September 30, 2023

Joined: Aug 03, 2023

Posts: 2

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V44

GMAT Journey to 760 - E-GMAT


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


Flexible for someone with not a lot of time.
Many practice questions with excellent explanations.
Amazing learning modules of the concepts.

Would make the product better:

More clarity on how to make the most of the custom quizzes and all of the practice questions.

Hello all! Last week I took the GMAT for the second time and managed to score 760 (V44, Q49), up from 710 in my previous attempt. For my preparation, I mainly relied on E-GMAT. I would like to share what this preparation looked like.
I started my GMAT journey back in March 2023. I approached my preparation with no rush as I was not clear, and still am not clear, when I would be applying to an MBA program. I recently graduated from college and simply wanted to “get the GMAT out of the way” and make use of the 5-year window it has. Another relevant piece of information of my preparation is that I was working full-time throughout my preparation, so time was an issue.
When I started choosing a GMAT preparation course, I had a preconceived notion that the most important thing for preparation was practice. I also needed a course that I could take at my own rhythm due to my lack of time. Because E-GMAT had the most practice questions among the courses I was considering and because of its flexibility, I enrolled to E-GMAT.
Coming into the preparation, my weakest part was verbal, specifically sentence correction. When I started the course, I realized that practice alone was not enough and that there were several conceptual gaps I had to attack first. E-GMAT’s structured course was perfect to attack these gaps. All of the modules were very helpful.
Even though making sure all the conceptual knowledge is clear was essential, the practice that came afterward was as well. I took my first attempt of the GMAT when I had not gone through enough practice, and hence, did not get my target score. After that, my focus was primarily in practicing. For this, the E-GMAT platform is perfect. Being able to create custom quizzes tailored to once needs was super helpful. Although the amount of option for these quizzes might be a bit overwhelming at first.
Lastly, a key part of the preparation was the actions taken after taking any practice quiz, which are extensively recommended by E-GMAT. This key part was making sure I truly understood the answer of every single practice question I took, even if I got them right.
In short, the E-GMAT course manages to tackle all of the key needs of a successful GMAT preparation.

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