mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

mbaMission is a professional MBA Admissions consulting firm, specializing in helping business school applicants identify and showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications. Their dedicated consultants work one-on-one with candidates to ensure their unique stories are presented in a compelling way that will make the admissions committees take notice.
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mbaMission Admissions Consulting Reviews

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Jessica Shklar
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December 20, 2014

Posts: 4

Kudos: 5

After spending hours researching mba programs, I knew that I wanted to work with a consultant during my admissions process. Upon researching different consulting companies and reading reviews of consultants, I knew I wanted to work with mbaMission's Angela Guido as early as April 2014.

I contacted mbaMission in September 2014 and a prelimianry evaluation phone call with Angela was scheduled for the following day. I let Angela know that I was targeting the top Canadian MBA programs. Angela advised me that it would be a good idea for me to target the Round 2 deadline in January and get my GMA score closer to 700 rather than apply in the round 1 deadline of November 3rd.

On October 20th, I attended a seminar organized by my number 1 choice school. Meeting and chatting with the admissions committee and several other prospective applicants made me realize that it was in my best interest to apply in the Round 1 deadline. This gave me a little under 2 weeks to brainstorm for my essays, write rough drafts, finalize them, fix my resume and everything else that goes in between.

I came home and immediately wrote an email to Angela and asked her for her advice. Angela was quick to respond and said that I should indeed target Round 1. We set up a skype conversation the following day and laid down the groundwork and plan of action as to how we would achieve our target. What followed was a series of emails and brainstorming sessions. I would email my rough drafts to Angela in the morning and she would send me her comments in the evening. Looking back, it was like watching a well oiled machine at work and everything was very organized.

Throughout this entire process, Angela helped me bring out my strengths and weaknesses and how we could best present them to the AdCom. Angela, through her years of experience, brought with her powerful insights and a sense of calmness to this very hectic process. To start from nothing and finish a stellar application for a top MBA program in under 2 weeks is not an easy task, one that would've been impossible without the guidance of Angela.

Needless to say, the whole process was made even sweeter when I found out that I got accepted into my program of choice and Angela played a huge role in the process.

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December 19, 2014

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Kudos: 0

The GMATs for me were straightforward. Study + put in the hours + practice problems galore + take the test twice = awesome score.

But when it was time to start thinking about actually applying to schools, I had no idea what I was doing. I'm naturally more of a "flowery" writer, and I strongly believed in keeping true to myself and having my voice come through. So my writing meandered all over the place and couldn't be called "succinct" in any definition of the word.

Susan Kaplan whipped me into shape.

After getting a few free consulting calls from different companies, I connected with her the most because she showed genuine enthusiasm for helping me. Plus, her background and experience in Marketing meant a natural fit for me and my career goals.

From the outset of defining my background and career goals, Susan gently but firmly guided my writing to be more professional and concise. With each essay revision, she made detailed notes and probed with pointed questions to make me truly think about the "what" and "why" of every sentence. Even when I was on the 10th version, or when I expressed my frustration at how little progress I felt I was making, she remained positive and encouraging. In addition, it helped that I could create my own timeline and force myself to revise and finish essays because I knew Susan's time was valuable.

Most importantly, with each essay I wrote, my next one got easier because I was learning how to answer the questions well. My latter applications were definitely stronger than my first essays, because I knew what I was doing! I would not have been so knowledgeable if I muddled through by myself. I pushed myself the harder knowing Susan was with me every step of the way.

Of course, I can't forget the comprehensiveness of the packages mbaMission offers either. From in-depth calls, to mock videos and interviews (individual and group), to the Insider Guides and other resources, every element helped me make my application and interviews better.

After R1, I was able to get into one of my top schools, and have other schools in my back pocket.

I definitely would not have gotten as far as I did without mbaMission and Susan, and I would highly recommend both the company and the consultant to anyone!

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December 17, 2014

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I initially contacted Angela in mid-July for a free 30 minute consultation to talk through my admissions strategy and she remained an advisor throughout the process. Round 1 applications were due in about 6 weeks and I had not done anything other than taken the GMAT. She provided a gameplan and assured me that if I worked efficiently, I could get the applications in on time for round 1, which in my case, would give me slightly better odds.

Angela gave me honest and open feedback and delivered great value to me. My resume transformed tremendously. I had all the right experience, but she helped me convey it concisely and in a results oriented manner. She was also very helpful with brainstorming essay topics. Not only did she give honest advice on essay topics, but her background as a writer was a true differentiator. When B-schools get 10,000+ applications, I knew my essay had to be unique and engaging and Angela has stellar experience advising students on how to remain engaging and on point, while still inserting creative personality.

She stayed in contact with me throughout the whole process and held an "interview seminar" which trained me on how to organize an answer to any question and how to use stories from my past to engage the interviewer and give relevant examples.

Most important, Angela has an effervescent personality and a joy to work with. She genuinely wants to see you be successful and was a great resource to help me through this process.

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December 03, 2014

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

At the beginning of the admissions process, a friend noted to me that consultants can help frame my story to increase the chances of admissions. With a GMAT score of only 700, I was worried that I would not receive acceptance into my school of choice, Columbia. I decided to look into the services of MBAMission. At first, the school package cost seemed like an absurd price to pay, but it was worth every dime.

Specifically, I talked to Daniel Richards on the phone who within a 15 minute call was able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of my candidacy.

I had difficulty framing my story, a vital part of the application process, to fit the Columbia paradigm. Currently, I work at a Big 4 Accounting Firm and before talking to Daniel, I had planned on focusing my essays and application on my experiences at a Big 4 firm. However, Daniel was able to redirect my story and really hone in on my post MBA goals. Because I plan to enter the family business after my MBA, Daniel helped me refocus my story to incorporate my experiences with the family business and how specifically Columbia MBA would help me achieve my goals with the family business. Without Daniel, I would have not even mentioned the family business. I wholeheartedly believe that his direction was vital to my acceptance into Columbia, without it my story was weak and not unique in any sense.

Just through short discussions on the phone, Daniel was able to refine and clarify my story with ease. Overall, I strongly recommend working with Daniel. I had decided to apply and hire MBAMission just 7 to 8 weeks before the application deadline, which exemplifies MBAMission (and Daniels) ability to provide results in a short time frame. He is very easy to work with and simplified the process in a way that reduced my stress and allowed me not to be overwhelmed. I had thought that my dream school was a long-shot, but with Daniel's help it became a reality.


CBS Class of 2016

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October 31, 2014

Posts: 53

Kudos: 64

Self-reported Score:
660 Q49 V31

I have long known that I would need some experts help to get into a top MBA program. With a well-below-average GMAT score and a relatively young age (25 years-old), I was already down the list for the admission committee. I knew I needed some real extra effort to stand out. This is when I made the decision to sign up for a free 30-minute consultation call with MBAMission. I specifically chose Liza Weale coz I trusted she would know what I must do. Liza felt and suggested that I should sign up with Debbie Choy to help me out with my application. Though I never knew or talked to Debbie, I trusted that Liza saw a chemistry between me and Debbie. And boy, was she right! It was by the far the best decision I made. From application to interview, everything is nice and smooth with her honest/effective/constructive/candid feedback and golden suggestions. No detail is too small with Debbie. You would seriously be surprised with how fast and smart you start getting. Debbie was the exact definition of going above and beyond. She’s even sent me her feedback at times when it was a weekend or a holiday, something I agreed on the contract not to expect at all. I am really a different and a better person now after knowing and working with Debbie.

To give you an more of an idea on how awesome Debbie was, I have signed up for 4 packages and I winded up needing to use one only (Because the first was to my dream school). This is how super good she was. Working with Debbie Choy was the real secret behind going into my dream school.

Again, choosing to work with Debbie Choy was be far the best decision I made.

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October 22, 2014

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Jessica Shklar is someone you absolutely need on your team throughout your MBA application process. Although I only applied to one (top 10) school, got an interview, but in the end, was not accepted, there's nothing I would change about my decision to work with Jessica and mbaMission.

I must admit, I was quite intimidated by Jessica initially! She has a very impressive professional and academic background, understanding of the nuances of each school/program, and communicates with an incisiveness I would equate to Sheryl Sandberg's. Having worked with her the last 6 months, I can attest to her caring, genuine and down to earth nature, and consider myself very lucky to have had Jessica as my MBA consultant this year.

Jessica made a stressful period manageable - she was available to speak anytime, answered emails nearly immediately and was never late (but typically early) for her promised turnaround period. She provided unbiased opinions and advice, which was extremely valuable during a process requiring intense self-reflection, and was very supportive when I received the news I was not accepted.

For anyone like me - on the younger side for the average MBA applicant, not a banker/consultant, previous work experience doesn't fit many 'career tracks' or appear on drop down lists, might not project the most self-confidence or take ownership for all your professional accomplishments (yet) - working with Jessica will not only boost your odds at acceptance to a top MBA program, but also strengthen your ability to clearly, present your background and 'story' to potential employers, mentors, and/or colleagues...

After explaining the projects I'd led professionally over our brainstorming call, I sent my first CV and essay drafts to Jessica. She quickly responded with feedback, encouraging me to take more ownership for the accomplishments I described on our call, in my writing. She helped tweak my language and portray my experiences in a new light that anyone could relate to or understand, while never completely revising or editing the original content.

Jessica's guidance on how to best present my professional/academic background, and explain my short/long term career ambitions, has been extremely beneficial professionally and personally - I now take ownership for my work, confidently embrace my non-traditional path, and recently landed a dream job because of it.

Had I not worked with Jessica, I highly doubt applying to bschool and not being offered admission, would've been nearly as productive of a process in the end.

You absolutely won't regret your decision to invest in a consulting package with Jessica Shklar...even if you don't get in :)

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October 07, 2014

Joined: Apr 06, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
650 Q42 V37

my profile.

-investment consultant for five years - I serve billionaire families
-undergrad - 3.8 GPA at loyola university - double majored in econ and finance
-GMAT score #1: 570
-GMAT score #2: 650
- I am a big bro for big brother big sister
- i had good letters of recommendation from my boss and two well respected clients

i hired adam from mbamission, because i knew i had to craft a unique story. my demographic is a dime a dozen, so i needed to stand out.

i hired adam to help me with my kellogg essays. the process was what i expected. i did all of the work, but asked the right questions, which forced me to improve my work. once we were almost done he helped me word smith.

i was admitted to kellogg and booth, though adam only helped with the kellogg essays.

i enjoyed the process. i learned a lot about myself and how to craft a story and ask smart questions (adam, did a great job at this).

yes, it was stressful, but i would be worried if it wasn't.

i would possibly recommend the service. it depends on the applicant and if they can afford to shell out $4k.

if you have any questions. please feel free to contact me.

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September 29, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
730 Q49 V40

Background: 730 GMAT; 4 years experience at a boutique investment bank; 3.4 GPA at a state school

When I decided to apply to business schools in the first couple months of 2013, I reached out to a few MBA application consulting firms for free consultations, and I immediately clicked with Jessica Shklar from mbaMission. During our 30-minute call, she was able to point out parts of my resume that I was understating and suggested a few schools that she thought would be good fits for me.

I signed up for mbaMissions start-to-finish package and once essay questions began to be released, my first brainstorming session with Jessica was a complete success. Even though my brainstorming document was about half the length of typical clients, she was able to ask all the right questions about my background and experiences to piece together a coherent and compelling "story" for me that I never would have thought of on my own.

After that call, I reviewed my notes and began drafting my first essay. Upon submitting my first draft, Jessica promptly reverted back to me thorough and extremely helpful comments while also making sure that I continued to write in my own voice by always being open to discuss any questions or concerns. She also kept me on track and periodically checked in on my progress given that the two schools I was applying to (HBS & Booth) had relatively earlier deadlines. Even my recommenders had nothing but compliments for her style of input. Once the time came to submit my applications, we did one final review of the entire application for each school, including all the short answers, and I was very proud of the applications I was able to produce.

If you are looking for someone that will truly make the grueling application process enjoyable and less stressful, please give Jessica a call, as she was always genuinely invested in my success all the way from school selection to essay drafting to interview prep and even post-admission advice. There was no way I would’ve gotten into Booth without her wonderful advice.

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September 29, 2014

Posts: 4

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V40

First off, I 100% recommend mbaMission to anybody who is serious and dedicated to getting into a top MBA program. The start-to-finish consulting service was clearly organized, professional, and very thorough. You absolutely get your money's worth.

With that being said, I was lucky enough to work with Rachel Beck who is not only a phenomenal writer but a fantastic story-teller. Right off the bat she was able to draw out pieces of my history and string them together into a cohesive and comprehensive story illustrating who I am and where I want to go. The entire process took a lot of soul-searching, but if you are willing to put in the time, you will absolutely reap the benefits of a clear and all-encompassing application.

Rachel was fantastic to work with and I could genuinely see that she cared about me and my future. All emails, inquiries, and drafts were promptly responded to. She also followed up at various times during the application process to check on my progress. Most important, though, was that she gave me honest feedback that helped craft a strong application about my goals going forward. She let me know what was going to work and what was going to face-plant. I'm a born critic, and have no problem calling anybody out if they are slacking or not putting in 100%. I can say with utmost certainty that Rachel put everything into helping me succeed. She is the type of person that strives to help others anyway possible. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised how much effort she put into the entire process, start to finish.

I wholeheartedly would recommend Rachel for anybody seriously contemplating a top B-School. If you are looking for a consultant with strong writing skills, an honest opinion, and a very hard work-ethic, then Rachel is your girl!

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September 23, 2014

Joined: Sep 23, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

I signed up with Dan in May for a three school package, unsure if I would be a great candidate for top 10 business schools. By September I had gotten into my top choice (and a top 10 business school). I highly recommend Dan for several reasons.

First, he is extremely knowledgeable and helps de-mystify the process for you. I had done my research on schools through forums and blogs but I still had a lot of questions and Dan was willing and able to answer all of them. He also helped me set a schedule to keep me on track and get my applications done on time. In fact, I was able to get my application to my top school submitted one month before I had planned! This definitely helped my chances since I was applying to a rolling admissions school.

Additionally, my essays would not have been nearly as strong without his help. He knows what the admissions committees are looking for. Several times I figured my essays were good enough but Dan would push me to keep re-writing until I had an excellent essay. He definitely will tell it like it is and provide honest feedback which you might not get if just a friend or family member is reviewing your essays.

Furthermore, Dan really helped me articulate my story and journey to getting an MBA. He was able to help me determine which parts of my story to highlight that would make me a unique and strong applicant. Dan helped me weave this story into my responses during our mock interview which ultimately allowed me to nail my actual interview. I had done several behavioral interviews before, but the MBA interview is different and Dan was a great coach.

I truly would not have been as strong of a candidate without Dan’s help. He played a critical role in my applications and interviews.

For those who are hesitant due to the price of the services – this is a small price to pay compared to the tuition of business school. Spend the money now to give yourself the best shot of getting into the schools you want. You won't regret hiring Dan and mbaMission!

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