e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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Based on 1183 reviews
October 04, 2023

Joined: Oct 20, 2019

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

Highly Recommend e-GMAT!!!!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


1. Course structure is excellent
2. I highly recommend their mentorship program
3. I really like the AI functionality in the Quant section
4. Verbal Prep is on point, especially for SC and CR
5. Difficulty of their mock tests is similar to the actual exam’s difficulty

Would make the product better:

1. Maybe need some work on the RC section prep
2. Should think about offering the basic mentorship program at a much cheaper cost so that all students can benefit

I’m really grateful to e-GMAT for helping me through this journey. I’m a working professional in the finance industry with limited availability of free time, especially on weekdays. I was looking for a solution that helps me stick to my preparation timeline and provides me with a structured course to follow without me having to spend time figuring out what I need to study next. e-GMAT met my objectives perfectly. I had a mentor assigned by e-GMAT, Akash Aggarwal, who constantly pushed me to commit a certain number of hours per week for the GMAT prep. Also, the course structure of e-GMAT is so easy to follow. You just need to trust the process.

To be honest, my GMAT prep journey was anything but smooth. In all, my prep time was about 9 months. It included 3 months of no prep due to work commitments. Frankly, it was frustrating at times given the impact of these uncontrollable events on my prep timeline. However, the regular check-ins with Akash and his guidance really helped me push through this journey. I did give an attempt after my 8 months of prep. However, due to the final day exam anxiety, I panicked in the verbal section and, as a result, I had to cancel my score. I was really disappointed and was probably thinking about not giving another attempt. However, Akash made me realize that I was test ready and that I had to just work on my mindset for the final day. Thus, I prepped for one more month and gave another attempt, in which I was much more under control and ended up doing well.

For me, e-GMAT played the following three important roles in my journey:
1. Provided a highly structured course
2. Assigned me Akash as my mentor (I highly recommend him in case you end up opting for the e-GMAT’s mentorship program!!!)
3. Offered an excellent preparation module for the verbal section (was really important to me given I’m a non-native English speaker)

If you’re thinking about giving GMAT and are in the similar boat I was (working professional, limited time availability, non-native speaker), I highly recommend subscribing to e-GMAT.

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October 02, 2023

Joined: Jan 08, 2020

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

e-GMAT: 100 points improvement from 630 to 730


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I recently embarked on the challenging journey of preparing for the GMAT, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to enroll in the e-GMAT's Online 360 course. This comprehensive program was nothing short of a game-changer for me, helping me boost my GMAT score by a whopping 100 points, ultimately achieving a score of 730.

Here are some key aspects of the e-GMAT course that I found particularly impressive:

e-GMAT follows a three-step process, which comprises Concept Files, Cementing, and Test Readiness. The first step comprises learning concepts in the form of very well-defined and interesting video lectures, notes, and quizzes. The course also has functionality, which by using various quizzes helped me to understand my current strengths and weaknesses in a topic, and accordingly, it suggests the topics I could skip and topics I should cover in order to bridge the gaps in the least amount of time. In this stage, I was able to understand each concept thoroughly and build a solid foundation required for acing GMAT.

In the Cementing phase, the course allowed me to apply those learned concepts in more GMAT like questions in a timely manner, building my problem-solving skills, enhancing my speed, and improving accuracy in both Quant and Verbal sections.

In the test readiness stage, I used the course's data analytics tool to understand the areas where I was weak and more focus was required, and I used custom Scholaranium quizzes to improve my ability in those areas. The mocks included in this course are computer adaptive tests and follow algorithms very similar to the those of official GMAT exam. Egmat Mocks are very accurate predictors of actual GMAT score and provide in-depth data analysis which is very similar to ESR.

While learning a new skill we are bound to make errors but the key to ace GMAT is to learn from our errors and do not repeat them. For this process, EGMAT suggests the use of error logs and provides very good templates to maintain error logs. Maintaining and revising error logs made me understand the mistakes in my approach and the wrong patterns that I was unconsciously repeating.

Moreover, The last mile program offered by EGMAT is a cherry on top of this excellent course. Through the LMP program, I received guidance and support from Dhruv, my dedicated mentor. I am incredibly grateful for the unwavering support and guidance that Dhruv provided throughout my preparation journey. He motivated and inspired me, even during the most challenging moments of my GMAT preparation. He instilled in me a sense of confidence and determination, reminding me that I had the potential to excel in the GMAT.

In conclusion, e-GMAT has proven to be a game-changer in my GMAT preparation journey. With its exceptional instructors, comprehensive curriculum, personalized support, and results-driven approach, I was able to achieve my target score. If you're serious about excelling in the GMAT, I wholeheartedly recommend e-GMAT as your go-to partner. It's an investment in your future that pays off in dividends. Thank you, e-GMATfor helping me reach my GMAT goals!

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October 06, 2023

Hi prakhar56

Heartiest Congratulations to you on a GMAT 730!!

Your outstanding overall score enhancement of 100 points, marked by an impressive 14-point Verbal increase from V26 to V40, is a testament to your commendable achievement.

Your dedicated approach and use of data analytics on the portal significantly contributed to your outstanding SC improvement, as seen in your impressive Scholaranium statistics. Your commitment inspires self-enhancement.

Your dedicated efforts across all Verbal areas yielded exceptional results, evident in comprehensive Scholaranium statistics. Commendable commitment to improve every facet of Verbal reasoning. Your diligence inspires self-improvement.

Your unrelenting commitment across Quantitative subsections has yielded exceptional results, as illustrated by the comprehensive Quant Scholaranium statistics displayed. Commendable determination to enhance Quantitative skills, setting an inspiring precedent for unceasing self-improvement.

prakhar56, it was a pleasure working closely with you towards your target score. We wish you the best for the next steps!


September 30, 2023

Joined: Aug 03, 2023

Posts: 2

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V44

GMAT Journey to 760 - E-GMAT


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Flexible for someone with not a lot of time.
Many practice questions with excellent explanations.
Amazing learning modules of the concepts.

Would make the product better:

More clarity on how to make the most of the custom quizzes and all of the practice questions.

Hello all! Last week I took the GMAT for the second time and managed to score 760 (V44, Q49), up from 710 in my previous attempt. For my preparation, I mainly relied on E-GMAT. I would like to share what this preparation looked like.
I started my GMAT journey back in March 2023. I approached my preparation with no rush as I was not clear, and still am not clear, when I would be applying to an MBA program. I recently graduated from college and simply wanted to “get the GMAT out of the way” and make use of the 5-year window it has. Another relevant piece of information of my preparation is that I was working full-time throughout my preparation, so time was an issue.
When I started choosing a GMAT preparation course, I had a preconceived notion that the most important thing for preparation was practice. I also needed a course that I could take at my own rhythm due to my lack of time. Because E-GMAT had the most practice questions among the courses I was considering and because of its flexibility, I enrolled to E-GMAT.
Coming into the preparation, my weakest part was verbal, specifically sentence correction. When I started the course, I realized that practice alone was not enough and that there were several conceptual gaps I had to attack first. E-GMAT’s structured course was perfect to attack these gaps. All of the modules were very helpful.
Even though making sure all the conceptual knowledge is clear was essential, the practice that came afterward was as well. I took my first attempt of the GMAT when I had not gone through enough practice, and hence, did not get my target score. After that, my focus was primarily in practicing. For this, the E-GMAT platform is perfect. Being able to create custom quizzes tailored to once needs was super helpful. Although the amount of option for these quizzes might be a bit overwhelming at first.
Lastly, a key part of the preparation was the actions taken after taking any practice quiz, which are extensively recommended by E-GMAT. This key part was making sure I truly understood the answer of every single practice question I took, even if I got them right.
In short, the E-GMAT course manages to tackle all of the key needs of a successful GMAT preparation.

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September 24, 2023

Joined: Feb 08, 2020

Posts: 4

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V41 (Online)

Outstanding, fully recommended.


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


- Mentorship/ strategy experts personalized content
- Adaptive AI with in-depth analytics
- Wealth of concept and process skills on Quant

Would make the product better:

Length of course is a significant factor to consider, even when accounting for PACE (adaptive instruction).

Be prepared to spend a significant amount of concept + process lessons if you have not the foundational skills.

In my case, I was working full time (10h+) and had to spend a good chunk of hours (10+) during weekends to finish everything and at least 5 hours in total during week days.

e-GMAT's LMP, guided by the exceptional mentor Rida, combined with the Online 360 course, proved to be a game-changer in my GMAT journey.

After an initial stint with Target Test Prep (TTP) and scoring 690, I was looking for that extra push to break through my score plateau. e-GMAT delivered exactly that and more, resulting in an 40-point increase in my score.

What sets e-GMAT apart is its remarkable AI-driven analytics and personalized study plans, ensuring you focus on areas that need improvement. In my case, quant was a significant challenge, and e-GMAT's tailored approach and in-depth content provided a laser-focused strategy to bolster my quant skills, allowing me to polish all the concepts I thought I had but as it turned out I didn't!

Having a strategy expert was key. Rida's expertise and guidance were instrumental in demystifying the study process. The structured course (considering both CONCEPT and PROCESS skills), with its interactive modules, practice quizzes, and detailed analytics, enabled me to track my progress and see real improvement.

While I overinvested a lot on my GMAT prep overall before e-GMAT (too much, really), the program ultimately gave me the edge to obtain my "minimum, great" score.

Please now that on my mocks (both e-GMAT's and OG's) I was scoring 760-790, so the course will give everything you need to succeed. I underdelivered come test day due to nerves + time management, but that's alright!

If you're serious about your GMAT prep, this course is for you. It is the best value for money option.

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September 24, 2023

Joined: Feb 23, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V38 (Online)

Good course


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


The course has equipped me with a systematic approach to problem-solving. It emphasized the importance of time management through a structured regimen of quizzes and, during the test readiness phase, bolstered my endurance. Furthermore, the one-on-one mentorship program proved invaluable in identifying and addressing my weaknesses, ultimately enhancing my preparedness for the exam.

This course has endowed me with a structured problem-solving methodology, underscored by a keen emphasis on effective time management. Through a carefully designed series of quizzes, it cultivated a sense of readiness. Additionally, during the test preparation phase, it significantly increased my stamina, enabling me to tackle complex questions with confidence and composure. Furthermore, the personalized one-on-one mentorship program, expertly guided by Rida Shafeek, played a pivotal role in not only identifying but also diligently rectifying my weaknesses. As a result, it profoundly improved my overall preparedness for the real GMAT exam, providing me with a robust foundation for success on the challenging yet important assessment.

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September 23, 2023

Joined: Jun 03, 2022

Posts: 40

Kudos: 26

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

My GMAT Journey


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


The Egmat online course (quant+verbal) is possibly the most comprehensive course based on my research. It is a highly structured course and is ideal for someone looking to ace the test with minimum effort in trying to figure out how to do it. Verbal videos and explanations are top-notch, and verbal scholaranium is amazing for doing self-paced learning.

Would make the product better:

Maybe introduce P.A.C.E. like structure for verbal as well! There were quite a few modules that I found to be a bit repetitive. Also, there should be an option to speed up the videos as it takes up a lot of time and is extremely slow.

I absolutely loved the second leg of my GMAT Journey, which I prepared for using e-GMAT. I was able to develop a solid verbal ability, even though it didn't reflect that much in my test scores; however, it's a skill I can apply in my everyday life. I believe that if you have an e-GMAT subscription, you don't need any other material to prepare, as it truly is a complete product.

Course Material:
Coming from an Indian engineering background, I knew I wouldn't face a problem with Quant, and I was short on time. So, I decided to focus all my energy on Verbal to maximize my score in the shortest time possible. The Verbal course material was divided into the three main sections - RC, CR, and SC - and each section had multiple videos and practice files. I found the course material to be exceptional because the videos covered all the concepts in thorough detail and avoided giving generic shortcuts that fail during difficult questions. Learning these concepts helped me face any question. The small practice modules in between the videos were indeed useful and helped reinforce the concepts. Lastly, the practice files allowed me to test the concepts learned in each module.
I do not have much feedback on quant as I didn't prepare quant from e gmat, but I have heard great feedback on quant as well!

In my opinion, Scholaranium is the best e-learning product I've come across. Firstly, it offers a large question bank with more questions being added after finishing a mock test. Secondly, the option of creating custom quizzes and completing them in a time-bound manner is really helpful, and I would recommend everyone to attempt all questions in Scholaranium in a time-bound manner to simulate the real GMAT experience. The quality of solutions provided for each question is top-notch and clears even the silliest doubts you can have. Moreover, you can view the time spent on each question and modify your strategy accordingly. I spent a large proportion of my time here strengthening my concepts.
I recommend everyone to not think that GMAT quant is easier that e GMAT quant, as I am pretty sure that is not true having gone through the actual test multiple times.

Dhruv from e-GMAT helped me assess my e-GMAT mocks and gave me a clear picture of where I was lacking, pointing out things that I was unintentionally overlooking. I highly recommend everyone with an e-GMAT subscription to reach out to their support and avail of mentorship. It made a significant difference in my preparation.

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October 06, 2023

Hi ayushiiiarya

Congratulations on your impressive GMAT score of 730, with a remarkable Verbal percentile of 90 (V40).

Your dedication and hard work have clearly paid off, and your commitment to building a strong foundation in Verbal is evident in your diligent study of each video file. The image below is a testament to your dedication.

Laying this solid groundwork allowed you to make remarkable strides in your Verbal abilities, as evident from your Scholaranium statistics. The image below illustrates this progress:

Your consistent efforts throughout your Verbal preparation yielded predictably strong Verbal scores during the mock stages, as shown in the image below:

I'm truly honored that you attribute part of your success to my mentorship. It has been a pleasure to be a small part of your incredible journey.

On behalf of the entire e-GMAT team, I extend our best wishes for the exciting path that lies ahead of you. May you approach it with resounding success and deep fulfillment.

Warm regards,

September 23, 2023

Joined: Nov 07, 2021

Posts: 10

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41 (Online)

E-GMAT : Course That Transformed My Success


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Product UI
Course Content
Strategy and Mentorship

Would make the product better:

Quant Lessons
Option to schedule 1 or 2 ,1-1 with Instructor/experts

I decided to go with e-gmat course based on the GMAT forum reviews and my experience using the free trial . I’ve studied using the e-gmat online course for almost 16 months and hence this review will be as detailed as possible outlining the advantages , mistakes to avoid, and how to effectively use this course.

I started with a free consultation call with e-gmat to understand how to use this course and to get a study plan. I like how the mentor was detailed in his approach and was focused on explaining , not selling. I took a free trial and was impressed with the platform UI and resources available.

Platform review : The UI is extremely easy to use with a good structure to it . The split of Verbal and Quant, further sub section splits, study planner, scholaranium with both e-gmat and OG question bank in one place, bookmark and notes section, accuracy metrics etc - each of these things were really helpful for me in planning my time, revising concepts and improving on weak topics .
I’ve used Study planner every day to input the hours I was putting in and the planner accordingly adjusts the expected time of course completion .
I would bookmark the questions which I wanted to review once and would use the notes tab to input my though process, improvement areas and approach issues . The questions where you’ve put notes will move to separate tab which can be used for your final review list in last days.

Course Content Review:
Verbal :
SC - The meaning based approach is the only way to ace 700+ level questions . The questions in the official exam move away from basic grammatical errors as you level up , and even if there are some grammatical errors it would be very difficult to identify them. I was extremely weak in SC initially, getting only 50-60% accuracy even in medium questions , but with lot of effort , cementing the process, following the e-gmat approach - my accuracy went to 80% in Hard questions .
The process to solve a question is extremely standardised, if you do the Course (practice files and application files ) as suggested it will become second nature .

CR - The Prethinking framework is useful for Medium level questions. I personally, wasn’t able to benefit much from it in Hard level . 
But what would help definitely is the framework , the mapping and visualisation habit of premise and understanding of the question statement .
The framework to make a falsification scenario, the swing test for evaluate questions, the table mapping in boldface questions were extremely useful.

RC - I am not an avid reader and I would average 6-7 mins reading time in long passages initially . With some of the concept files like Master Comprehension and Keyword importance taught by Harsha I was able to achieve high accuracy in RC and reduce time to 4-5 mins.

Quant : If you’re aiming for 48+ in Quant , there is very little chance to do it with just OG questions . I was consistently getting Q50-51 in official mocks and almost 90% accuracy in OG questions , but the official GMAT test was far from them .
The e-gmat course is extremely detailed, the foundation and approach is strengthened in the course and then by practicing Hard e-gmat questions from Scholaranium I was able to achieve Q49 . Probably , would’ve managed a Q50 if I didn’t get 4 Set theory questions :/

Strategy and Mentorship :
Dhruv Joshi, e-gmat mentor, has been instrumental in motivating me, providing study plan and helping me achieve 730 . He was a constant help and support for a period of 1.5 years . I would often have good accuracy but troubled time management. This is where Dhruv helped me understand how skill is function of both time and accuracy , in identifying timing issues, reducing TAKT time, and employing skipping strategy where required . He was able to provide me realistic and effective study plans based on my improvement areas and availability.

Few Important tips :
Do not break the structure of the course - Trust the process and, accuracy and timing will get better with time . A big reason I was having inconsistent accuracy , extreme anxiety and low scores in my first attempt was me not following the exact structure .

Use mocks when required - E-gmat gives 5 mocks, which Imo are bit less . The quality of these mocks is at par with official exam , hence plan these mocks when there is a notable improvement in preparation. Use custom quizzes to improve the Test readiness , which can replace need of mocks to some extent .

Be in touch with mentor : Be in constant touch of your assigned mentor. Even a chit chat on prep issues, exam anxiety, day to day tips from mentor can act as a stress reliever .

Small platform suggestion for e-gmat : I would solve, say, 100 questions total in SC, and when I would take a custom 20 question quiz of attempted questions some of the questions would come multiple times and some not that often . So if there is a counter at backend to count the number of times a question has come in quiz , it will make sure the questions appear uniformly . This will make sure during revisions we see all questions.

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October 06, 2023

Hi amankvaish

Heartiest Congratulations to you on a GMAT 730!!

Your remarkable 100-point score improvement, highlighted by an impressive 11-point Verbal boost from V28 (49th Percentile) to V41 (93rd Percentile), underscores your commendable achievement.

Your dedication and diligent efforts have undeniably yielded impressive results, clearly showcasing your commitment to establishing a robust foundation in Verbal. We are glad to know that the Meaning based approach helped you boost your SC abilities. The image below serves as tangible evidence of your unwavering resolve.

Your devoted endeavours across all Verbal domains have generated exceptional results, as evident in comprehensive Scholaranium statistics. I can easily see a commendable commitment to enhance every facet of Verbal reasoning. Your diligence serves as an inspiration for self-improvement as can be seen in the image below:

Your dedicated efforts throughout your Verbal preparation consistently led to solid mock Verbal scores, as illustrated in the image below, closely resembling your performance on the official GMAT.

It gives us immense pleasure to know that you attribute a part of your Quant success to the questions on the Quant Scholaranium. We are thrilled to know that you benefitted immensely from these.

Thank you for your suggestions on course enhancement. We sincerely appreciate the valuable feedback provided by our dedicated students, as it continually fuels our commitment to enhancing the learning experience and ensuring their success.

amankvaish, it was a pleasure working closely with you towards your target score. We wish you the best for the next steps!


September 22, 2023

Joined: Jan 25, 2022

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41 (Online)

How e-Gmat helped me score a 730


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Signature Meaning Based Approach - e-Gmat doesn't teach shortcuts but focusses on the meaning and building blocks of every topic in quants and verbal. A student just needs to follow the process diligently and you can easily score 700+.

Quality & Quantity of questions - The question quality is so great that every question teaches a student something new. Also there are several 100s of questions - one will never run out of new questions in any area.

The best verbal SMEs - Amazing mentors. They are so good at the subject that even if you are not very good at any topic, they will ensure that you easily understand each and every aspect of the subject.

Would make the product better:

Just one suggestion . In cementing (application quizzes), eGmat can add a few easy cementing quizzes to start with. The problem with starting directly with medium difficulty questions is that if a student doesn't do well, it's very easy to get demotivated. So may be a few warm up easy questions in a timed environment to begin with will help.

Why e-Gmat – I was not very good at verbal and I happened to come across the e-Gmat YouTube channel which has a lot of free content. I was very impressed, both with the quality of teaching as well as the quality of questions and I immediately decided to enroll with E Gmat.

Course Quality – The E Gmat course starts from ground zero and teaches you the most basic stuff. So even if you are not in touch with verbal/ quants for years, it becomes very easy to follow the course. It even has a master comprehension course which teaches you how to read a sentence with strategic pauses. The questions are graded in such a manner that the difficulty level increases as you complete each module.

Consistent Approach – Hands down, EGMAT is the best when it comes to the approach – be it in SC, CR or RC. It does not teach you shortcuts which often cannot be replicated across questions, but focuses on a meaning-based approach that teaches you the nuances of the topic which will help you to solve any question irrespective of the difficulty level.

Cementing Quizzes – These are application quizzes and there are several hundreds of questions that one can never complete all of them. The best part here is that the course tells you how many quizzes you need to attempt for each difficulty level and the minimum score that you need to get in these quizzes before you can proceed to the next module.
Such practice ensures that a student gets enough practice before he moves on to the next question.

Advance Algorithms – You can drill down on your performance in any area with e-Gmat’s user friendly and advanced dashboards and you get to know the exact sub areas where you are performing well and the areas where you need to go back and revise.

Support from Strategy Experts – I first wrote to the EGmat expert team on March 27, 2023 and I wrote my Gmat on Sept 20, 2023. During this period, there were so many emails exchanged between me and one of the e-Gmat Strategy experts, Akash Aggarwal. He guided me in every step and I can’t thank him enough for my GMAT score.

The best Verbal Mentor Payal Tandon – When I started my GMAT preparation, I found it difficult to even identify verbs in a sentence. Payal is so outstanding in her explanations that one thing I will miss post my exam now is listening to her videos. I attended a lot of her recorded seminars as well and she would often tell her students to ask themselves a simple question while trying to solve the question - Does this make sense. Now every time, I read a question – Payal’s voice would echo in my ears and I ask myself a lot of probe questions while trying to arrive at the answer.

Note – My review above is mostly on verbal as I had a strong base in quants. But needless to say, even the quants course of e-Gmat is outstanding.

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October 10, 2023

Dear ParikshitSaikia,

Congratulations on your score of 730 with a remarkable V41! A 90-point improvement overall is a phenomenal achievement and everyone here at e-GMAT is so happy to have been a part of your journey.

Scoring a V41 in Verbal is not an easy feat to achieve. It is possible only when you showcase consistency and dedication throughout your journey. You’ve discussed a great strategy for tackling RC passages where you are not acquainted with the topics of the passages. Through these strategies, your statistics across three subsections in Verbal in hard questions as shown in the below image, predict your amazing verbal score.

Image Link -

You showed phenomenal consistency in all subsections of Quant because of which you were able to get a Q49 in the exam. The below image shows your Quant statistics from Scholaranium which displays your hardwork –

Image Link -

With your commitment, you improved your time management abilities with each mock, making your success on the GMAT exam certain. The below image shows your journey from the mocks to the actual exam –

Image Link -

We appreciate your feedback, but the purpose behind no easy cementing quizzes is that the student will already go through a lot of practice quizzes in the modules which consist of easy and medium questions. This practice leads to a strong foundation of basics.

With your zeal, you managed to achieve excellence in the GMAT exam. I am sure that you will face every challenge thrown at you with the utmost determination and I wish you all the very best for your next steps!


September 22, 2023

Joined: Feb 27, 2023

Posts: 10

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V35

e-GMAT: My Path to GMAT Success


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

e-GMAT played a pivotal role in helping me achieve a good GMAT score. The comprehensive and structured course offered by e-GMAT not only improved my understanding of the GMAT concepts but also significantly boosted my confidence. The personalized study plan tailored to my strengths and weaknesses was a game-changer. It ensured that I focused my efforts on areas where I needed the most improvement, ultimately saving me precious study time.

Diving deeper into the verbal section:
1. Sentence Correction:
e-GMAT's "meaning-based" approach to Sentence Correction truly changed my approach towards this sub-section. Instead of relying solely on grammar rules, e-GMAT emphasized understanding the intended meaning behind each sentence. This approach not only made Sentence Correction more intuitive but also vastly improved my accuracy in this section.

2. Critical Reasoning:
Furthermore, e-GMAT's emphasis on "prethinking" for Critical Reasoning questions was a true game-changer. It taught me to anticipate the correct answer by fully grasping the argument's structure and identifying potential flaws.

And lastly, I'd like to thank Dhruv, my mentor, for his invaluable support and guidance throughout this journey. He was always readily available to clarify doubts and provide valuable insights. Throughout my preparation, he not only suggested ways of improvement, but also equipped me with the skills and confidence needed to excel in my GMAT prep.

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September 12, 2023

Joined: Feb 01, 2023

Posts: 7

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40

My GMAT Journey from 670 to 720


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I started my GMAT journey with a focus on mastering the fundamental concepts, rather than relying on shortcuts or tricks. Based on recommendations from friends, I subscribed to eGMAT on March 23, 2023, took a mock exam in which I scored 640 and began my dedicated studies.
I Started with the Verbal section, following the structured approach outlined in the course. For Critical Reasoning, I found that pre-thinking and strong elimination strategies worked exceptionally well, making this section my best. Sentence Correction was a challenge for me as English wasn't my strong suit. I delved into the basics, learning all the rules and then shifted my focus to a meaning-based approach. Over time, I discovered that dedicating significant time to understanding the question's meaning increased my accuracy from 40% to around 80%.
Reading Comprehension posed difficulties due to the language and passage volume, but I adopted a dedicated approach. I read passages wholeheartedly, which, though time-consuming initially, eventually enabled me to connect with the content. This connection made reading even long passages easier. Combining this approach with elimination strategies increased my accuracy from 50% to around 80%.
Parallely, I revisited the Quant module, covering concepts and solving quizzes. After completing the module, I took Sigma mocks, consistently scoring around 740 in the remaining five mocks. Based on these scores, I booked the exam appointment GMAT for July 21, 2023, and began revising through eGMAT's recommended Last Mile program.
However, my test day turned into a disappointment as I scored 670 (Q49, V31). It was a huge learning, highlighting the importance of test-taking strategy and time management. My time management was abysmal; I completed the verbal section in just 45 minutes. Exam stress didn’t let me follow my practiced approach.
Afterward, I consulted with Dhruv, my mentor from eGMAT, who emphasized the need to simulate the exam environment. I promptly scheduled a second appointment for August 22, 2023. I focused less on syllabus content and more on practicing my approach with mocks and official questions. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the best health on the second exam day, waking up with a headache. I decided to switch the order, taking the quant section first. By the time I reached the verbal section, my headache had disappeared, and I felt much better. During the verbal section, I stuck to the strategies I had learned, particularly the meaning-based approach for Sentence Correction and Elimination framework for RC and CR.
IR and AWA were not my top priorities, so I gave them my best without excessive worry. Upon completing the exam, my score flashed on the screen: 720 (Q49, V40). I wanted to jump out of my chair, but I controlled myself as other candidates were still taking their exams. This experience taught me the value of preparation for the test-taking environment and the importance of adhering to my well-practiced approach.

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September 22, 2023

Hi mohan1597

Heartiest Congratulations to you on your 720 score!  

Achieving a remarkable 50-point increase is an accomplishment worth mentioning.

You enhanced your SC abilities by mastering the meaning-based approach for SC. You focused on building a solid foundation by going through every course file with utmost diligence. The outcome was a consistent improvement in your SC abilities which can be seen in the image below

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Through a combination of your determined efforts and the disciplined implementation of a structured approach, you solidified your RC abilities while at the same time reducing the time taken to answer RC Questions. This resulted in a significant boost to your skills, making it almost inevitable for you to achieve an impressive V40 score. The statistics pertaining to your RC improvement serve as strong evidence, attesting to your remarkable achievement.

  Image Link -

Your Quant preparation was so solid that despite severe headache on the test day, you managed to score a Q49. Your level of preparation is evident in the Quant Scholaranium stats presented in the below image:

Image Link -

mohan1597, it was a pleasure working with you. On behalf of the entire e-GMAT team, I wish you the best for the next steps.


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