October 20, 2014

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Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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when i started my Gmat Preparation in August,i gave my first Manhattan Mock and i scored 590(Q47,V24). I felt very low when i saw my verbal score because prior to that i was going through the verbal( mainly CR ans SC ). MY verbal score did not improve when i gave another sectional verbal mock. Then a friend who was preparing for Gmat suggested me with e-GMAT. After going through the demo of sentence correction, i really liked the 3 step process e-Gmat. It was something different from the typical teaching style as is the case with many coaching institutes. Then, i enrolled for Egmat SC course though initially i struggled with the 3 step process but with practice it is an amazing method to crack any SC question.
Now, i am getting my verbal score in the higher thirties and still there is some room for improvement.
My Gmat is on 2nd December 2014 and i will come with the detailed once my exam is done.

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