September 22, 2023

Joined: Jan 25, 2022

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41 (Online)

How e-Gmat helped me score a 730


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Signature Meaning Based Approach - e-Gmat doesn't teach shortcuts but focusses on the meaning and building blocks of every topic in quants and verbal. A student just needs to follow the process diligently and you can easily score 700+.

Quality & Quantity of questions - The question quality is so great that every question teaches a student something new. Also there are several 100s of questions - one will never run out of new questions in any area.

The best verbal SMEs - Amazing mentors. They are so good at the subject that even if you are not very good at any topic, they will ensure that you easily understand each and every aspect of the subject.

Would make the product better:

Just one suggestion . In cementing (application quizzes), eGmat can add a few easy cementing quizzes to start with. The problem with starting directly with medium difficulty questions is that if a student doesn't do well, it's very easy to get demotivated. So may be a few warm up easy questions in a timed environment to begin with will help.

Why e-Gmat – I was not very good at verbal and I happened to come across the e-Gmat YouTube channel which has a lot of free content. I was very impressed, both with the quality of teaching as well as the quality of questions and I immediately decided to enroll with E Gmat.

Course Quality – The E Gmat course starts from ground zero and teaches you the most basic stuff. So even if you are not in touch with verbal/ quants for years, it becomes very easy to follow the course. It even has a master comprehension course which teaches you how to read a sentence with strategic pauses. The questions are graded in such a manner that the difficulty level increases as you complete each module.

Consistent Approach – Hands down, EGMAT is the best when it comes to the approach – be it in SC, CR or RC. It does not teach you shortcuts which often cannot be replicated across questions, but focuses on a meaning-based approach that teaches you the nuances of the topic which will help you to solve any question irrespective of the difficulty level.

Cementing Quizzes – These are application quizzes and there are several hundreds of questions that one can never complete all of them. The best part here is that the course tells you how many quizzes you need to attempt for each difficulty level and the minimum score that you need to get in these quizzes before you can proceed to the next module.
Such practice ensures that a student gets enough practice before he moves on to the next question.

Advance Algorithms – You can drill down on your performance in any area with e-Gmat’s user friendly and advanced dashboards and you get to know the exact sub areas where you are performing well and the areas where you need to go back and revise.

Support from Strategy Experts – I first wrote to the EGmat expert team on March 27, 2023 and I wrote my Gmat on Sept 20, 2023. During this period, there were so many emails exchanged between me and one of the e-Gmat Strategy experts, Akash Aggarwal. He guided me in every step and I can’t thank him enough for my GMAT score.

The best Verbal Mentor Payal Tandon – When I started my GMAT preparation, I found it difficult to even identify verbs in a sentence. Payal is so outstanding in her explanations that one thing I will miss post my exam now is listening to her videos. I attended a lot of her recorded seminars as well and she would often tell her students to ask themselves a simple question while trying to solve the question - Does this make sense. Now every time, I read a question – Payal’s voice would echo in my ears and I ask myself a lot of probe questions while trying to arrive at the answer.

Note – My review above is mostly on verbal as I had a strong base in quants. But needless to say, even the quants course of e-Gmat is outstanding.

October 10, 2023

Dear ParikshitSaikia,

Congratulations on your score of 730 with a remarkable V41! A 90-point improvement overall is a phenomenal achievement and everyone here at e-GMAT is so happy to have been a part of your journey.

Scoring a V41 in Verbal is not an easy feat to achieve. It is possible only when you showcase consistency and dedication throughout your journey. You’ve discussed a great strategy for tackling RC passages where you are not acquainted with the topics of the passages. Through these strategies, your statistics across three subsections in Verbal in hard questions as shown in the below image, predict your amazing verbal score.

Image Link -

You showed phenomenal consistency in all subsections of Quant because of which you were able to get a Q49 in the exam. The below image shows your Quant statistics from Scholaranium which displays your hardwork –

Image Link -

With your commitment, you improved your time management abilities with each mock, making your success on the GMAT exam certain. The below image shows your journey from the mocks to the actual exam –

Image Link -

We appreciate your feedback, but the purpose behind no easy cementing quizzes is that the student will already go through a lot of practice quizzes in the modules which consist of easy and medium questions. This practice leads to a strong foundation of basics.

With your zeal, you managed to achieve excellence in the GMAT exam. I am sure that you will face every challenge thrown at you with the utmost determination and I wish you all the very best for your next steps!


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