May 31, 2022

Joined: Aug 03, 2018

Posts: 18

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

GMAT Debrief: From a 600 to a 710 (Q50, V35)


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started GMAT prep in 2020 during the first covid lockdown. I tried all my ways to improve my concepts. I tried every online free source available but could not improve myself for one long year. After a year of self-study, I attempted for GMAT and scored a 600. I was shocked to see my score and decided to give a break to myself. After that, I started looking out for online programs for the GMAT. I listened to all the webinars and checked all the reviews. I found that while the other options that I explored were more focused on providing short-cuts and so-called smart tricks to ace the GMAT, e-Gmat focussed on mastering concepts and processes, an approach that appealed to me.

How did e-GMAT help me?

1. The verbal course of e-GMAT is the best in class. It starts with Master Comprehension which helps us understand how to comprehend any sentence or problem in Verbal as well as Quant. Moreover, the meaning-based approach emphasised by E-GMAT is the best to solve hard questions, which can never be answered by just knowing the grammatical rules. Earlier, I used to solve verbal questions using short-cuts. However, as soon as I started applying a meaning-based approach, my accuracy started to increase and this led to a major increase in my confidence as well. The meaning-based approach made everything so easy and interesting that I never found it boring ever again. I started enjoying practising SC questions as well. The application quizzes in the verbal course are really helpful in understanding the whole process of solving a question and improving every skill required to master it.
2. Although CR does not have many concepts to master, the pre-thinking approach used by e-GMAT really helped me master CR. It helped me understand the importance of classifying the arguments into conclusions and premises and pre-think all the possible approaches to work on it.
3. RC has been my weakest area throughout. However, the master-comprehension approach and meaning-based approach helped me to read the passages with full understanding. I never had to go back to the passage again if I read it using the master comprehension approach. This really helped me to gain better accuracy and speed in RC.
4. Quant course gives a detailed understanding of all the concepts in quant and it really helps in leaving no concept untouched. Earlier, I used to apply short-cut approaches in quant as well. However, the level of understanding I gained from the e-GMAT helped me solve each and every question with a proper process and understanding. the e-GMAT quant course is really intensive and the Scholoranium 2.0 really helps to diagnose the weak areas and focus on them. The scholoranium 2.0 provides a diagnostic quiz, based on which, you can diagnose the areas where you are weak and require more attention. Moreover, the process and GMAT quizzes are really helpful in attaining the right efficiency for the test day.

The e-GMAT analytics-based portal is truly commendable. All the insights provided by the e-GMAT portal are very useful to work on areas that require the most attention. The portal helps us understand our efficiency in all the topics in both Verbal and Quant. Moreover, it also helps us to track the time of each and every question and helps us achieve optimum efficiency. With the help of this portal, I could focus on my weak areas and track my efficiency throughout. The course also provides the scholoranium, which has n number of questions in both Quant and Verbal. The custom and cementing quizzes based on these scholoranium questions really helped me to improve my performance and track it in every way possible. Moreover, the Sigma-X mock provided by e-GMAT is a real gem. I guess these are the only mocks apart from the official mock that adapts on a real-time basis, just like GMAT, and also contains questions equivalent to the difficulty of the actual GMAT. Moreover, the mock analysis provided at the end is a very very detailed analysis of one’s mock performance. This tracks every question, every block, difficulty level, timing and whatnot. One can get all the required insights to improve their performance based on this mock analysis.

Lastly, the kind of support you get during the entire duration of the course is worth mentioning. I was given the opportunity to enrol on ‘The Last Mile Program’, wherein Rida, one of the e-GMAT experts, helped me during the last stage of the GMAT prep journey. Rida really helped me plan everything. She gave me insights into my performances based on my Scholoranium and Sigma-X performances. She continuously helped me create a plan to improve my weak areas until I was finally ready to give the GMAT. The plans she provided were a real gem at the last moment of my journey and really helped me to upscale my performance. She was always ready to help and used to respond spontaneously too. Overall, I had a wonderful experience with Rida and I would recommend her 10/10.

Summing up, looking for an all-inclusive GMAT package that can help you prepare despite a demanding job? E-GMAT is your answer!

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