October 04, 2014

Joined: Oct 03, 2013

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Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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For 6 months, I had prepared using MGMAT and other popular text books such as Powerscore,Aristotal 99 RC etc, but when I gave my mock I could not even cross 650 mark. After analysing my mocks I realized that I was doing lot of mistakes in SC, specially in the area of modifier and comparison. Even after doing MGMAT for 3 times I could not figure out the root cause, which made me frustrated.
Then I came across E-GMAT course. I initially purchased only SC part as this was the area dreading me the most. After going through foundation and SV module,I realized that I learned application of lot of concepts ,which I saw somewhere in MGMAT books but did not knew how to use them.The best part of E-GMAT is that they teach how to approach in a step by step process ,which is very helpful and make you feel confident while marking answer choice during exam. Also all their videos are short, lucid, interactive and teach how to apply their 3 step process so that your brain start functioning in a structure manner. I have almost finished my SC course and to be very honest I have now start enjoying solving SC problem, which dreaded me at one time, like maths problem .My accuracy has also improved a lot.
I was so tempted by my SC progress that I upgraded my course to verbal live. So far I have done Foundation and Inference concept ,resulting in a very good understanding of structure of CR passages . Also Live sessions are very helpful as you can practice how to apply concepts taught in modules. In Live sessions you also get a chance to attend workshop ,which provide a very good analysis of your weak areas and provide ways to improve over them.
Overall E-GMAT course has given me a confidence that with right approach and sufficient practice I can score well in verbal .

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