e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1205 reviews
November 13, 2014

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Improvement 80 Points

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I have to say that taking this course has been the best choice that I have made regarding verbal GMAT prep courses.

One year ago, I took a different verbal course with no significant improvement. My score in verbal was between 19 and 22 points. Then, I realized that I needed a course for people who english was not their first language. After my research, I found e-GMAT. The most incredible is that, in only 1 month, my verbal score improved and reached a score of 33 points in my mock tests.

I truly recommend this course, and I hope you enjoy studying in the same way I did.

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November 05, 2014

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I was advised to use e-gmat for my verbal prep by a Columbia Alum. So I took it up straight away after being on a few of Rajat's free sessions. This is when I decided to take e-gmat.

What I totally loved were the examples and the videos. It made a lot of sense and for someone who was always on the move it was worth every penny. Secondly, when I decided to postpone my exam date they were very helpful in deactivating and then reactivating the subscription.

This course truly gives value for money for the non-native speaker. There are so many small nuances in our English that we always fall in the GMAT traps. Verbal is more important for a good score than is quant.

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November 02, 2014

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I have tried 3 different prep-courses for GMAT preparation before switching to e-GMAT. Being non-native speaker, I always had problem with verbal section, specially SC and RC. I tried all these 3 courses based on review and price and helped me to improve my verbal score from 28 to 32. Although my quant is very good, I always got bad score due to verbal low score. Then I decided to look for courses that target non-natives as we learn English in a differently than native speakers. Then I found e-GMAT and most them had positive reviews and verbal score improvement and most importantly from "NON-NATIVES". I made up my mind to try this and started using it's trial version and liked it immensely and even attended one of the live sessions about verbal strategies from e-GMAT. After this , I was convinced and took Verbal online courses and within 10 days of my practice of 4 hrs a day I found improvements in SC and RC. When I took the mock tests after 20 days, my verbal score was improved to 37-39. I must attribute this improvement to e-GMAT as it helped me to solve verbal questions in methodically. This skill I developed solely due to e-GMAT's thorough and detailed approach in teaching verbal courses. e-GMAT not only teaches the rules but also helps you learn how to apply them in solving the questions. After practicing and learn all the methods my score stands at 41. Thanks to e-GMAT and their excellent course I feel I have learnt effectively and able to tackle GMAT verbal section with confidence. Based on my experience I would recommend e-GMAT verbal online course to anyone having tough time in mastering verbal for GMAT exam.

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October 22, 2014

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Dear Viewers,
I have purchased the e-GMAT's ' Verbal Online' course and found it very useful.
It is structured very well and with increasing level of difficulties for each section.
It is very user friendly and easy to access.
Each level needs previous levels to be complete which helped me to focus on concept building and then the application of the concept in the GMAT questions.
Also there is test on each topic and the result in terms of marks which shows our expertise in the tested topic. So that we can evaluate our self better and prepare the weak points better.
Thank You.

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October 21, 2014

Joined: Jan 26, 2014

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Hello everyone,
I have purchased the e gmat verbal online course some time back.
The best thing to mention about the course is the training methodology used.. the audio visual stuff is simply superb concept they have implemented..
Once you revisit the concept for 3-5 times, believe me, you wont forget that thing for the rest of your life.. thats how its taught..
I have still not completed all sections of the verbal course.. but still there is a clear improvement from V25 to V32 (even though 20% of the stuff is still pending from my side)
e gmat has taken my confidence to a new level while answering verbal question.. Now I know why a choice is technically incorrect..
I would definately recommend e gmat verbal for anyone who wants a drastic improvement in verbal section.. Will post a debrief after giving my gmat which is 1 month away..
> Akshay K.

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October 20, 2014

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when i started my Gmat Preparation in August,i gave my first Manhattan Mock and i scored 590(Q47,V24). I felt very low when i saw my verbal score because prior to that i was going through the verbal( mainly CR ans SC ). MY verbal score did not improve when i gave another sectional verbal mock. Then a friend who was preparing for Gmat suggested me with e-GMAT. After going through the demo of sentence correction, i really liked the 3 step process e-Gmat. It was something different from the typical teaching style as is the case with many coaching institutes. Then, i enrolled for Egmat SC course though initially i struggled with the 3 step process but with practice it is an amazing method to crack any SC question.
Now, i am getting my verbal score in the higher thirties and still there is some room for improvement.
My Gmat is on 2nd December 2014 and i will come with the detailed once my exam is done.

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October 13, 2014

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I am a non-native speaker. I am preparing for my GMAT that is scheduled next month. I was really struggling to find a way to improve my verbal preparation. I started searching for an online course because I am doing a full time job. I have a family to take care. Then fortunately, I came across the e-GMAT course. Attended a free GMAT session arranged by e-GMAT team(Rajat Sadana).

The first thing I felt was that this team is really serious about helping students like us(Non-native). As suggested, I tried the free material provided by e-GMAT. Immediately I decided to buy the course.

Reason to buy the course:

SC (Best compared to any other course I know till now):
1. Organized in an excellent manner.
2. Concepts about reading long sentences by breaking them in clauses. (My English reading has improved in general)
3. Verb-ed and Verb-ing modifiers. Actually whole modifier concept has been unmatched.
4. Practice quiz & Practice file after each topic
5. Great articles written on modifiers, 'that' usage etc....a lot more
6. Enough stress on 'Understanding the meaning of sentence'. This only will have huge impact while preparing SC.
7. Stress to follow the process.
8. I can’t forget the words from 'Rajat Sadana' that ability comes first, before worrying about timing.


1. Another excellent material.
2. Process oriented -
3. Logical flow for each CR type.
4. After this course, I am master in handling ‘Bold Face’ questions.
5. Practice file after each topic.
6. My confidence has increased after practicing all the quizzes.

1. Good way to approach RC.
2. Follow Step by step process to handle RC.
3. Best advice in the course - Recognize change in direction of passage through keywords.
4. Applying the knowledge of Sentence structure to understand long sentences.

Weakness :

Software is a bit slow. Loading of files takes few seconds.

I do not know what score I am going to get, but one thing is sure. My confidence and way of handling Verbal qns has changed. I follow a process diligently to solve a Verbal qn.

I would recommend this e-GMAT course to anybody who is looking to improve in verbal area. Just follow the course and follow the process suggested. Its definitely going to help.

Best Regards

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October 07, 2014

Joined: Jun 11, 2013

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Self-reported Score:
600 Q48 V25
650 Q48 V31

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Dear GMAT Club Members


I took my GMAT exam a few months ago and scored a 600 (Q49, V26).

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to guess that I am a non-native English speaker. However, I never thought this would happen with me because –firstly, I am a voracious reader (English), secondly, I have been working in an English speaking country for past 3.5 years and finally my IELTS score, which I took a month before taking GMAT, was 8.5 with a perfect score 9 in speaking, listening and reading.

I spent hundreds of hours to improve my SC but to no avail. I could not understand why.

About a month after the exam, I started looking for an online course which would emphasis on verbal section particularly SC. There are lot of prep companies out there and many of them are really good, however one needs to choose based on what may work for them. Sometimes the sheer volume of prep companies makes this choice very hard for us.

E-gmat course: As you may be aware that it is an online e-learning tool which focuses on verbal section of GMAT (Quant is new so don’t know much about it). The company claims to have receive the highest positive reviews by customers on GMAT club. Given the quality of their course, I do not have any doubts about their claim.

I have listed the good and bad parts of the course which may help you make a decision.

What works:
- Content – E-gmat verbal has an awesome online content. They have nailed it. They have covered even small topics in great depth. Each topic has an online pre and post assessment quizzes, which helps you quickly see improvements in your understanding.

- Explanation – The content delivery is structured, consistent and most importantly is very effective. I loved their three step approach in SC. I was bit sceptical about their approach initially but when started applying it, I could see the results. My mock test verbal results have improved significantly and I now easily score above 36 ( highest 42, average 38).

- Blogs – I believe they are single biggest source of online article on tricky verbal concepts except GMAT club.

- Support - Their support team is also very great. Why, because it responds quickly (generally in a day’s time) with detailed solution to your question or problem. I have asked personal queries about strategy etc to Rajat and he got back to me in a day’s time with a detailed advice.

- Cost - $199, which I think is reasonable and fair.

- Free online sessions: E-gmat offers a lot of free verbal and strategies online sessions in which you can actually get a feel of virtual class room experience. I attended few and found them to be very useful. Specially the strategy session which has really useful tips.

I must have got you into thinking that e-gmat can’t do anything wrong. Unfortunately, like with all things, there is a flip side.

What does not work

- Website : The e-gmat website is a huge let down. The website is really clunky and very horribly designed. Even though it has nice look and feel to it , navigating through the website, hopping from video to another video is a night mare. One such example: You have type your bloody password every time you open e-gmat in a new tab. I think the designers never heard about the concept of called cookies !! They have recently moved from platform 1.0 to platform 2.0 but that hasn’t made any difference. It is still horrible. May they can take cue from Magoosh’s website - its sleek, elegant, simple and very user friendly.

- Questions : Though the e-gmat offers you heaps of concept files (questions are lumped into groups) to hone your skills but I have doubts about their claim of number of questions they offer (half of them are from their partner sites such as GMAT club test and ) . There is no way you can tell that the number of questions you have got right, wrong etc. at given point in time. In fact if you want to revisit a specific question you can’t do that, you have to search through concept files, search for your question which is really tedious.

- Timing of sessions : Most of the free sessions are conducted at 7:30 pm IST which is 11:00 PM AEST. For me it was incredibly hard to attend those sessions live (recording links are made available the very next day). I know this might not be a problem to most of the other e-gmat users.

I personally believe if you are weak at Verbal then perhaps e-gmat verbal online is the best online course out in the market.

I am going to take the test again in November and hopefully score my dream score of 750 plus (I know, I know it’s very hard).

Wish me luck.

P.S. GMATclub rocks !

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October 04, 2014

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I was recommended by a friend to go for the e-gmat course. Initially i wondered what more can this course provide but when i checked it out , it was an all new experience. The way the e-gmat people treat us is great and the way the course is designed is how it should be done.
Sentence Correction is the strongest part of the course and i feel SC is where most of the non native students fell the maximum pain , but SC is explained wonderfully well and all the concepts become very clear.
Reading comprehension is divided in such a way that the passage becomes small portions and it becomes easy to get over them and get the correct answers.
Critical reason is for some the easiest part, but for others the most difficult nut to crack. The e-gmat process explains everything in detail, and the most difficult problems become the easiest to solve.
Integrated Reasoning is explained in detail and cover all the portions.
The visual graphics makes learning fun and makes a solid base for the clarity of concepts.
I am still preparing for the exam but i am sure the knowledge that i have gained from this course will help me achieve my target score.
E-gmat provides free trail for some of its services. Anyone, who is looking to buy an online gmat prep course should opt for the e-gmat course.

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October 04, 2014

Joined: Oct 03, 2013

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For 6 months, I had prepared using MGMAT and other popular text books such as Powerscore,Aristotal 99 RC etc, but when I gave my mock I could not even cross 650 mark. After analysing my mocks I realized that I was doing lot of mistakes in SC, specially in the area of modifier and comparison. Even after doing MGMAT for 3 times I could not figure out the root cause, which made me frustrated.
Then I came across E-GMAT course. I initially purchased only SC part as this was the area dreading me the most. After going through foundation and SV module,I realized that I learned application of lot of concepts ,which I saw somewhere in MGMAT books but did not knew how to use them.The best part of E-GMAT is that they teach how to approach in a step by step process ,which is very helpful and make you feel confident while marking answer choice during exam. Also all their videos are short, lucid, interactive and teach how to apply their 3 step process so that your brain start functioning in a structure manner. I have almost finished my SC course and to be very honest I have now start enjoying solving SC problem, which dreaded me at one time, like maths problem .My accuracy has also improved a lot.
I was so tempted by my SC progress that I upgraded my course to verbal live. So far I have done Foundation and Inference concept ,resulting in a very good understanding of structure of CR passages . Also Live sessions are very helpful as you can practice how to apply concepts taught in modules. In Live sessions you also get a chance to attend workshop ,which provide a very good analysis of your weak areas and provide ways to improve over them.
Overall E-GMAT course has given me a confidence that with right approach and sufficient practice I can score well in verbal .

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