August 20, 2022

Joined: Jul 21, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V39

Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started my preparation for GMAT in June 2021 when I had taken some other classes and gave my first attempt of GMAT, scoring a 650 (Q45 and V34). I knew that I had certain conceptual gaps and felt the lack of application skills required to solve questions in the most efficient manner in a timed environment. I took a break from GMAT and started preparing again in May 2022. This time around I tried the free lectures on the e-GMAT website and instantly loved how structured and comprehensive the course was.
Verbal Course: With e-GMAT’s Master Comprehension course and meaning based approach, I really understood the pause points, reading strategies, importance of contextual words, structure of sentences and most importantly visualisation of sentences which helped me to tackle the daunting long sentences, not only in Sentence Correction but also in Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. Critical reasoning being my weak point needed a lot of work. Earlier in my preparation I felt that I was falling for the trap answer choices. However, with a consistent application of the pre-thinking approach, I started identifying a pattern in most questions which improved my accuracy and ability to solve Medium-Hard level questions for Critical Reasoning.
Quants Course: Similarly in Quants, while I was fairly comfortable with the concepts, understanding and application of e-GMAT’s “Process skills” such as Infer, Translate, Simplify, Manipulate, Visualise, All cases, Apply constraints was a real game changer for me. Each module in the Quants course is comprehensive and gives an opportunity not only to learn the concepts and skills but also to apply them to similar questions immediately which boosts your confidence to tackle similar kind of 650-720 level questions. Further, e-GMAT’s PACE function, diagnostic quizzes and analytics tools shortened my preparation time significantly for topics I was confident about and ensured that I had a targeted focus on other topics.
Cementing and Error logs: Cementing of the modules, strategic review of each question and logging of the mistakes with corrective actions/ learnings in the error logs made me identify the areas which needed work and helped me bridge the gaps in my conceptual understanding and application skills. The error log entries along with made revision of the entire course really quick and ensured that I made a conscious effort not to repeat the same mistakes again. Further, the discussions available on the expert forum and the quick responses from the e-GMAT team helped in timely addressing my doubts, line of reasoning, understanding the trap answer choices, etc.
Mocks and strategy experts: The SigmaX mocks on e-GMAT are excellent in their questions and gives a detailed review of your performance. For instance, the time spent on each question and each block, whether it was adequate, in excess or too low and also how you progresses throughout the mock. I worked with Rida Shafeek, one of the mentors and strategy expert at e-GMAT. She analysed each of my mock in depth and gave me hyper-intensive feedback on the weak areas, ideal time to be spent in both the Verbal and Quant sections including the subsections and various blocks of the exam. Between each mock, she gave me test readiness packs to solve. I could see an improvement in my time management in each subsequent mock and scored a 690 in the first mock and a 750 on the last.
I scored a 730 on the test (Q50 and V39).
Overall, I had an amazing experience with e-GMAT and truly grateful for their efforts and their support in my preparation. I would recommend e-GMAT for their well-structured course and Scholaranium which has ample of good Hard level questions to solidify your concepts.
Happy Learning!

October 27, 2022

Dear Aastha,

Congratulations on the 96th percentile score!

I really enjoyed working with you in the weeks leading up to your GMAT attempt. What struck me was how you truly immersed yourself in the process – unlearning old habits is one thing that most students struggle with in their preparation. But reading your review, it is clear to me that you have put in the time and dedicated effort in order to let go of processes that haven’t worked in the past and embrace pathways that lead to success.

This is clearly visible in Verbal – your effusive praise of the Master Comprehension course makes it obvious that you understand that the core of Verbal success is meaning, you carried this learning into all Verbal subsections. I can see in CR, the effort you have put in to get to a 90th percentile ability by internalizing the pre-thinking approach.

Have a glance at the image below to see Aastha’s amazing CR ability.

Image Link -

In Quant as well, you understood that it was the process, not brute force, that would lead to success. The process skills (I am glad to see that you can list them all out!) helped you tackle GMAT Quant with skill and strategy, and the PACE engine on the e-GMAT Platform ensured that you took the swiftest route to a Q50.

All of this effort to learn and improve would have been meaningless without learning from your mistakes – which is where the error log comes in. Just a glance at your mocks shows how you were able to improve consistently -

Image Link -

Your improvement in cementing, test readiness and mocks are a testament to your understanding of one key fact – to excel in the GMAT, the goal is not to make zero mistakes, but to make new mistakes every time.

I wish you all the very best for your next endeavor Aastha – any program would be more enriched to have you as part of its cohort.


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