scoring a 640 at my first official attempt and facing extreme network instability during the second, I was a bit afraid to go over this barrier score of 640. The test readiness stage orchestrated by Abha helped me maintain my mock temperament during this official attempt to a great extent and I was able to achieve a 710. I might go for another attempt to justify the ability I have built and the time I have put into this exam. However, I wish I could have ended it sooner. Don’t let this journey turn into a vicious cycle.

All the best fellow aspirant!


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September 20, 2022

Joined: Jan 26, 2022

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710 Q49 V38

Improvement 60 Points

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I started the course in June 2022 and had about two months left for my GMAT. I had to figure out a way to manage my preparation and to be consistent.
The way the course is structured is just superb. It help you understand the course to the most minute detail and the PACE feature also helps you time your prep. The analytics dashboard is a must have for any student and e-GMAT seems to have cracked the code. You will get a summary of your strengths and weaknesses from the dashboard along with tailored quizzes to help you level up.

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August 28, 2022

Joined: Aug 28, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V38

My journey to 720


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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Initially, I was quite apprehensive to take any course for GMAT preparation as I was seeing all the questions and materials available on GMATClub. But when I started my preparation, I soon realized my preparation was going directionless and I was not able to track my progress properly. Sharing this problem with one of my friends, I was recommended to take the e-GMAT course.
I checked out the course and I started by giving the first Sigma-x-Mock. I secured a 650 score. Being a non-native speaker and not good at literature subject, I knew I will have a steep learning curve. I was confident that starting it would not be a great challenge. But later when I started the course slowly, I realized my gaps.
The e-GMAT course is very comprehensive and covers a very good depth when it comes to both sections. The approaches suggested are very convenient to apply, but we have to be patient enough to make the approaches intuitive to ourselves and keep trusting the process.
As suggested by e-GMAT, I divided my preparation into 3 stages- Concept, Cementing (working on application), and Mocks. During my first phase of preparation, I was not regular and didn’t revise well, this led to spending more time making my concept clear.
Meanwhile, I was hitting roadblocks during my preparation and was sometimes demotivated. I reached out to the strategy team at e-GMAT. I was assigned with Rashmi for help. She helped me to identify the problems and gave me action items to solve my problems. Sometimes the action items seemed to be too much, but it was very helpful to progress during my preparation. Rashmi also made sure that I give regular updates about my preparation which helped me be accountable to someone during my preparation.
After going through the course at e-GMAT and giving my first attempt, I feel I have more scope for improvement in my scores and now I know where exactly I need to work. Hence, with some support from e-GMAT, I am planning to give it one more shot at GMAT. 😊

Tips for the people who are starting their preparation
I want to keep the crisp.
1. You must be very discipline with your preparation. It is not much to ask for if you want to be in top 3 percentile throughout the world.
2. The basics should be on your fingertips.
3. Revise and reflect.
4. Have patience and trust the process.
Please take some time to let the above pointers to sink in 😊
Hope this helps, especially the one who are starting their GMAT preparation journey.
Thank You.

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August 23, 2022

Joined: Jan 15, 2019

Posts: 8

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

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There are a multitude of online test-prep options for GMAT, but what separates e-GMAT from the rest is not just the pedagogy, course content and the Scholaranium platform, but also the committed set of strategy mentors, who are always there to guide, mentor and motivate you.

Having read so many reviews and after watching so many success stories, I was sure there must be something that e-GMAT has and others don't. Initially, I was thrilled by the amount of granularity that the Scholaranium platform had to offer and I immediately signed up for the course. After signing-up, the first activity I did was to take a diagnostic mock to ascertain my level. I scored a 610 (Q48, V26) and it was a no brainer that Verbal needed a lot of work.
So, I got started with the Master Comprehension course - a module that is extremely important for all the subsections. This module consists of nuances such as strategic pause points, which come in handy when one is reading long sentences. Thereafter, I did the Sentence Correction module and I could see the change in my approach to the SC questions. The meaning-based approach is a game-changer. Of course, the grammar rules taught in the course are as important as the methodical approach to each SC question, but the meaning-based approach will take you from a 70 percentile to a 90+ percentile. And I can say that because it helped me score a 98 percentile on my actual attempt.

Just like the meaning-based approach in SC, the pre-thinking approach is a game-changer in CR, and I didn't notice it until I actually started using it. Of course, it requires a conscious effort initially, but once you get used to it, it starts happening sub-consciously and saves you a lot of time. Add to this approach, the specific step-by-step methodology required to tackle each question type, and this is true even for the RC module. With that being said, the essence of the course is in strengthening your basics and making you become process-oriented. If one can stick to the process and believe in the e-GMAT processes for all types of questions across sub-sections in the Verbal section, success on the GMAT is inevitable. And I was successful, when I took a mock after completing the Verbal score, scoring a V35 - a 9-point improvement in less than 2 months. Gradually I got better and even scored a V41 on one of my mocks later.

Coming to the Quant section, I must say that this is an underrated course. First of all, the PACE enabled course lets you go through only those concepts that you’re required to go through, thereby helping you save time. Then, the sheer clarity with which the concepts are presented, followed by the concept quizzes and practice quizzes strengthen your basics so well that one can easily tackle the sub-600 and 600-700 level questions on the GMAT. And for the 700-level questions, you have the Scholaranium platform. The types of questions on the Scholaranium platform help you get better at taking care of the traps that one usually gets into on the trickier questions on the actual GMAT. Add to that the granular level analysis provided by the Scholaranium data, which helps you identify your improvement areas. I truly believe that if you leverage the Quant course well, a Q50+ is definitely attainable. And I'm saying it because I hardly practiced 40% of the questions, due to time constraints.

Now coming to the most important factor that differentiates e-GMAT from many others and in fact, any other test-prep company is the support it offers to the students through its dedicated mentors. As a part of the mentorship, which is offered along with the course, one always gets a personalized approach and expert guidance throughout the preparation. I got a chance to work with three different mentors throughout my journey, and their contribution to my success is as much as the contribution of the course. When I started working with Harsha, as a part of the Last mile push program, I was faltering in the CR and RC sub-sections. To understand the exact issues with my approach, Harsha was generous enough to get on a 1:1 session with me, first for the CR sub-section and subsequently, for the RC section. And after these sessions, I was able to course correct the behavioral issues, performing well across subsections subsequently. Harsha is undoubtedly the best Verbal subject matter expert I’ve ever come across. Combine that with his ever motivating nature. There were times during my preparation when I felt dejected, but Harsha always made sure I was looking at things positively. His contribution to my score is significant. As is the contribution made by Kunal and Rida. After my previous failed attempt, in which I managed a 660, Kunal shared with me the improvement plans for all the subsections and he kept track of my performance, not just in terms of accuracy, but also in terms of time management. He constantly kept sharing feedback and corrective measure plans for the areas I was faltering in and made sure I was always on the right path. Towards the end, but the most important leg of my preparation, Rida helped me analyze and take lessons from my mock scores and even when I performed terribly on my last mock before the actual test, she motivated me by keeping me in the positive frame of mind and by sharing the last-minute-tips that proved to be extremely helpful.

The contributions by the mentors become especially important when I look back at my journey and realize how their suggestions to make some small tweaks to my behavior and approach made a significant impact on my final score. I still remember Harsha telling me to “enjoy reading the CR arguments / passages” while solving CR questions and that made a lot of difference to my subsequent accuracy in the subsection. Similarly, Kunal told me to not just focus on the accuracy but also the timing aspect. He made me work on the timing aspect and that helped me finish both my sections on the actual test in time. Likewise, Rida’s suggestion to breathe after every question helped me immensely on the test day, especially considering the fact that I’m an anxious test-taker.

To sum it up, I’ve no second thoughts in claiming that if you stick to the e-GMAT process and do everything diligently, there cannot be a better option for your GMAT prep. Thank you, e-GMAT!

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November 15, 2022

Dear ShakebAjaz,  

Congratulations on the massive 100-point improvement to 710. This is Rida, your mentor from e-GMAT.  

 Not only is a 700+ score not easy to get but a 12-point verbal improvement from V26 to V38 makes your success all the more commendable. Kudos to that! 

 You have shown how through sheer grit, perseverance and a process-oriented approach one can achieve what only the top 10% of the test takers dream to achieve.  

 Here are a few key takeaways from this inspirational journey: 

 You set about planning your journey the right way by taking the diagnostic mock to assess your starting abilities and creating a personalized study plan to guide you with your preparation.  

You followed the plan diligently, first learning the fundamentals and then solidifying your ability by mastering the application by working on the questions on Scholaranium.  

It is commendable how this systematic style helped you internalize the meaning-based approach and reach high ability in SC. Here is an image that shows how consistent and methodical efforts helped you get to a 90th% + ability in SC: 

Image Link - 

 While you used this process-oriented approach in verbal, you streamlined your quant preparation focusing on your weak areas through an atomic study pathway designed by the PACE engine. It has to be mentioned here that you saved close to 40 hours in your quant preparation through this strategic approach.  

This image below shows how in Word Problems alone you were able to save over 10 hours through the use of PACE: 

Image Link - 

 Finally, I must appreciate that you used all the weapons that you had in your arsenal. You worked closely with our mentors – and your zeal to succeed showed in how diligently you followed the suggested improvement plans.  

See how by identifying areas to improve and through focused practice you were able to reduce your timing in CR while improving your overall accuracy to 76%  

Image Link - 

 Shakeb, your GMAT journey is an example of how a structured, methodical approach can help achieve an inspirational score on GMAT. Keep inspiring! 

Here is wishing you all the very best in your forthcoming journey.  


Rida Shafeek

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