October 04, 2023

Joined: Oct 20, 2019

Posts: 1

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

Highly Recommend e-GMAT!!!!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


1. Course structure is excellent
2. I highly recommend their mentorship program
3. I really like the AI functionality in the Quant section
4. Verbal Prep is on point, especially for SC and CR
5. Difficulty of their mock tests is similar to the actual exam’s difficulty

Would make the product better:

1. Maybe need some work on the RC section prep
2. Should think about offering the basic mentorship program at a much cheaper cost so that all students can benefit

I’m really grateful to e-GMAT for helping me through this journey. I’m a working professional in the finance industry with limited availability of free time, especially on weekdays. I was looking for a solution that helps me stick to my preparation timeline and provides me with a structured course to follow without me having to spend time figuring out what I need to study next. e-GMAT met my objectives perfectly. I had a mentor assigned by e-GMAT, Akash Aggarwal, who constantly pushed me to commit a certain number of hours per week for the GMAT prep. Also, the course structure of e-GMAT is so easy to follow. You just need to trust the process.

To be honest, my GMAT prep journey was anything but smooth. In all, my prep time was about 9 months. It included 3 months of no prep due to work commitments. Frankly, it was frustrating at times given the impact of these uncontrollable events on my prep timeline. However, the regular check-ins with Akash and his guidance really helped me push through this journey. I did give an attempt after my 8 months of prep. However, due to the final day exam anxiety, I panicked in the verbal section and, as a result, I had to cancel my score. I was really disappointed and was probably thinking about not giving another attempt. However, Akash made me realize that I was test ready and that I had to just work on my mindset for the final day. Thus, I prepped for one more month and gave another attempt, in which I was much more under control and ended up doing well.

For me, e-GMAT played the following three important roles in my journey:
1. Provided a highly structured course
2. Assigned me Akash as my mentor (I highly recommend him in case you end up opting for the e-GMAT’s mentorship program!!!)
3. Offered an excellent preparation module for the verbal section (was really important to me given I’m a non-native English speaker)

If you’re thinking about giving GMAT and are in the similar boat I was (working professional, limited time availability, non-native speaker), I highly recommend subscribing to e-GMAT.

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